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Hide and seek with Hyde Act/ 123 agreement
by BIKAS KUMAR BHADRA on Jun 21, 2008 07:07 PM  Permalink 

The Congress-led UPA govt has refused to divulge the contents of the proposed agreememnt with IAEA for nuclear assistance to India which naturally fuels suspicions aired by Mr Prakash Karat about the inclusion of some clauses detrimental to the interests and the sovereignty of the Indian people.
The issue of the need to uphold the personal prestige of our PM in the backdrop of his open pleading with the US President for going ahead with the controversial agreement cannot be viewed in isolation. Indians have the bitter experience of the exploitation of the subcontinent by the colonial Britishers for nearly two centuries and cannot be faulted if they decide to give a patient hearing to CPI-M led leftists who are steadfastly trying to discourage the acceptance of certain clauses of the agreement which can jeopardise the sovereignty of India in the long run.
The hegemonistic tendencies of successive US govts and their desperation for maintaining the unquestioned global sole superpower status became evident thru' various unilateral actions against nations not falling in line including military interventions, without the concurrence of the United Nations which, interestingly, has its HQ in the US.
So, where is the problem in addressing the concerns of Mr Karat about the pitfalls of the Indo-US agreement, which may land India in serious trouble resulting from the possible bear-hug? Mr Karat is spearheading a courageous fight and he will be duly remembered for his efforts.

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How uninformed we all are !!
by Lohit on Jun 20, 2008 03:14 PM  Permalink 

Most of the people here havent read ALL the draft agreements with the USA and the IAEA. In fact none of us have because the government is REFUSING to show them to us. So we are all uninformed. Is this what our democracy is all about ??. The much trumpeted biggest democracy on earth. What is the point of having the biggest democracy when the quality is so bad.

By the way does anybody know, as can be verified easily, George Bush has been boasting in his home constituency in TEXAS state for one year now that he will create 250000 jobs there because he will get orders for nuclear reactors from India worth billions of dollars. Now the fact is just as we operate call centres cheaper and other BPO and produce cheaper motor parts etc etc we also MAKE nuclear reactors cheaper. Only Manmohan Singh and company would much rather have us buy them than make them so that he can look nice to some people and in the international community.

Also the world nuclear industry is moving away from uranium to thorium and plutonium. We have enough of both actually particulalry in the Himalayas. Also Australia has said they will not sell uranium to us even if we sign the deals - they have almost two-thirds of the world's reserves. Why cant evenrybody here move away from Commi or Congress or BJP bashing politics and take a simple objective view of this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ..........PLEASE PLEASE.

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The AIM of communism in India
by Vishnu Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 09:05 AM  Permalink 

It is not the aim of Communism to free nations from their ailments. Its object is to
exterminate all that is healthy and sound and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements.

We NATIONAL DEMOCRATS are the sworn enemy of the Communists and will fight to destroy Communism
in INDIA because ts leaders have planned for us INDIAN PEOPLE a slaughter on an unimaginable scale.

Such is the difference between the Communist and
The first one transforms prosperous and peaceful
countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken and poverty stricken NATION into an economically sound and prosperous state where every one can breathe freely and feel proud to be an INDIAN !

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Leftist Opposition to Nuclear Deal
by Shiv Shankar on Jun 20, 2008 06:40 AM  Permalink 

I am happy to see at least UPA has some guts to stand against bunch of losers called Communists and their chief loser Karmik Karat. This Karat loves China and he has been doing the work of China and Jihadists in opposing Indo-US nuclear deal. He does not care if China has the deal and China instructed its boy Karat to oppose and he does. Indians should identify this traitors and they should be sent to prison for treason , not to parliament

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BJP support
by Dinesh on Jun 19, 2008 11:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now BJP should declare openely that if communists withdraw support, BJP will support the govt from outside till the end of the term.

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RE:BJP support
by gopinathapai on Jun 20, 2008 07:15 AM  Permalink
No, the Upa will not accept the support as the BJP is a non secular party and the secular parties like muslim league will withdraw support and the secular ministers like lalu, arjunsingh and pranab mukherji will resign resulting the termination of secular upa rule.

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throw them out!
by vinay singh on Jun 19, 2008 11:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

what a shame that politics is ruining a country. left is a burden on this nation. throw these ediots out of this country. they show their prescence by creating trouble. let the government take decisions without feeling insecure about falling down. ultimately if india does not make this deal we will lose. the people will have to take the blame for not choosing a single party government. india is only country where politics can come in between progress, because some ediots dont like to be progressive. throw them out ......

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RE:throw them out!
by Hate Who divides on Jun 19, 2008 11:49 PM  Permalink
really what a shame for India...that our govt is not trusting our talent, Intelligence and scientist ............ really a shame for congress men whou want their own country depended on other just to fill their pocket or Swiss Account ........... feeling pity on country people who died to see us independent and propering ........we all need is readymade and reservation solution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, our scientist still working hard with payment same as or less than call center worker ............ really Vinay shame on you

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Nuclear deal
by Veena Srivastava on Jun 19, 2008 09:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am not concerned about left or right or up or down. I am ashamed of 1 billion human beings powerful democratic nation in human resources who are unable to utilise the readioactive elements of our own soil and the natural sunlight for energy.
We have to beg somebody to give us radioactive elements is something the future generation will laugh at us. The newspaper reports give that there are large number of radioactive elements ores which can provide us 10% yield which is very high in chemistry and metallurgy.
It appears that Indians are born with a begging bowl to go on begging for Thorium and Uranium when it is there in appreciable quanity.
Worse of the worse instead of signing any treaty take the Indian Navy and buy these elements from African Nations where it is available in plenty. This shows that Indians have no capacity to do these things.
There can never be any embargo on Indians because the world will stop if Indians donot work because every corner of the world the Indians make 145 nations work.
The world exists today because Indians exist every where and Indians are highly intelligent human beings.
Amidst these intelligent human beings, the politicans have made a mess of the democracy. Our businessmen have cornered many of the world trades and radioactive elements is just nothing for them to procure and bring to our shore for all the reactors.

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RE:Nuclear deal
by arkit on Jun 19, 2008 09:35 PM  Permalink
Phir to pagla garad se bahar a gaya. Koi he? ise andar leke jao. anab sanab bak rahe? U need a good sleep

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RE:Nuclear deal
by shaker on Jun 20, 2008 01:05 AM  Permalink
Arkit, come on I am with you but just think it over USA the great and powerful country - why does it want to help us, Just put yourself in someone's shoe who is giving a chocolate to a couple of kids when they dilly dally and do not respond what will you do just say go to hell and eat it your self, or if you still persist then you have some ulterior motives, Am I correct. In any case at this present stage India is not a beggar and not a poor country either, so!......... I do hate commies like hell but then I have gone through some of the 123 stuff of the nuclear deal, it does have some loop holes. In Any case if our scientists are given free hand and enough money is invested I am sure that they will come up with everything fruitfull

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RE:Nuclear deal
by mani sekaran on Jun 23, 2008 05:07 PM  Permalink
Well I never Believe Posting a message has any saying on... But I want to post a message..
You know? If you take any advanced country they
have every university doing high level research on materials and metallurgical field because it is fundamental subject for growth in very sector as you need matter and material. look at in India.. how many university first of teach Metallurgy? How do you expect a great mettaurgist then come out and make thorium as an enriched fuel? I am a metallurgist from IIT afetr bitter experice I went to IIT. Yes you can extract and enrich thorium as good as uranium. When you have monazite plenty shame that govt instead believing and making RD possibilty begging another country?

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RE:Nuclear deal
by harpreet singh on Jun 19, 2008 09:47 PM  Permalink
Oyee. what a funny thought.
get out of India see the reality.
Stop being frog in the well

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RE:Nuclear deal
by Hate Who divides on Jun 19, 2008 10:00 PM  Permalink
What the reality Harpreet Singh??? Tell us what outside the well called India

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RE:RE:Nuclear deal
by shaker on Jun 20, 2008 01:07 AM  Permalink
He probably migrated to Canada with a bowl in hand and he still has the same mentality

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RE:Nuclear deal
by Hate Who divides on Jun 19, 2008 09:46 PM  Permalink
Right said Veena .................... I think you can do something on your own ............... But these congress men is of no use including Nehru with only exception Indira Gandhi ............ they always want to see india as begger infront either USA/ Soviet Union ............ These congress men nevr trust on their people and talent ....... e.g. Nehru taken the kashmir isue which should be taken easily by war as per Indian Intelligennce and Sardar patel but he taken it to UN fo his publicity and the result is still we afce kashmir problem ............. Congress men used to Blame BJP .... But i think it becoz of BJP we have done Nuclear test on our own ...........these congress men used to paralyse the economy whether it is in terms of 72000 crore loan waiver or in Name of Nuclear Deal ............They never traust indian brain coz their pocket cannot be filled from their .......... DR Anil Kakodkar said it several time there are many region in INdia not explored propely can give uranium ............there is place in Nort East where yellow cake had been found .......they wont use to work on their self but need to beg in front of US ............they wont work on Thorium Technology ............................These congress men are uselesss

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Excessive keenness of USA to push thru' Indo Nuclear deal
by BIKAS KUMAR BHADRA on Jun 19, 2008 08:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Leaders of the LF/ CPI-M are being subjected to a vilification campaign as being indifferent to the interests of the Indian nation and responsible for blocking the US proposal for nuclear assistance.

It will be interesting to know as to the reasons for the United States taking so much of interest in pushing thru' the deal. They may derive some extra advantage compared to India if the deal finally materialises in its present form. So, the proposal should be subjected to a detailed scrutiny before acceptance by the Indian side.

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RE:Excessive keenness of USA to push thru' Indo Nuclear deal
by arkit on Jun 19, 2008 09:09 PM  Permalink
We all know why govt is trying hard to get this deal. It is because we need energy and future US administration may not be as easy this one. So it is the ripe time to sign it. What is not understandable is the reason commies r opposing it. They pretend as if they are the sole custodian of Indian N power. remember they r the only part who opposed our N tests. They opposed Kalam as president because he was part of N test. These commies are acting on behalf of china. Please kick them out or put them in Jail.

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RE:Excessive keenness of USA to push thru' Indo Nuclear deal
by shaker on Jun 20, 2008 01:11 AM  Permalink
That about commies I do agree Arkit, but let us be cautious about the nuclear deal, If we reject we do have options as we are still free and can be at liberty to do anything. But once we sign on the dotted lines then I guess we sign our own destruction. I definitely do feel that the nuclear energy is needed but not at the way USA dictates. You get me. Should.

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Left is Left
by Anand on Jun 19, 2008 07:41 PM  Permalink 

If u r not attending the meeting u will be LEFT in the middle? As the name indicates u can never be RIGHT.

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