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by GRJ on Jul 15, 2008 11:44 AM  Permalink 

Muslims of india are Indian Mohajir muslims....If they are sure of Muslim Nuclear Deals and Umbrellas they should prfer Muslim N Deals.....and run for those umbrellas.....as they are so sure of their religion being better than kaafir India's Hinduism.

If they are Indian Mohajir Muslims they should prfer US N Dea of Indian Hindu Kaafirs.




They will be Religiously and Nuclearly Happy.

Thats it !!!

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Neuclear issue is non religious
by Surya Sahoo on Jul 08, 2008 11:09 AM  Permalink 

I congrats Jamait-e-Ulema Hind for openly condeming those who try to make this a religious issue. Muslims as individual or as a gorup have every right to have a negetive view of usa, but on the issue of neuclear treaty they openly say this is not their religious matter but a siyasat issue. As day by day muslims become aware and express their feeling, these non sense politicians will think twice to use them for their ulterior motives.

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Just tell them that ...
by Harinder Singh Mehbub on Jul 08, 2008 03:04 AM  Permalink 

Modi is coming and they will be quiet and behave like true patirotic indians.

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nuke-deal is anti-sharia and anti-islam and anti-muslim
by Frist Lsat on Jul 08, 2008 02:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the islamic world strongly states that the west is directly responsible for murdering muslims,
all over iraq, afghanistan, iran, etc,

so why are soniaji, manmohansingh, pranab, karat, yusuf, ahamed, ahmed, khurshid, and every

single muslim in the congress, communists and islamic-parties aligned with the center?

why are they supporting the murdering-west,
thru this deal? why?

it has to be:
- the love for the west,
- the love for their christian-ideals-ideas,
- the hatred they have for islam,
- the other big factor: BILLIONS-IN-BRIBES !

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RE:nuke-deal is anti-sharia and anti-islam and anti-muslim
by Mallikarjuna Rao on Jul 08, 2008 06:08 AM  Permalink
Can you explain how the nuclear deal is aginist muslim interst. Are you mean the flow of wealth from India to arab lands are curtailed as India will alternate energy instead of oil. Does its impact your arab billioners coffins and their zakat funds for you and your world wide islamists to continue their hatred towards kafirs.

Wake up man, if you like or not, India needs alternate energy for its growth.

If you Indian, we are sorry to have such morons.

If you non-Indian we can understand you whinning and we will pity your mental health.

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RE:RE:nuke-deal is anti-sharia and anti-islam and anti-muslim
by Secular India on Jul 08, 2008 09:21 AM  Permalink
shut up you terrorist. The nuclear deal is signed so India gets Uranium and not the other way around. We need clean energy and we need to put the terrorists in middle east out of action. Every drop of oil we consume only makes Osama and his brothers rich.

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RE:nuke-deal is anti-sharia and anti-islam and anti-muslim
by jagar singh on Jul 08, 2008 04:05 PM  Permalink
just because we donot like foreign policy of a country, is no reason not to do trade with that country.it is a trade off between two countries for atomic power.it opens gates for india to approach france,australia and russia later.

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I urge political parties to not to do Politics with the Name of Muslims.
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Jul 08, 2008 12:07 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Let me explain you how muslims are muslims in india.Islam literally means "Submission or surrender to the will of Almighty GOD" and "mu" in arabic is like a verb.so mu islam=muslim i.e. person who submits or surrender himself to the will of Almighty GOD and who obey his laws.So a person whether he lives in arab ,europe or india can be a muslim.Kafir in arabic simply means"non muslim".Hindu means a person living near indus river.so it means a muslim is a geographical hindu too.Like in arab country a christian is also an arab, jew is also arab and hindu(10% of native omanis are idol worshippers)is also arab.According to swami vivekanand the religion should be vedantist not hinduism.Ved comes from the root word of vidya meaning knowledge I hope my brother shaker will now analyse and understand it in a better way.Assalamualaikum to all(Peace be on all) who read it and take it in positive way

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RE:I urge political parties to not to do Politics with the Name of Muslims.
by Krommy on Jul 08, 2008 11:27 AM  Permalink
hey mukherjee, before preaching drop your 330 million, stop worshipping every goddamn thing, drop the brhamin highbrow, go back to vedas practice monotheism. stop being an adulterated hindu.

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RE:I urge political parties to not to do Politics with the Name of Muslims.
by Pradip Parekh on Jul 08, 2008 06:37 AM  Permalink
i will believe it the day there is a grand mandir in riyadh next to king's palace.

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N-deal will become a religious issue if BJP makes the deal
by KMR Overseas on Jul 07, 2008 11:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Jamait-e-Ulema Hind, Let, Diobond, etc. are wolves in sheep clothing. Caution please!

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RE:N-deal will become a religious issue if BJP makes the deal
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Jul 08, 2008 12:03 AM  Permalink
Fool they want to disassociate with anything thing regarding deal Because it is not there work to judge the deal.
IF they clarified also you people will never let them off.
You people have something to say this or that.

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by Wahaj Faridy on Jul 07, 2008 08:06 PM  Permalink

Incorrigible LIARS ...self Imagined Grievances !!

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