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reservation for votes
by sachin walvekar on Jun 02, 2008 03:21 PM  Permalink 

This is an easy solution to win elections......and a solution that no state govt will say no. The caste system is being kept alive by the politicians to meet their selfish needs.

We dont need old mindsets......had enough of this.....Identify needs based on economic criteria......remove creamy layer. To do this......we need to have NATIONAL ID.

No other solution will work in long term.....& the poilticians will keep playing games.....end result. ZILCH.

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GOD SAVE TN fromthis Blind men
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 03:19 PM  Permalink 

Oh GOd can save TN from this Blind men has he cant see arround as he is helpless king........

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Who has lived 'several hundred years'
by sreekumar radhakrishnan menon on Jun 02, 2008 03:19 PM  Permalink 

But who has lived for 'several hundred years' ??
I am just 38. For this living memory of mine I have been denied opportunities because of quota.

So who is reponsible for this 38 years :)

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TN has got a terrorist friendly govt right now complementing that at centre, A.P., Assam%u2026.
by S S on Jun 02, 2008 03:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Receipe of MK for 5 years – does anyone disagree???
Reinstate Kannagi statue
Release all Coimbatore Blast (including madani )
introduced a bill to revoke the anti-conversion law,
Revoke Anti-conversion bill and allow Missionaries to breed fast in villages
Allow LeT to set up more camps and suppress police from raiding those to please Congress
Alloe LTTE to set up more camps
Crush e Sun TV and promote Raj/ Kalaingar TV which r to be given free
Allow muslim communities to produce Blue films and entertain Gulf Sheikhs
Reopen all leather factories and further pollute ground water – it is afterall poor people who dring well water
Empty the coffers
List to go on….
Development in the 5th year

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RE:TN has got a terrorist friendly govt right now complementing that at centre, A.P., Assam%u2026.
by apocalypto on Jun 02, 2008 03:21 PM  Permalink
Another point :
3 officials of Dinakaran news paper were burnt alive in Madurai.
Made his son escape from charges

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RE:TN has got a terrorist friendly govt right now complementing that at centre, A.P., Assam%u2026.
by ralph nader on Jun 02, 2008 03:21 PM  Permalink
also making sure nalini is released from prison and sent safely back home

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more mischief
by vox populi on Jun 02, 2008 03:03 PM  Permalink 

this nut case is at it again-he is obviously upping the ante thinking that the UPA govt is cornered.

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