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Why N-Deal s considered anti-Muslim?
by All Right on Jul 02, 2008 09:34 PM  Permalink 

Why India voted against Iran? We have 2 nuclear neighbors already - China & Pakistan. It is in India's interest that we do not have a 3rd. Nuclear Iran will tempt Israel to attack Iran and then we will have war on our borders which will spill over.

What can ManMohan Singh do? People of India gave a hung verdict? We need to live with communal forces whether it is he SP or BJP

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N Deal, REDs and muslims in India
by satyarthi on Jul 02, 2008 08:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Americans are really smart. They think much ahead than others. Even President Bush who is considered to be 'naive and novice' proved that N deal with India is immensely beneficial to American geo politics.
The deal debate in new delhi not only exposed the REDs, it also provided an opportunity to read minds of Indian muslims.
Under present dispension, REDs became very powerful. Although they didn't join the government, they kept (rather allowed to keep) veto power. They exercised this veto quite comfortably, over the last four years. Suddenly, a very humble man, who happens to be prime minister of India revolted against REDs interference. In order to counter the pressure, REDs had to reveal that this deal is anti-muslim, so they cannot support it. REDs indulgence in communal politics stand exposed. Deal or no deal, American are happy with this outcome, as REDs stand discredited in the eyes of ordinary hindus.
Now a question arises. Why muslims are dead against this 'technology transfer deal'?

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RE:N Deal, REDs and muslims in India
by satyarthi on Jul 02, 2008 08:20 PM  Permalink
Why muslims are dead against this 'technology transfer deal'?
In order to find answer to this question, we have to go back to post partition years. After Gandhiji's murder and death of Sardar Patel, Nehruji became the undisputed leader of congress. Brahmin caste in general galvanised around him, dumping other B leaders. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad became Education Minister and elevated to defacto number two position in Nehruji's cabinet. Under the leadership of the duo, Congress, the ruling party developed a patronising relationship with muslims in India. Overnight, the main antagonistic community became a captive vote bank for ruling parties. Muslims in turn, shocked after impact of partition, developed a new logic for this unquestioned support. First of all, they thought there is no altenative. Secondly, they refused to see the politics behind patronising relationship. Their social leadership convinced them that the 'special care' they are getting from the government is a 'price extracted from the government' for their religious proximities with Arab world. If India needed petroleum, it had to appease muslims even at the cost of rising hindu anger.'
With this deal muslims are afraid of losing their 'priviledged political clouts over Goverenment in India.'

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RE:N Deal, REDs and muslims in India
by satyarthi on Jul 02, 2008 08:20 PM  Permalink
In fact, what was considered to be a master stroke of Sonia Gandhi for selecting a non political man for the post of prime minister proved to be a political disaster, as far as congress is concerned. Dr Singh failed to anticipate the political outcome of this deal in India. Congress is bound to be an overall loser after this deal debate in long run.
Smart Americans, exposed the REDs and largest community block in India without committing a single dollar to India. They succeeded in destroying the political equilibrium devised by Nehru and his fellow castemen.
India after this debate (not the deal) is entirely a changed and charged nation.

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RE:N Deal, REDs and muslims in India
by All Right on Jul 02, 2008 09:28 PM  Permalink
Yes for all, the reasons you cited the Nuclear Deal is a necessity. So why don't your BJP support the deal? Trying to appease Muslims for votes?

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RE:N Deal, REDs and muslims in India
by satyarthi on Jul 02, 2008 10:33 PM  Permalink
Did I say here anything about the necessity of the deal?

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