People of India watched a great democratic show in Parliament on Tuesday.One could see Villian,comedian,Heroes,brokers,Headmaster(speaker)Emotional characters(yerran naidu)Gentleman(Veerendra Kumar of JD S)ETC ETC.The height of Tamasha was 1000 rupees note raining from the hands of BJP MP'S.Amar Singh is a world known broker who had completely sullied the respect of entire Congman whichever was left out.I pity Manmohan converting as 100 percent politician involving in all sorts of muddy deals.Very hard time is waiting for Cong&UPA from the likes of Maulyam JMM Karuna& others.Surely our country got a great name for horse trading sorry Donkey trading.Horse trading is an insult to horses if they are compared with our Honourable MP'S.Even donkey may feel ashamed to be equated to MP'S.
by umesh poddar on Jul 23, 2008 10:57 PM Permalink
Krishna I think ur post is the best in this forum. Your words are 100% true. Yesterday congress showed why they did not agree with the gandhiji's decision to dissolve this party after independence. They want to enjoy the fame earned by our freedom fighter by paying by giving there blood. But this bloody people started to suck our country as soon as gandhiji's death. Advani has given permission for displaying currency in parliament.(I 100% convince that they are horse-trading)He lacks forsight, not eligible for the post like PM. Rahul gandhi is the hope but he should make a new party by saying no no to this corrupt congressis.
If he was with the revenue minister (who then knew about this), how will he be a traitor? He is just a person who is showing his defiance at the correct, most effective moment. Indian bosses (whether it is i politics or in any organisation) cannot take a negetive feed back, (in the form of a defiance in this case). In any democratic party, one should be allowed to express his likings (& dislikes).
This is what Indian Democracy has come to. Votes are bought, Deals are done without full knowledge, the ever opportunist opposition feels this is the time to bring down the government and nobody cares for common man.
Its you-and-me who would paid price if they government had gone down. So although i have least sympathy for congress (and for Commies, BJPs and others of the world) - happy that they survived. We cant afford elections at this juncture when there is a slowdown across all verticals. I hope you all will agree!
RE:Accha Hain - Achchha Hain
by KALA BHAINS on Jul 23, 2008 03:44 PM Permalink
What great difference would be there if election is held now or nine months later? Actually had the govt lost the confidence motion, no election would have been possible before November-end, because the Election Commission needs time to arrange it.) This is just a bullshit message people are spreading.The next govt should take over by 22May,2009. So election process would start at least 3 months earlier. So normally by next February the process would start. Then what big difference would be there to the economy?