RE:Yes. We have to fight i-slam
by Krishnan Hariharan on Jul 31, 2008 08:21 AM Permalink
"secular jaichand" ... how we wish we had some great warriors as our leaders... Prithviraj, Maharana, Shivaji, Harshavardhana, Krishnadevaraya, Raja Raja Chola ... wonderful kings... now we have a thousand "shameless bandicoots" in power!
by Joshi Joshi on Jul 30, 2008 11:56 PM Permalink
Do U support The thing happened with Ramsevaks and innocent Children and Ladies? I think Modi Never made mistake in Ghodra times when The point comes to His Duties as CM. He Discharged them very well and Tried to stop violence. But the outrage was on large scale. He cannot control it. Had it been Congressman CM still the same thing must have happened!!! ----------Now coming to POINT I Think, We will Have to Face reality and eliminate Muslims by Converting them back to Dharm called Hindu. ---------Not today, but before generations, these people are either forcefully converted Muslims. At that time they were converted by Islamic Rulers. ---------We are now facing the consequences of that. ---------If we follow RAJA SHIVAJI and take some inspiration from his Life we will have to bring them back to Hinduism. -------- I think that will solve the major problem.
by Jagadeesan Subbarayan on Jul 31, 2008 02:46 AM Permalink
Hindusim has thrived so well only because of its tolerance towards other religions/faiths. Hinduism believes there is only one God and all are different ways to attain the One.
There are fanatics in all religions/faiths, but the percentage varies based on the interpretation by the religion heads. By doing what they do, then how will we be able to maintain what Hinduism is so my admired for "Tolerance".
by Manjula A on Jul 31, 2008 11:38 AM Permalink
A vast majority of Hindus are very accomodating and loving towards all people and faiths. Only some fall in the trap laid by foreigners like Gautier.
This my utmost conviction. No matter how many crooked forces try to persecute India, since it is the place, where humanity is given its life force, due the Magnanimous Vedic Hinduism, that unifies all other religions in their core and commonizes all religions in their core. PLEASE READ MY BELOW EXPLANATION ON WHAT IS GOD that is the true essence of the Vedic Hinduism that was able to produce Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Krishna like saints in every generation, while the rest of the world had only seen 1 or 2 saints of such stature. BELIEVE ME. IF INDIA AND VEDIC HINDUISM DOESNOT SURVIVE, THEN THAT MARKS THE END OF THE WORLD. Why? BECAUSE, VEDIC HINDUISM IS THE ESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS IN THEIR TRUE AND ORIGINAL FORMS in their CORE VALUES. EVEN MODERN SCIENCE IS NOW AFFIRMING THAT WHAT VEDIC HINDUISM HAD ESTABLISHED thousands of years back.
BELIEVE ME. Hinduism is being limited to the India and Indian sub-continent, by some racist and ego centered people of other geographycal locations, but VEDIC TEXTS AND GEETHA AND OTHER VEDIC scriptures are never told to a particular group of Humans, but was told with reference to the entire Humanity, since VEDIC TEACHINGS HAD NEVER LIMITED GIVING SOLACE TO SOME CHOOSEN FEW, BUT TO THE ENTIRE HUMANITY AND TO THE ENTIRE CREATION AS WELL.
Sir, the real killer and demise of Indian culture which we assoiceate with hindu way of life would be at the hands of Indian christians ( fathers and above ) and some normal Indian christians who understand what the objectives of christianity are. more importantly the handlers of indian christians who are the western governments, agencies working in synergy with missionaries and vatican. not to mention their power to influence great number of other non christian countries.
sir , one has to visit kerala and northeast to see the hijack of hindu way of life and creating a delibrate conciousness that these are christian. sir in another 100 years one will only know of our culture as christian origin. sir muslims dont do these cheap things they are what you see they are not cold blooded. muslims are much better. yes they kill openly, but they dont fool around and play with innocent minds, take advantage ...
Congratulations again to Francois Gautier for his thought provoking and very illuminating observations about the decline of India in almost all spheres of life . As an NRI , not born in India ,I'm not quite sure who Francois Gautier is but he obviously feels deeply for the loss of the truly Hindu values in aping the West in almost every sphere of life especially by the younger generation - regarding the consumption of alcohol as a sine qua non at all get togethers,brazen smoking by even the very young,women dressing scantily and the media concentrating on after hour activities and night life. I could go on and on but it would ruffle many feathers ! I think a lot of the younger generation Hindus are becoming disgruntled with their religion because of the rituals forced down their throats by the conservative priests.The essential teachings of the Bhagavad Gita are lost by the observance of these rituals which test the patience of the youth. With Francois Gautier's permission ,I'll quote his last paragraph :" Yes, India can borrow what is good from the West in terms of technological advancement and ecological conservation,but it should not discard all the great things that come down from ancient India and make this country so unique , so wonderful." As he so aptly put it ,there has to be a Renaissance where the citizens think as Indians and protect their women and children and their borders and fight, if necessary, to preserve their dharma . Congrats again F.Gautier !
RE:The Decline Of India
by why on Jul 30, 2008 02:27 AM Permalink
If one does not have time to understand or contemplate on the subtle meaning behind rituals. they should keep quite, and avoid. one does not have to wag their mouth and colclude why hindus are moving away from being part of her.
RE:The Decline Of India
by francois gautier on Jul 30, 2008 10:45 AM Permalink
thanks my friend you can quote ad infinitum, no problem Here is my mail: take care fr
RE:Dead Civilization
by Jagadeesan Subbarayan on Jul 30, 2008 12:07 AM Permalink
Never say lilke this. Indian Civilization wouldn't die till there is at least one to up hold it. If you want to survive the civilization, please try to follows a few of its teachings. Instead of blaming others try to imbibe into yourself.
Even though I am not great fan of Gandhiji, I like one of his saying "Be the change you want to see in others".
RE:Dead Civilization
by Manjula A on Jul 30, 2008 11:15 AM Permalink
The Indian civilisation will never ever die. The Indian culture and civilisation lie in the worship of Lord Shiva and Maata. It lies in loving every living soul. It lies in non-violence and honesty. It can never ever be destroyed. The most shameless and heartless of all the persecutors, the ARYANS have themselves not been able to do anything to it, despite leaving our Lord's Abode to the commie China and despite killing and torturing such huge numbers of native Indians. The Muslims and Christians are just DHOOL in comparison to those tormentors/ destroyers. Don't worry, the bhakthi of Lord Shiva and the Indian culture of love and brotherhood will prevail over all Hateful Immigrants, be that the Hitler's blood relatives Aryans, or Mongols, Arabs and Turks, the Muslims or the white skinned Brits, Portugese and French Doomsayers like Francois Gautier. They shall all go away some day and the Lost Glory of the Indus Valley Civilisation shall prevail.
If you read the news especially of the current ruling political party's, they criticize everything about Indian tradition, everything about being Hindu is bad, they disowned Rama who is a major icon of not just Hindus but the civilization that has evolved in the Indian subcontnent.
Rama is so much a part of Indian tradition and culture that in some parts even the morning greeting starts with "Ram Ram" and when a dead body is carried the name of lord Ram is chanted to give peace to the departed soul.
Our rulers disowned Ram, they denied his existence , they want to destroy his bridge.
What can be said, its been a fashion of ruling elite to regularly bash Hindu gods, to limit the freedom of Hindu temples, to tax the same at the same time allow every other faith free reign .
They suppress an torment and psychologically abuse Hindus so much that some sections come up with a violent verbal reaction, BJP/RSS being examples and then these are labelled as Hindu terrorists. Every tom,dick, harry who calls himself/herself champion of human rights abuses Hindus.
Some lobby worked hard with US to deny visa to some BJP leaders because our secular brigaded suspects them of starting anti-Muslim riots.
Unfortunately the US has absolutely no qualms shaking hands with Pakistan and giving them aid even if they bang the US soldiers.
And we sign a deal with them !!!
When we should be telling them to stop supporting terrorist nations !!!