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Congress is selling India-- British still rules India
by Ram sarma Konduri on Jul 31, 2008 11:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Inspite of India beeing a Nuclear power state, US government feels India has no nuclear power. by signing the agreement, US government will ask India not to have any nuclear power at all, so they will shut all weapon options... and become slave to other countries..-- British still rules India

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RE:Congress is selling India-- British still rules India
by desi on Aug 01, 2008 12:33 AM  Permalink
read the deal properly before u talk. half knowledge is very dangerous... its like voting for caste, religion even if the candidate is a criminal...1st vote for india and not ur caste and then talk...

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by amol on Jul 31, 2008 11:06 PM  Permalink 

MANMOHAN SINGH IN PARLIAMENT on August 13, 2007 The Agreement does not in any way affect India’s right to undertake future nuclear tests.

AND NOW as you confirm again US SECRETARY Burns says, "When this agreement was negotiated, it was fully consistent with the provisions of the Hyde Act. So we have the right to terminate it if India tests."

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India's power and influence is growing
by swapnil daingade on Jul 31, 2008 10:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He said that he was confident that "if the Nuclear Suppliers Group makes a decision by secret ballot, the proposal for a special exemption for India will fail."

But he said because the consensus that would be reached would not be by a secret ballot, he believed it would favour India "because a vast majority of the NSG members will not want to disappoint India or the United States."

Just an indicator that the world recognizes India as a emerging SuperPower.

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Credibility of MMS and Pranab
by Harinder Singh Mehbub on Jul 31, 2008 09:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Both of them keep stating that we can test and Hyde does not apply. Should we believe them?

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RE:Credibility of MMS and Pranab
by santosh srivastav on Jul 31, 2008 10:34 PM  Permalink
Yeh kaun hai yaar 3 din se paka raha sab ko....

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RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by Bharat Kr on Jul 31, 2008 08:26 PM  Permalink
The whole nation knows Congress is the mother of terrorism and riots in India. They take help from diverse Terror groups to come to power and sustain power by hook or crook.

In Asom, ULFA was founded by the Congress to destroy regional party AGP and they succeeded. In AP, they took help of naxalites-maoists to come to power. Lists goes on. Who created Bhindranwale? By the Congress under Indira Gandhi. Who created LTTE and Prabhakaran? Congress under Indira trained him, and Congress under Rajiv declared war against it.

Why Congress-led govt repealed the anti-terror law POTA, the very first act after coming to power? Why Congress don't allow anti-Terror laws? Why Congress don't allow to pass the Rajasthan and Gujarat anti-terror laws? When Congress repealed anti-terror law and don't allow enacting anti-terror laws, it is clear that they facilitate, support terrorism (for their vote-banks and power).

BJP must made it clear to Congress-led illegal minority govt and the President that, as they are not allowing any anti=terror laws, they are solely responsible for all terror attacks (esp. in BJP-NDA ruled states). And BJP must make this statement clear by filing it in the Supreme Court.

I salute Smt Sushma Swaraj, for speaking out the heart. Not many people have guts to speak out heart, as all politicians want to be politically correct. Let Congress prove they have not done it to divert attention from Cash for Vote scam. Let Congress tell the nation, why they down't

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RE:RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by Bharat Kr on Jul 31, 2008 08:27 PM  Permalink
contd from above:

Let Congress tell the nation, why they down't allow anti-terror laws, and allowing terror after terror attacks in the country. The fact is that Congress-led govt itself a fraud on the nation, what right this illegal govt have to govern the nation? Is India today under Congress any different from lawless African nations?

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RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 09:44 PM  Permalink
yeah yeah India is a total mess that is why we live to 69 years whereas in sub-saharan African countries people live to the mighty old age of 45 years so sad Indians

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RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by Righteous on Jul 31, 2008 09:08 PM  Permalink
hi vedprakash

you are right

USA is responsible for it,,,they took help of ISI & CIA agents here....AFTER ALL AN AMERICAN is caught from Navi Mumbai sending E-mail threatning of attacks

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RE:RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 09:45 PM  Permalink
I also heard Americans caused drought in Karnataka.

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RE:Is Sushma correct after all!
by vinayak purohit on Jul 31, 2008 10:12 PM  Permalink
i agree with u ved america jiska yaar usko dushman kya darkar.read what they have done today to their old ally for trying to show independence.

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India does not need to conduct more tests as part of the deal give India...
by Proud Hindustani on Jul 31, 2008 08:09 PM  Permalink 

100 plus nuclear war heads from USA's overstocked stockpile. Everybody wins. Aren't they supposed to destroy them per the treaty with ex USSR? So should Russia do the same. Then we can all go along with peaceful trade in other sectors.

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Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by hindhu communist on Jul 31, 2008 06:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is only one doubt raises in every Indians mind after this comments by Americans

Why Man Mohan Singh lied to the nation that Hyde act is not applicable for N deal?????

Now Americans talks about withdrawal from deal,If India conducting Nuclear tests.If they said tomarrow that they will withdraw if India didnot participate in their war against Iran or Syria,what will we do???

Billions of dollars is going to spent on nuclear reactors without gurantee about these things??????/

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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 07:10 PM  Permalink
with a name like hindu communist, how can you post serious messages lol. Give me a possible scenario in which India will be required to conduct a nuclear test lol ?

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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Manish on Jul 31, 2008 11:02 PM  Permalink
Looks like before world war II, all people were able to forsee that there is a scenario that America can throw nuclear bombs to Japan !!

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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 07:11 PM  Permalink
who bothers about silly countries like Iran Syria. India is more bothered about Pakistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka etc whether Syria and Iran fights with US or does not fight who cares.

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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 09:42 PM  Permalink
he he very funny me a vermin indeed, just imagining myself to be a 'roach

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RE:RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Girish Rao on Jul 31, 2008 09:43 PM  Permalink
Americans begged India to send soldiers to Iraq but we refused. Do you think US can force us to send forces where we do not feel like sending ?

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RE:RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Bharat Kr on Jul 31, 2008 08:32 PM  Permalink
MM Singh is a Master in Lie, Cheat, Deception and Fraudism. He is a Co-Scam Master with his Italian master, Cash for Vote Scam. Have you not seen, he has become experts in many other fields. He has converted a minority govt into a majority. How mush money paid to each MPs? Rs 25 crores to uncountable benefits. All Inians must unite to defeat this anti-national Congress.

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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by vinayak purohit on Jul 31, 2008 09:01 PM  Permalink
americans wants to control so that cheap soldiers can be recruited&sent to die to fulfil their geopolitical aims.americans are refusing to join military&deserting in large no.sheltering&hiding in canada&latin america.


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RE:Why ManMohanSingh lied?
by Gopal on Jul 31, 2008 11:57 PM  Permalink
A sensible question. Right?

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Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by Hell Boy on Jul 31, 2008 05:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I dont see why India needs another nuclear test, because if there is contradiction now in the deal then there was contradiction given by the Indian government and indian Nuclear scientists after the test, because then India had declared the all their Nuclear tests were succesful and it would not require any more tests.
On the other hand also India does not need any more sanctions and isolation when the Indian economy is booming although Inflation is still the big Monster but I am sure that it will be taken care of. In current scenario all India needs to do is get itself involved with most of the major coutries be it on space project or defence projects. China is moving ahead in the african countries and making a firm grip in those countries they are investing huge amount of money in several countries and starting new projects over there and staking huge amount of money in their Natural resources, like currently they went into a deal with Congo worth somewhere around 9 bn Dollars, where in they will be constructing roads and exploring the coal mines where in they will have more then 50% of stakes, what china is doing is securing energy and natural resources for its future growth on other hand India is lacking far behind. India needs to secure its current future Energy requirements. Reason behind India and China border dispute is the natural resources in Arunachal Pradesh, Chinese know it so they are eyeing it and at same time they also dont want India to explore AP freely.

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RE:Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by amar singh on Jul 31, 2008 06:18 PM  Permalink
Who can say for tomorrow, but why we should enter into a bondage ?

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RE:Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by Hell Boy on Jul 31, 2008 06:39 PM  Permalink
Similar opinions had come up when our PM had introduced the new reforms and same people had opposd him saying that India will suffer because fo this reforms, now with time you can see and say yourself where Indai has got itself because of this reforms, our PM is a visionary and has always been a true son of our soil, so it wont be proper to doubt his intentions. If that was the case then why does pakistan opposes the deal and why is china mum on supporting India on this matter, our neighbours dont want India to prosper, that the reason that screw head Gillani went to US and asked for similar exemptions. If this deal was that bad for India why would countries like Russia and France come and openly say that this deal is good for India.

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RE:Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by Bharat Kr on Jul 31, 2008 08:35 PM  Permalink
Hell Boy: Do you need to eat another time? If you find answer to this question, you will find answer to your nuclear test question. Apply little brain, you will understand.

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RE:Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by Sudip Bhattacharjee on Jul 31, 2008 06:58 PM  Permalink
It will be foolish for India to make another test. India aspires to become a full nuclear weapon country. But that require full scale testing like those done by USA, Russia and China long time back. In this political situation, it is impossible for India to do those things. So, it is basically a non-issue. Forget about nuclear weapon. We need to concentrate on nuclear energy.

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RE:RE:Does India needs another Nuclear Test!
by Bharat Kr on Jul 31, 2008 08:35 PM  Permalink
Hell Boy: Do you need to eat another time? If you find answer to this question, you will find answer to your nuclear test question. Apply little brain, you will understand.

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by vinayak purohit on Jul 31, 2008 05:41 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

International media is repeatedly publishing, “All Muslims are not terrorist but all terrorists are Muslims”

ULFA in 16 years 1990 – 2006 conducted successfully 749 terrorist attacks (all proved). it will put kashmiri terrorist to shame.but when we read in news paper we only know abt. the kashmiri militants.how many time media, papers report about ULFA, these reports come in news brief how many people noted, never in the Headlines, Maoists in Nepal in 7 years conducted 99 terrorist attacks. Acc. to Govt. of India, Out of 600 districts in India, they are present in 150 districts. No.1 Terrorist Attack are done in India, Max, are the moaist. Maoists terrorist attacks in 1/3rd part of India! No.1 , If you compare the ppl they are killed, the attack they have done, compare to kashmiri miltants, its nowhere comparable. The maoists are the bigger danger for India but yet we find the Govt. is more afraid of Muslim Terrorist. Why, the reason is Gerog Bush. On the 9th of Sept.2006 Article came in times of india that 875 Rockets, 30 Rocket launcher, a hall of ammunition which was supposed to be supplied to maosits they were intercepted, imagine this is the biggest hall, in history of india that any terrorists organization the govt. has caught. 875 Rockets they can wage a war against indian army. & DGP of AP he was shocked,he said that with these Rocket lancher they can attack any police station any tanks of the indian govt. from the distance of 600 metes.
Yet we fe

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by vinayak purohit on Jul 31, 2008 05:44 PM  Permalink
Yet we feel afraid of muslims. Why r they targetting only muslims.
It is the ploy of the Western media which is controlled by politicians.

July 16 2008,....17 Orissa cops killed in Maoist attack on july 16, 2008

July 6th, 2008 Maoists blast building in Bihar

June 30, 2008 Assam blasts triggered by IED

June 29, 2008, 39 jawans missing after Naxal attack in Orissa

June 29, 2008 Over 50 jawans feared drowned after Naxal attack in Orissa

June 29, 2008, 6 killed in blast at Assam market




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