I don't know what education people had several 100 years ago? REading vedas, puranas.. ??
Apart from the brahmins of ancient times who knew only religious education, all other people were well versed in jobs like trade, kingship, warriors etc.,
So, I don't know what has been denied to them for several 100 years. TN was ruled by kings who were not brahmins.
I guess this can happen only in india.... raj thatckrey openly making regionalistic statements.... every state making their own laws which may hurt the national sentiments.... i guess someone writly said " democracy is government of fools as in any society fools are in majority"
RE:Lets bring N.Modi on national front to make him next PM to handle such nusense in society
by Sandeep on Jun 02, 2008 03:31 PM Permalink
I do........
Actualy this blind men dont want to be indian...........He dont want to recognised as Indian...........if we go through party agenda.........tomorrow he will ask for seperate nation.........i think people from TN to come forward to throw him in the bay of bengal......
RE:Enough karunanidihi ............enough now..........Next generation is not going to Spit on ur agendassssssssssss
by Bharatvasi on Jun 02, 2008 03:36 PM Permalink
Modi club, This will not happen. TNiites are corrupted with 'reservationist' mentality. Pitiest part is there are people in TN who are prepared to die for him. Even god cannot save TN from its ignorance.
RE:RE:Enough karunanidihi ............enough now..........Next generation is not going to Spit on ur agendassssssssssss
by A. Swaminathan on Jun 02, 2008 03:43 PM Permalink
Is it TN had gone to such a worst stage,whereas your state is no 1 in the country, interms of education,industry.etc.?
RE:Enough karunanidihi ............enough now..........Next generation is not going to Spit on ur agendassssssssssss
by Manoj Kumar on Jun 02, 2008 04:11 PM Permalink
Hi Bharatvasi,
Why are you pulling tamilnadu society here in? Politicians are politicians wherever they are. For this matter the entire politicians in the country are so corrupt and making politics to fill their vote banks and to appease themselves. Stop talking about a general society and talk any politician individually. Its only your statement will divide indian than karunanihi's statement.
RE:Who has lived for 'several hundred years' ??
by sreekumar radhakrishnan menon on Jun 02, 2008 03:31 PM Permalink
It was 'Vivekananda' in his famous speech in 'Chicago' dwelled on 'punarjanmas'. So one upper caste this life, could very well be lower caste next life and vice versa.
The only solution to this madness is to elct a a single party majority at the centre, preferably BJP. He does not want the creamy layer to be excluded so that they can become the new "Upper class" to suppress the economically weak.
Prabhakaran ___------LTTE Khush huaaaaaaaaa.........pls bind ur lungi first and tie up properly.......otherwise i hv to make one resolotuion for ur lungi ...........men