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Bapuji in the beginning, Bapuji in the middle and Bapuji in the end
by Vishvaksenah E on Jul 29, 2008 07:07 PM  Permalink 

History of present day India starts with Bapuji.He is the father of present day India.
There is absolutely no terrorist attack.All that is reported and shown in the TV is the work of some misguided person.

Well, this will be the history taught if UPA were to win a second term

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Thank you Mr.Francois Gautier
by Ramesh Anand on Jul 29, 2008 06:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nice of author to bring awareness to dangers to Indians and ancient Hindu culture.It was presumed that everything will be all right after the partition of India in 1947( on the basis of Muslims and non-muslims) and everything initially worked well,though the 3 crores Muslims left in India always left doubt in the mind of those whome we were fond of calling hardliners or fundamentalists.These 3 crores behaved well for the initial 15-20 years,they respected Hindus,respected their gods,festivals,rituals,culture and languages.So much so they loved Hindu names-Dalip Kumar,Ajeet,Sanjay,Meena Kumari,Madhubala etc.But things started changing with increase in their population almost on rats-rate and selfish attitude of Hindus.Congress party which did not allow their recuitment in certain forces and always doubted their patriotism,not because the Muslims are bad people but because of the teachings of Kurans which hate co existance of others with Muslims,because of intereference of Saudi Arabia and some other Islamic countries started recuiting them in extremely senstivie jobs treating them like any other citizen of India.The people who could not be faithful to their country-UK,where they were born,educated,played with other UK boys and blasted three trains and a bus killing 100 and maimming one thousand in UK.The people who could not be faithful to their ancestors(Indian Muslims were all Hindus, descendents of looting,raping etc of their grand mothers etc could not behave otherwise.

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RE:Thank you Mr.Francois Gautier
by Ramesh Anand on Jul 29, 2008 06:36 PM  Permalink
Because of the attitudes of our parties and dishonest leaders,our Muslims started wearing Islamic caps,Burqas.Our Muslims who loved our festivals and even played Holi with colours,unthinkable now,suddenly started connecting with Muslims of Pakistan,Iran,Iraq,Turky and not India.All wanted to go to Madrasas for education and Indian government patronised madrasa education least realing that that they are creating a force of terrorists who ultimately will turn into Kafeel,Safeel,haneef etc.So much so eve n jawans in army anf air force insisted on growin beard.They started doing everything which hurts Hindu.See what did Omar Abdullah said in Lok Sabha.He said"why should we give our land to amar nath shire.It is our land" and Hindus are still craving to do anything for Muslims.There was a time after partetion that Muslims did not protest when their girls went to Hindu boys.Can it happen now.They prefer killing their daughter than allowing them to marry a Hindu.This change in state of mind of our Muslims has been forced by Laloos,mulayams,Communists,Aligarh universities,Mayawatis and congress of the present.They are the remedy to the disease.Unless these people or parties join hands with cogress and BJP and bring Muslims back to realities of India,they are doomed.There will be civil war.Who will be the looser?Ofcourse the Muslims.We should try change their attitude when still there is time to avoid unnecessary blood shed.One thing is certain,Indian culture and civilisation willWIN

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Excellent Account of Current Situation
by Venkat Manthri on Jul 29, 2008 04:24 PM  Permalink 

This is a fantastic account of what’s happening around us in India and Francois did a great job as someone living in and loving India and also as an outsider giving us what we need to look at.

The current Indian society has more disruptive changes to handle than the country probably 25 years ago. We have adopted cultures, practices and technology so much that the benchmarks needed for measuring our social customs and morals are missing now. We are increasingly coming into survival mode. Our arguments more from the perspective of anything for survival rather than making sure that the society survives. Globalization has impacted our culture and moral standards.

The trust vote is a great example of disruptive nature of our lives around. Someone with over 50 years in public life, someone who acted as economic advisor to Indira Gandhi government way back and some one whom the world considers as the chief architect of India rising at least in the economic front – Dr.Singh had to go through the process which he would not have dreamt in his life. No remorse because what all the congress did is not illegal and we do not have a clear moral code to match these actions. Any argument about morals can be confronted with equally strong logic frustrating idealists like me.

The congress party has violated people’s mandate again and again and this one now for the trust vote is more glaring. Indian public voted for congress(may be UP voters to be more specific) may b

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Just the beginning
by Arjun on Jul 29, 2008 03:53 PM  Permalink 

The countless islamic terrorist attacks on India in last 5 years is just the beginning. The worst is yet to come. After 200 years, the plunder of India by arabs-jihadis has just RESTARTED. And there isn't a true Bharatiya King-Leader to fight it off.

Indian kings were divided in year 700AD when jihadis came to India. Indian Kings could not unite and fight-off the evil. The Jihadis took afganistan then pakistan then bangladesh then Kashmir over a period of 1000 years. They have resumed the invasion again now. India is still not united and will not be able to fight-off this renewed invasions by islami jihadis even though India has a population of 1 Billion, 4th largest army, weapons etc etc. We only have innumerable corrupt bureaucrats, over-weight police, out-dated intelligence services, british written Indian history, psuedo-seculars, Chinese agents, CIA agents and visionless-selfish policitians. No wonder almost every Indian wants to mimic successful and strong western civilisation such as US and western Europe. So damaged is psyche of common hindu Indians that almost every one here wants to get rid off their dark skins by applying fairness creams to their skin and look white, talk in English and queue-up outside western embassies to go-work-live abroad. How can such a demented civilisation survive?

Sorry Mr Gautier, Indian civilisation is doomed. Another 60-100 years it would be all over.

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by sg sg on Jul 29, 2008 03:24 PM  Permalink 

I think what he wrote is true, we have lost all will to fight the terror groups as we are so scared to even name the people as they belong to one perticualer community that the UPA is in self denial. And what he wrote about our civilization I think he knows more about it than we care to read, so shut up an listen, judge him after you have done your home work. Some people are so blinded by the lop sided history that we have been fed for the last 60 years by the congress and communist that they dont have the courage to question.

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Nice article from you after a long time
by sitaram sakthi on Jul 29, 2008 02:53 PM  Permalink 

Francois Gautier, nice article after a long time, expecting many such articles from you,

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RE:Willing to fight.
by tka on Jul 29, 2008 02:41 PM  Permalink
Would be really nice if you make yourselves a little more aware of RSS before commenting. A few highlights. RSS is the world's largest NGO. One of its main preaching is around Nationalism.
The biggest helper after army for gujarat earthquake, Tsunami, latur earthquake, koyna damburst. Also, they helped everyone, hindus and muslims.
Do not generally bark without knowledge or understanding. The list of their good work is too long to be put in here.
Tell me which muslims organisations have done this? They are only interested in bargaining and begging for their rights, for their religion, for their jobs, for their reservations, for their sharia and to hell with the nation.
Frankly speaking statements like " India is willing to fight" sounds very hollow from you because clearly you are out of depth to recognize the problems, and are in a state of denial and unwilling to confront the truth and keep rengading on blaming everyone and your favourite punching pad - RSS.

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RE:Willing to fight.
by Manjula A on Jul 29, 2008 02:49 PM  Permalink
Just because you bark, don't think everyone does. We write, you bark.

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RE:Willing to fight.
by Bharatiya on Jul 29, 2008 04:05 PM  Permalink
No Manjula... No ones barking here except your posts.. "tka" just asked you to check the credibilty of your post.
Y not check and give a reply. Do ur search. It will be nice to see you reply after that.

What say 'tka' ? people do require some awakening and time sometimes. Finally they will know the truth.

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RE:RE:Willing to fight.
by Bharatiya on Jul 29, 2008 04:08 PM  Permalink
I did meet Francois Gautire in person... he definitely knows what he is writing. Good Write Mr. Francois, will be eager for more

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RE:Willing to fight.
by Manjula A on Jul 30, 2008 11:24 AM  Permalink
You may have met him, but do you know he is a member of the illuminati? Do you even know what is meant by the term "illuminati", or what it does or has done till now? If you knew, you wouldn't be supporting such a man, who wants to destroy India, and has come to this holy land with that sole intention.

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RE:Willing to fight.
by john thomas on Jul 29, 2008 10:20 PM  Permalink
Manjula is a male and a DMK activist. He is a Tamil fundamentalist and whatever he says about India should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

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Exchange of Population
by Dipak Bose on Jul 29, 2008 02:14 PM  Permalink 

Exchange of population is the only solution. It should have taken place in 1947. When the non-Muslims cannot exist in Pakistan, why the Muslims are allowed to stay in India at all??

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