Everyone should remeber that India belongs to Indians, India is a democracy and Indians are not school kids who should be told what is good for them. Government should only do things for which it has the mandate. We need to answer if Dr. Singh has the mandate. All people like Dr. Singh who worked for IMF/World bank have different mindset.
RE:India is no one's father's estate
by Gopal on Jul 12, 2008 03:05 AM Permalink
Mr.Harinder You will find the same family-men when BJP is elected. All our policies are decided by these men from WB/IMF etc who are certified as real good people. Time will prove the fact.
Congress Making History: 12% Inflation, sky-rocketing price rise of foods, over 100000 farmers suicides, agriculture crisis, increasing jihadi terror attacks, muslim reservations, Sacchar committe reports, and list goes on. MM Singh, you realy made history as the worst PM we ever had. History also will not forget, your govt filed affidavit in the Supreme Court denoucing Sri Ram's existence and declaring Ramayan as fiction book. History will not forget, a small piece of barren land given to Hindus for religious purposes taken away by the Congress, only to appesasse Jiahdi terrorists, as they are your vote-banks. History will not forget, for the first time in independent India a PM worked as domestic servent under an Italian born waitrees, who control the real power. Shame shame on you. If you have any sense of shame, you should have resigned long back. But you have no sense of shame.
RE:Congress Making History: 12% Inflation, sky-rocketing price rise of foods...
by srini vasan on Jul 12, 2008 12:29 AM Permalink
Pls you shd have some sence. If any one ruled under this circumstances, inflation only at this level. C the world economy. Don't esitate. ok. And also you must think we are in secular country. Don't make india as Iran.
RE:Congress Making History: 12% Inflation, sky-rocketing price rise of foods...
by Mr Ekbote on Jul 12, 2008 01:15 PM Permalink
secular means appeasement of the minority, the government for minority, of minority and by the minority. Hindus have no say and they have to beg to stay in kashmir which according to constitution is a part of india. Secularism does not mean giving land in Ajmer to Muslim dargah and not to hindus in Kashmir abhay
MMS should have debated the N-deal before going to the IAEA. Now the deal is in the pipe-line. It will reach where the pipe ends. It is not democracy. It is dictatorship!! Or we can call it JUNGLE RULE. MMS is not a person elected by the people or by the grass-root level congress men. That means he does not have the people's mandate. Technically he can save his face in Parliament. But it is by HORSE-TRADING. It does not uphold the democratic values.