Sub:WISDOM COUNCIL Intellectually hollowed Society-has less future NECESSTY: Better wisdom should prevail in advance before falling into a trapped mode DEMAND: NEUTRAL GOVERNANCE Identify Intellectuals in time of need CURIOSITY: Many developing nations look towards INDIA SUSTAIN SPIRIT: DHARMA- PROTECT LIFE ON EARTH PLANET. A delicate balance is created by Whims-fancy modes. India should come out of this rut-rat situation CREATE: WISDOM COUNCIL AS GUIDING BODY Vidyardhi Nanduri Cosmology World Peace
Thank you Mr.Siddharth Varadarajan for your analysis.March 2006 Separation plan talks of india placing its civilian nuclear facilities under india specific safeguards in perpetuity.This apparently does not distinguish between indigenous and imported nuclear facilities.In case of any perceived violation of this separation plan,which document will take precedence,this document or,the safeguards agreement with the IAEA? Even without violating any international law, the UN imposed sanctions on Iran, and India voted for the sanction.So,who is going to be bothered about the fine prints, which any way give room for more than one interpretation, when it comes to punishing India for any possible violation?Is it really necessary for india to get into all this mess, in the name of energy security?
As Indians we always see a glass HALF EMPTY and not HALF FULL - our newspaper headlines are just full of murders and rapes....grow up INDIANS.... Are true patriotic Indians aware that thanks to our nuclear program we have been denied technology, denied facilities to do specialist courses in the West, denied nuclear fuel for existing reactors, denied cleaner and cutting edge technology that helps our defence, medical and scientific fields - helps improving agriculture yields for example - Some of you may just for the sake of arguing say that we have the capability to build all the technology ourselves - yes we do - but it would be like re-inventing the wheel. We will take much longer and end up producing an obsolete version that no one wants - Look at the Tanks that DRDO rolls out or the Tejas fighter that is still being tested (don't forget the engine that powers the Tejas isn't Indian) - the Kaveri engine is still on a test bed (where in Russia i guess LOL) - so Indians please I am not a member of the Congress brigade - just a true patriotic Indian - Please instead of looking at negatives let us look at the positives of the deal....we will get access to technology, super computers, scientific assistance, training in fields we need to improve on - yes no one in this matlabi world will give u all these carrots for free - so we have to pay a price. But in my personal perception its a FAIR DEAL - a workable one and ONE IN THE OVERALL INTEREST OF INDIA. Our vision should be to m
by nimit patel on Jul 17, 2008 01:48 PM Permalink
people are not telling deal is not good,,, the thing is how can u forget all other thing like inflation, natural resources.. see my following link when USA is going to 100's of solar plant.. why india cant.. why we are not thinking for short term future also...
all know nuclear deal is good, but the way UPA is lifting itm the way they are making hype to make inflation and other things down.. its a wrong thing..
can u assume cost for reactor and nuclear plant?? USA is 13 times bigger econnomy then india with 25% population then india can afford nudelar plant..
but when u talk about india priorioty should be natural resorces, crude, inflation and other basic needs .. why congress is not doing anything about this... u can go to website of indian natural resorces agency.., u will find highest natural energy is with asian countries and mostly in india.. with 300 days 8 hrs sun light.. why u are not thinkinh also about that.. at least start work on that.. and also on nuclear dea.l... but only nuclear deal is important for govt..
ask a querstion to USA if they are so much intrested to make a deal why they cant wait next 10 months?? election is coming and new party will do it with majority..??
why congress is making so much cry to do it right now only.. why they dont want to negotiate timing for deal??
by Sandeep on Jul 20, 2008 03:25 PM Permalink
Everyone would like Solar power as that is among the cleanest sources of energy. But it is still in infancy stage and is prohibitively expensive at this time, it is 5 times as costly as coal. Though Nuclear energy is much cheaper to generate, it about same cost as oil/gas based plants if you include other charges like costlier installation/future de-commissioning etc.
Also, India is working on Solar capability, and had reserved 35000 sqKm in Rajasthan for solar projects but unfortunately, this technology is nowhere near it's prime time. Lot's of research going on and with nanotech, they hope to increase efficiency by 2-3 times and the costs are coming down too but at this stage, it does not compete with Nuclear. Also note, no nation has been able to harness Solar for any serious production whereas there are number of countries which have big contributions from Nuclear. Even states like Florida are talking about new nuclear plants to reduce dependence on fossil plants and to reduce green house gases.
Nuclear energy is the only other suitable energy which can make big difference(20000 MW) and government can not work on due to international restraints. India will never be able to make a consensus on something like this and waste all the time as other nations gallop ahead. Important people have studied it and think it is good for India and people who oppose do not have any strong logic. Already 2 years were wasted, now we should move.
by Paresh on Jul 17, 2008 07:08 PM Permalink
you got a very good point....i went thru. ur earlier messages, they were informative and if i follow your provided data then i must agree wid u.....making optimum utilization of our natural resource should be our first priority....would definatly like to read more messages from you as a reply to
by Binu Devassia on Jul 17, 2008 03:49 PM Permalink
You are right. The people who oppose the deal do not have a proven cause for the same. They are after cheap political revenge. Let our politicians study political decency from other countries. I wonder when they will grow mature enough to think on issues and capable of analysing things in line with national interest. Cheap revenge at any state(personal life, community life, political) won't help growth and development. It leads to perishable state. Our politicians are not mature enough to think above caste, religion, region and politics. First let them understand the very meaning of "Politics" itself. Most of present Indian politicians have emerged to the position exploiting the inability of common Indian people in discerning the right & wrong for them in long run. And they think they can fool the people even in this modern time where our large youth crowd has grown up in maturity and proven professionally world wide.
by farokh faramroze irani on Jul 17, 2008 01:14 PM Permalink
by samir tandon on Jul 17, 2008 02:52 PM Permalink
people like LK adwani and mayawati or prakash karat do not understand country's need. they only understand what their party's need and policy. they never ever be called true indian if struck india's sucess. Prakash karat: China do not want india to come closer to US. So he act accoding to china's order Adwani: Why its credit gone to congress when we will come then we make this happen. not for congress mayawati : i want PM post now .did she know about anything N-Deal? NO just looking for opperunity.
by Binu Devassia on Jul 17, 2008 04:03 PM Permalink
Mayawati is good for nothing. She knows nothing but only jealous. She wants to fool dalits in the name of Ambedkar and amass wealth for her. She is jealousy of what the attention our leaders like Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajive got. So she built her own statue and a temple for her.
See how nastly she behaves. She can be on power only in Uttar Pradesh. That too not for long. Because people of UP is getting educated.
by HARPREET Dhingra on Jul 18, 2008 11:57 PM Permalink
Yes Parkash Karat is foolow his masters from china & mayawati &bjp also do this they dont do anything for india they see how they get power & how make rich themself basicaly they are coward
Under construction Andasol 1 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW with heat storage, parabolic trough design Andasol 2 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW with heat storage, parabolic trough design La Risca 1 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW , parabolic trough design[3] Solnova 1 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW , parabolic trough design[4] Solnova 3 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW , parabolic trough design[5] Energia Solar De Puertollano SA Solar Plant, Spain, 50 MW , parabolic trough design[6] Extresol 1 solar power station, Spain, 50 MW , parabolic trough design[7] PS20 solar power tower, Spain Seville, 20 MW, power tower design Beni Mathar Plant, Morocco, 20 MW for hybrid plant, technology unknown[8] Solar Tres Power Tower, Spain, 17 MW with heat storage, power tower design Keahole Solar Power, Hawaii, 1 MW, MicroCSP parabolic trough design[9]
[edit] Announced-USA Ivanpah Solar, USA California, 500 MW 400 MW optional extension, power tower design[10] Mojave Solar Park, USA California, 553 MW, parabolic trough design[11] Pisgah, USA California near Pisgah north of I-40, 500 MW, dish design[12] Unnamed, USA Florida, 300 MW, Fresnel reflector design[13] Imperial Valley, USA California, 300 MW, dish design[14] Solana solar power plant, USA Arizona southwest of Phoenix, 280 MW, parabolic trough design[15] Beacon Solar Energy Project, USA California, 250 MW, parabolic trough design[16] Antelope Valley , USA California, 245 MW, power towe
PS10 solar power tower From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
The 11 megawatt PS10 solar power tower produces electricity from the sun using 624 large movable mirrors called heliostats.Europe's first commercial concentrating PS10 solar power tower is operating near the sunny southern Spanish city of Seville. The 11 megawatt solar power tower produces electricity with 624 large movable mirrors called heliostats.[1] The mirrors were delivered by Abengoa, the solar receiver was designed and built by Tecnical-Tecnicas Reunidas, a Spanish Engineering Company; and the Solar Tower was designed and built by ALTAC [2], another Spanish Engineering and Construction Company.
Each of the mirrors has a surface measuring 120 square meters (1,292 square feet) that concentrates the Sun's rays to the top of a 115 meter (377 foot) high, 35-story tower where a solar receiver and a steam turbine are located. The turbine drives a generator, producing electricity.[1] This power is three times more expensive than power from conventional sources, but prices are likely to fall, as they have with wind power and as the technologies develop. [3]
PS10 is the first of a set of solar power generation plants to be constructed in the same area that will total more than 300 MW by 2013. Power generation will be accomplished using a variety of technologies. The first two power plants to be brought into operation at Sanlucar la Mayor are the PS10, and Sevilla PV, the largest
Re: look at 300 MW solar power plant.. which can give electricy to 100000 house
by b r on Aug 29, 2008 10:44 AM Permalink
giving all such wonderful details does not help.
it is clear that the Govt. is more banking on nuclear power.
Nellis Solar Power Plant From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
Solar array at Nellis Air Force Base. These panels track the sun in one axis. Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Larry E. Reid Jr.The Nellis Solar Power Plant is the largest solar photovoltaic system in North America,[1] and is located within Nellis Air Force Base in Clark County, Nevada, on the northeast side of Las Vegas. The Nellis solar energy system will generate in excess of 25 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually and supply more than 25 percent of the power used at the base.[2]. The system was inaugurated in a ceremony on December 17, 2007, with Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons activating full operation of the 14 Megawatt array.[3][4]
Occupying 140 acres (0.57 km²) of land leased from the Air Force at the western edge of the base, this ground-mounted solar system employs an advanced sun tracking system, designed and deployed by PowerLight subsidiary of SunPower. The system contains approximately 70,000 solar panels, and the peak power generation capacity of the plant is approximately 18 megawatts.[2]
The energy generated will support more than 12,000 military and civilians at Nellis who are responsible for Air Force advanced combat training, tactics development and operational testing. Construction began on April 23, 2007,[2] and operation of the first 5 MW began on October 12.[5]