Nepalese must not be allowed to organised bandh in India to demand for separate state. If they want state, then they have to return to their motherland-Nepal
by Koduvayur on Jun 13, 2008 12:56 PM Permalink
Very well said. No one should be allowed to dictate terms to our Government. It is because of our goodwill that the Nepalese are staying here. If they do not like India they are free to leave the country.
by Ravi on Jun 13, 2008 02:17 PM Permalink
Bangladesh was part of India prior to independence. After division, no question of bengalis going to bangladesh. Why nepalese settled in India? If you go to nepal now, nepalese will fire you as they dislike indians without any reason. Indian Government provided free passage to them and gave everything to them but what that country gave indians. They have ruined commercial established owned by indians especially marwaris. Pls ponder over these before you use your abusive words.....
by cuzo on Jun 13, 2008 04:56 PM Permalink
Gorkhas have been living in the Darjeeling hills since the 1700s ... much before Dr Campbell and britishers arrived !!! U get your facts straight before u think on this. So when half educated people like you say that gorkhas go back to Nepal, it does not make sense. The situation is very simple ... the commie govt of Bengal holds the same equal racist view as yours ... hence all these problems !!! There is no smoke without fire !!!
by P Ravi Krishnan on Jun 14, 2008 04:13 PM Permalink
Many thanks for your good and informative message. Better to use good words rather than abusive. A well educated person like you must not use third rated language.
by Ravi on Jun 14, 2008 06:29 PM Permalink
Many thanks for your good and informative message. Better to use good words rather than abusive. A well educated person like you must not use third rated language.
by sanpal on Jun 13, 2008 05:22 PM Permalink
i totally agree with you. Bengal and Gorkhaland are as different as chalk to cheese. The communist Government is holding back the gorkhaland's rights to self determination to upkeep their silly pride.