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shut up and work
by Amarendra Joshi on Jul 18, 2008 03:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

how many of u exactly know what points the nuclear deal covers????..how many of u can tell me the clear advantages as well as disadvantages of nuclear deal.....if u dnt hve the answer just shut up and work and dont speak nything about ny politician.....

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RE:shut up and work
by Dinesh on Jul 18, 2008 06:13 PM  Permalink
1)Not dependent on indian railways for fuel transportation
2)No pollution due to ash and dust
3)Installation cost higher, but lesser running cost. Overall rs 2/- to 2.50 per unit.
4)Advanced techniques are available for disposal of burnt out fuels. Where as coal ash is highly polluting, large area land reqd., large amount of water required for transporting it.

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Where is JMM Chief.
by SREENATH KAKADASAM on Jul 18, 2008 02:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He was serving a sentence and is let out to participate in the voting of the N deal. But he has vanished. May be to have a haircut and shave with a good bath as he seems to have not taken bath for years. All these political leaders are the same, shameless, crooks and corrupt criminals.

K.R. Sreenath

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RE:Where is JMM Chief.
by Umang on Jul 18, 2008 02:30 PM  Permalink
It seems like UPA is headed towards a defeat. All these jack*ss politicians are out to strike a deal (with UPA or the opposition) and in the process no one cares for the country. There naked greed is out in the open and they are shamelessly displaying it. It would be a tremendous loss of face for the govt and India (to go to the IAEA and tell them that sorry we don't even care about our own welfare) but the situation demands that the UPA take the moral high ground, resign and call for elections. A ministry here or there, withdrawl of criminal cases, money changing hands....its not worth it.

the BJP/Left/AGM/TDP/etc etc folks stand exposed and the country should make it a point to never elect these pathetic weasels. I am not for a moment suggesting congress is all clean. They are full of crooks too but atleast on the nuclear deal issue, I think they are doing the right thing.

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RE:Where is JMM Chief.
by RAVINDRA JOSHI on Jul 18, 2008 05:40 PM  Permalink
If political leaders are shameless,crooks and corrupt, what is the character of voters( or Aam Adami)with whose support these were elected? Please think.

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by Sahadevan KK on Jul 18, 2008 02:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Congress aided with BJP/Rss media is projecting a false picture of advantages of nuclear deal ,However comman man has seen through this facade Comman Man has seen growth and development of left ruled states and he wants to embrace the same in India.Same mood is reflected in survey conducted by students of GAO LIN university in kolkatta ,When they interviewed 100 people in area around CPI head quarters 97 said they want Left rule in center.This shows support for the left in cities and towns of the country.No doubt in next election Left will rule India

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by Umang on Jul 18, 2008 02:34 PM  Permalink
someone surveys 100 people and says that the survey results reflect the opinion of 1.2Billion people.... wake up?
The left is willing to sleep with BJP (speaks volumes about their morals). If the left wants to oppose, they have every right but to try and topple the govt, that is plain unethical.

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by TheOneAndOnly on Jul 18, 2008 07:46 PM  Permalink

Con-gress speaking about Ethics ??

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by john mathew on Jul 18, 2008 02:14 PM  Permalink
Growth & Development of left ruled states in what means - Mr Sahadevan from "Hartal's Own Country". Don't talk nonesense. These communists have spoiled a beutiful land called "Kerala". Send this communee to China folks!!

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by jambu jambu jambu on Jul 18, 2008 03:50 PM  Permalink
It is high time that Dr singh shd resign by himself to keep the high standard of public life at least to set an example to the young generation, he is not a born politician, he is an upright professinal and shd give morality before everythign else

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by TheOneAndOnly on Jul 18, 2008 07:47 PM  Permalink

Be Sure Once he Resigns He will Escape to the USA and hide there forever.

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Virappa Moily can manage
by arp on Jul 18, 2008 12:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Earlier Virappa Moily charge sheeted in JMM MPs bribe case alongwith late narsimha and Ajit singh.Again virappa can manage JMM MPs.Dirty politics by congress.In bonus congress will get five votes of killer MPs .What an image of MMS

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RE:Virappa Moily can manage
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 01:20 PM  Permalink
JMM, Devegowda, Papu.................long list of criminals to save a govt .We Indians need to understand the importance of a clear mandate. Next time onwards Never let any small parties dictate terms go for national ones if else parties who have 20 - 30 MPs Minimum so that this will be eradicated

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by Dravid on Jul 18, 2008 12:54 PM  Permalink
aish karo aish

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 01:21 PM  Permalink
Kill ur self as you seem even more poisonous

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by Vibhakar Kelkar on Jul 18, 2008 01:48 PM  Permalink
Well said. People like aishwarya patil should commit suicide. They are a bhoj on earth.

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by parameswaran panicker on Jul 18, 2008 12:58 PM  Permalink
use your brain instead of going by sayings

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by uday on Jul 18, 2008 01:15 PM  Permalink
How can anybody educated hindu be so naive! Patil, you are not doing any favour to anybody by raising such issues.Even antinationals will not buy your idiotic theory.Come to senses.

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by arp on Jul 18, 2008 12:28 PM  Permalink
@Aish patil r u anti national.Trying to divide siciety.

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by Umesh Sharma on Jul 18, 2008 01:15 PM  Permalink
u r now prejudiced against sindhis as a community, which is not fair, at least they are indians and we all indians are brothers and sisters, what do we do about outsiders, like the italians, whom people like u still suck and lick, u hv not come out of the bondage, any ways all the best to u but pls donot wish it on other indians. it will be good riddance if upa fails the trust vote. at least it gives the aam aadmi to take his frustration out due to inlation n rising prices, and gives him the opportunity to elect which ever party he deserves.6nccm

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by Maprayil Joseph on Jul 18, 2008 01:42 PM  Permalink
If you dont kill the Sindhi first, the Sindhi will kill the snake first...... No accolades for you.

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by tapesh sharma on Jul 18, 2008 12:48 PM  Permalink
what y mean by addu

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RE:addu is asindhi and snake-so we should kill sindhi first or snake first.
by aishwarya patil on Jul 18, 2008 12:52 PM  Permalink
addu is advani

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by laluyadav on Jul 18, 2008 12:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

forget bse index ,invest in indian m.p.. their index goes from 5cr. to 25 cr.within 15 days.may they get extra bonus . good business, thanks to bush & co (the FII involved in this business.

what a rubbish democrecy.m.p.bikta hai bolo kharidoge ?

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by parameswaran panicker on Jul 18, 2008 01:02 PM  Permalink

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by tapesh sharma on Jul 18, 2008 12:55 PM  Permalink
Khan saab,
You have good knowledge.keep it up

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by Jayaprakash K on Jul 18, 2008 12:14 PM  Permalink 

Better get out of these filthy politics, remove all political parties and keep only 2, those who are interested in Politics beter join 1 or 2 that's enough. For their own mileage each every creates 'party'. Why should SC interevene on this matter? this is a serious issue and this will be more worse for the year to come.

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confidence Joke!
by kalisankar basuray on Jul 18, 2008 12:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Congress is bent upon in wining confidence votes by sharing largessee enjoyed by them as a ruling party either in form of money or pious sentiment in renaming an airport in any name other than Gandhis.It's all out attention is to divert attention of the people groaning under high inflation,starvation death and suicide and food insecurity when the election is knocking near the door and the people have already tasted the glory of the great congress leader who manipulated the CBI INSTRUMENT to Quttrochi to escape with the Indian money earned for Bofors deal.I wish congrees to win this confidence vote so that it
can not pose as a martyr to gain sympathy votes in the next election if defeated in this

confidence vote.ksbasu ray

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RE:confidence Joke!
by All Right on Jul 18, 2008 12:55 PM  Permalink
Why ved that they are the single out the Congress? The BJP already proved that they are the masters in this game in Karnataka - nakedly buying opposition MLAs, making them quit and imposing re-elections, elevating them to cabinet ministers etc

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RE:confidence Joke!
by Umesh Sharma on Jul 18, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink
ved is right, the seeds are sown by these congis only, narsimha rao episode is still fresh in everybody's mind, u see degeniration has been congi fault they hv ruled this country the max others hv some piddly no. of yrs to govern. karnatka still had simple majority b4 mlas walked over but upa??? v as aam aadmi hv no choice but why not take lesser devil than a bigger one??

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RE:confidence Joke!
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink
atleast we will have one stable term in Karnataka saved from Manupilations from Congis and Gowda Co.

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