All these kala-bulee is for the sake of just 10% max of total energy at a total cost of 3 lakh crores of rupees scheduled to be spent in 20 years crippling the financial system of India. The waste disposal and safety against radiation hazard is the biggest problem -technically and financially. Twenty years from now Uranium will be a rare material!! The congress is in for any kind of back-door deal to gain support from anybody in the parliament.
I hope there are some congress men still there who can influence the leadership to change the attitude. It is unpardonable to divide society vertically for the sake of a N-deal -'sign-off' of our sovereignty and freedom. All the good works done by congress will be made opaque by this single act. Let the present congress leaders emulate the old generations of congress leaders who lead freedom movement. At the moment I can only pray to God to give them sense and allow them to think without prejudice and biases.
Why this 'undue haste'.
Let a VIDURA be born in congress to guide them.
Prestige of an individual is nothing when we talk of NATIONAL INTEREST.
i m perplexed to hear these stories of leaders piling up astronomical assets. COuld some body ask the respected law makers of the country, how much a person need for bearing his or her expenses of the entire life?