People who worship rama, krishna and/or other hindu gods are hindus. People who worship allah are muslims. People who worship jesus christ are christians.
Christians are robbers, murderers and terrorists because they believe that jesus christ gave the whole earth to the christians only. Christians also believe that they have permission from jesus christ to lie, cheat, rob and murder who ever they want to, to rule over the whole earth.
Muslims have their own but similar agenda.
Western-white-christians are racists also because they consider non-western-white-christians as fake-christians.
There are many christians with hindu names. They are christians because they worship jesus christ but not hindu gods. But these christians have hindu names, and many of them even claim to be hindus, mainly to hide the fact that they are christian terrorists.
Jesus christ is ravana, allah is kumbhakaran, nanak is meghnath, and sonia gandhi is tadaka.
I quote from "Calicut: The City of Truth Revisited by Prof. M.G.S Narayanan:
As mentioned above, when the fear of humiliation and conversion to Islam gripped him, the king reportedly set fire to the powder magazine with his own hand. This happened on 27th April, corresponding to 14th of Medam, 941 me (1766 AD) on Chitra day. The blowing up of the fort was symbolic of the end of Zamorin's rule of Calicut which had lasted for more than 600 years. The Capital city from where his ancestors had marched out "to die, kill and conquer" was no more the same.
Thus the last ruler of the dynasty which treated Islam with dignity and promototed the Mappila interests in Malabar, perished due to the attack of a Muslim aggressor from Mysore. It gods to the credit of the Mapplia community that during three decades of Mysore occupation under Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan, they refused, with a few exceptions like the Ali Rajas of Cannanore, to join hands with the invaders inspite of appeals in the name of religion"
So the patrotic muslims never joined hands with the aggressors or terrorists. Why are you trying to justify terrorism here? Any amount of white-washing or crying foul in the name of "Zionist conspiracy" or "Sangh Parivar Agenda" is not going to make any difference. The activities of the followers of "the religion of peace" is there all over the world for those who have eyes "to see".
RE:@ Palani - behave like a true Indian like your ancestors
by Virgo on Jun 11, 2008 03:07 PM Permalink
JGN, I think you have to ask yourself why was it that Zamorin from a minority community had to rule over Calicut in the first place, as also the question of why minority Muslims ruled over most of India? It certainly was not because Islam spread in India peacefully or that the Muslim rulers were great as you are trying to portray Zamorin.
If these people were Afghans, Arabs, Persians, Turks, Mongols etc. as they claim (basis for the partition), what were they doing in India in the first place? Apparently, they invaded, occupied and subjugated the local Hindu population. I am saying this to promote any hatred, but everyone needs to know this unwashed truth. Especially our Muslims need to know this and accept that great injustice and oppression of Hindus was done by their invading hordes not to mention the ultimate breakup of the country in 1947. Unless and until they do this and issue a sincere apology to the Hindus, there will never be total atonement between the communities. Muslims need to do a serious soul searching, instead of being defensive, if they want peace and harmony.
RE:@ Palani - behave like a true Indian like your ancestors
by Virgo on Jun 11, 2008 03:19 PM Permalink
OOPs, I just realixed that Zamorin was a Hindu. But what I wanted to say was that it is not correct to paint the Moppilas as good people. The Moppilas massacred about 50,000 Hindus in the early 1920's after they returned from Arabian pilgrimage. They wanted to establish the Caliphate in India.
RE:@ Palani - behave like a true Indian like your ancestors
by JGN on Jun 11, 2008 05:20 PM Permalink
Mr. Virgo, an Islamic Caliphate was in fact established in 1921 (consisting of 3 and a half talukas and lasting for four and a half months). The "Calipha" was one Ali Mussaliar and his PM was oneVarikunnath Ahmed Haji. While Ali Mussaliar was hanged by the Britishers at Coimbatore prison, his PM was shot dead at Malappuram.
Islam was spread in Malabar peacefully except for a few conversions during the 1921 riots and a few during the occupation of Tippu Sultan mainly due to the interaction with Arab traders and also due to the efforts of Malik Deenar (an Arab religious leader who came to the shores of Kerala). The Malabar muslims not so fanatic like their counter-parts in other parts of our country.
RE:RE:@ Palani - behave like a true Indian like your ancestors
by Virgo on Jun 14, 2008 10:08 AM Permalink
Here is an excerpt from an article in Rediff "Apartheid in India, April 21, 2004" by Rajiv Sreenivasan that throws more light on the Mopla massacre.
Maraad is worrying precisely because of the 1921 Moplah Rebellion. Muslims, allegedly unhappy about the disbanding of the Caliphate in distant Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the British, went on a rampage against their Hindu neighbours who had done neither them, nor the Caliphate, any harm, nor provoked them in any way. Apparently the Muslims wanted to kill Britons, but since none were available, they killed Hindus. In the words of B R Ambedkar, not known to be excessively fond of Hindus, 'The Hindus were visited by a dire fate at the hands of the Moplas. Massacres, forcible conversions, desecration of temples, foul outrages upon women, such as ripping open pregnant women, pillage, arson and destruction -- in short, all the accompaniments of brutal and unrestrained barbarism, were perpetrated freely by the Moplas upon the Hindus… The number of Hindus who were killed, wounded or converted is not known. But the number must have been enormous.' (page 163, Ambedkar, Writings and Speeches Vol 8).
RE:@ Palani
by Virgo on Jun 11, 2008 02:05 PM Permalink
JGN, you are wasting your time trying to hold a civilized debate with the Paki ISI agents. Just ignore them.
RE:@ samuel
by Virgo on Jun 11, 2008 02:02 PM Permalink
JGN, there are paki ISI SIMI agents and some commies here on this forum who are trying to derail the discussions. Just ignore them.