In our childhood we used to play a game of Chhor Police now its a modernday game of Chhor & Politics and Daav(TURN) is on Congress and they have to find out our dearest Mr. Shibu Soren from his hideout. Letus pray that before 22nd july 2008 they should get him.
RE:Is it not the the khel of chor & Politics?
by Vikas on Jul 18, 2008 11:54 AM Permalink
soon after becoming central minister in 2004, soran was indicted in a case. suddenly he disappeared. even prime minister couldnt find him for 1 month. he reappeared only after his advocate got bail for him.
after that till now congress ridiculed him by not making him central minister or jharkand CM. now BJP has offered to make him jharkand CM.
For him the BJPs offer is better since he can be CM for 3 years. Apart from that his MPs will get support from BJP to win next parliament election, and obviously they can join in the NDA govt.
if congress makes him central minister its only for 10 months. his MPs will get defeated by BJP in next parliament election.
I had missed out the great Jharhkand saint-Guruji Soren.We need to add his name to the august list below: "saints" on the UPA Side-a short list for your ready reference: (1)Amar Singh who has swollowed his honour and has supported N-Deal without any Deal behind the Deal.He has given his wish list for improvement of the country, (2)There are 5 Honourable MPs currently suffering in various jails.They are thru modern day Mahatmas and Jayprakash Narayans.Their struggle for the country and upliftment of society will continue even from behind the walls of those jails.In fact those jails are tomorrow's temples and mosques of India, (3)Then we have saint Karunanidhi who is supporting the LTTE in their hour of crisis.He recently asked "who was Ram?" because in the party that he runs there are only 3 gods and 1 Goddess-MK,Stalin,Azagiri and Kanimozi.So in fact MK is already a step ahead od "saints" (4)Then you have "god fathers" like Pawar and Pranab."God fathers" only order things-they don't do those things themselves. (5)Who can forget the Masiha of the downtroden-the one and only Arjun Singh?Bad people say that he is doing all that for catching votes but he is actually only training his followers on "how to catch votes with wooden face?" (6)Then the Management Guru of UPA-Mr Lalu Prasad Yadav.He has provided so much fodder for thought that all of us mortals-like cows and buffellows in Bihar-can keep chewing that for years. (7)Last but not the least Mata Soniaji.Such a
RE:All Saints of UPA
by vishesh verma on Jul 18, 2008 12:02 PM Permalink
Well done friend. I never understand how people use words to trick others. But whatever is the cost this deal have to be finalished. If you conduct a servy today more then 85% of youths are in faver of the deal. Now say why? Because they actuly know what this deal is and what are the benefites. People who opposing this deal are those people who dont know anything about this deal and just opposing this because somebody has told him it is not in our faver. I dont belong from any party because all parties are same but I am supporting this deal because it is really very helpfull. I appeal people specially my young friends dislike parties but support issues atleast for our country. Ones we start issue based politics instead today's blind party based politics, we no longer stay behind developed and politicaly stable countries. Come on guys "ONLY DESTINY STRICKS". REMAMBER..............
Shame on these Politicians like Soren. He knows how to get maximum out of Congress now. He already has experience with Congress in the past. The court has sentenced him to Jail and he is a Criminal like most of the Indian Politician. At this moment inorder to get the number,Congress has to persue him and get him on the fold by "Hook or Crook".
The other stupid parties are also trying to get him by the same method.
What Congress has to do now is " Use him like a CONDOME" and throw him after usage.
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by sam thomas on Jul 18, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
The only thing our countrymen can do is bring Manmohan singh with a thumping majority so that he can get rid of all these oppurtunists and also prevent advani from becoming PM because that will be the begining of another round of JIHADI Terrorism because they like someone who is a hardliner ,fundamentalists flouerish under such leaders and both side benifit remember what AFZAL GURU said recentyly about advani.. The most important aspect is only talk what you can do NOT like advani always talking from his foot in mouth ...the so called AAR-PAAR KI LADAI of kargil time...such people will never rule the country properly because they have some other agenda ,for them country's economical development is secondary..keep such politicians out bring Mnamohan singh with thumping majority to keep the growth rate..
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by Chandrakant Chellani on Jul 18, 2008 11:39 AM Permalink
Does that not tell you about congress culture? it likes power more than principles.
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by prabhat mohanty on Jul 18, 2008 11:56 AM Permalink
- We see that happening now in Karnataka.We saw before in Jharkhand and UP too.
People will punish this Congi very well, because it is not ready to give people single penny. But it distributes 25 crores each. SOREN KILLS POOR PEOPLE; CONGRESS KILLS DEMOCRACY.
RE:People will punish this Congi very well, because it is not ready to give people single penny. But it distributes 25 crores each. SOREN KILLS POOR PEOPLE; CONGRESS KILLS DEMOCRACY.
by Mayadhar Moharana on Jul 18, 2008 12:11 PM Permalink
Common man do not understand 123 of Politics. These netas have been fooling them since years and continue to do the same. Most of buerocrates are corrupt and align with whoever comes to power to loot the country. Any how the educated mass can visualise the problem but can not do any thing.
Chudhary Ajit Singh---- wants 2 be Dy. Prime Minister in exchange 4 UPA support. Devegauda---- wants 2 be Dy. Prime Minister in exchange 4 UPA support. Shibu Soren---- wants 2 be Dy. Prime Minister in exchange 4 UPA support. Rao ( Telangana) ---- wants 2 be Dy. Prime Minister in exchange 4 UPA support.
2 cut the story short we r going 2 have 1)Dy. Prime Minister--North 2)Dy. Prime Minister--South 3)Dy. Prime Minister--East 4)Dy. Prime Minister--Weat