You cannot avoid Hyde Act and sign 123. Without Hyde Act The US Congress will never allow this 123. That is not all. IAEA treaty demands that India will be a non-nuclear state. 123 cannot go on its own; it is accompanied by IAEA Deal, NSG Deal, Nuclear Fussion Cut off Treaty, Hyde Act, and as Australia said clearly ultimately NPT ( without it India will not get any uranium). If you sign and want to come out, India will be another Iraq. USA is trying to put chains around India. Thus, who are supporting this deal are Traitors. Without nuclear weapons, India will be walked over by China and Pakistan. This is the real issue.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Virgo on Jul 02, 2008 12:30 PM Permalink
Well Bose,
The problem with you commies is that you want to use patriotism when it suits your agendas. You guys are nothing but dirty anti-Indian traitors doing the Chinese bidding to keep India backward and defenseless. You can pretend that your moitives for opposing the nuke deal is nble, but we all know what you commie dogs really are- paid proxies of the Chinese mofos.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:00 PM Permalink
And you are getting paid by the Americans to promote their junk nuclear plants and to ruin India's nuclear defence. You are real traitors.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Virgo on Jul 02, 2008 02:22 PM Permalink
Come on Bose, speak the truth.
You commies slave Chinese dogs are anti-Indian traitors. You have only china's national interest at heart. On the other hand, those of us who are "pro American" have only India's national interests at heart. We are not sellouts like you sobs. We support the US only as long as it suits Indian national interests. Can you commie Chinese dog traitors say the same? You are bent on destroying India to promote chinese interests while we want to use American support to build our country and make progress. See the difference?
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:42 PM Permalink
USA gave ENRON and UNION CARBIDE ENRON ran away after stealing Rs.6300 Crores from the Industrial Development Bank of India; then it went bankrupt and the creditors of ENRON came to India to receive another $300 Millions. UNION CARBIDE killed more than 4000 people and affected another 20000 people. They could not get any compensation since 1984. USA sent 7th Fleet to attack India in 1971 and asked China to invade India during the Indo-Pak war in 1971. USA since Pakistan has organized the 9/11 attack gave more than $10 Billion of military aid to Pakistan, which would be used against India. Carter had created Mujjahidens of Afghanistan in 1978, who came to India 1988 to drive out Hindus from Kashmir. Clinton created Taliban in 1995. Clinton did his best to stop Russia to send any weapons, rockets, missiles, nuclear plants to India. Reagan allowed China to give missiles and nuclear weapons to Pakistan.
Thus, if you support this DEAL, which would take away India's nuclear weapons, you are a Traitor. Certainly MM Singh is acting for USA, not for India.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:55 PM Permalink
In a 1997 interview on the CBS news program “60 Minutes,” McCain frankly acknowledged, “I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children in Vietnam.” Barrack Hussain Obama's father was a Muslim; thus, he is a Muslim.
Think, what kind of alliance India is getting into.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Jul 02, 2008 01:16 PM Permalink
I completely agree with you, Dipak. Manmohan Singh has no pride for India. He went to the UK and announced that British raj was good for India, and then he visited the US, and signed up to sell our self-respect and soverignity. Manmohan Singh is a danger to the nation.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:47 PM Permalink
People are suffering from high inflation, unaffordable house price and rents, unaffrodable medical expenses, lack of job, farmers suicides, but this PM is not at all interested about these pressing proble. He is more interested to 'save his face' to George Bush. Thus George Bush is his real boss and Sonia Gandhi is his deputy boss but the people of India have no meaning for him.
RE:RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Virgo on Jul 02, 2008 02:25 PM Permalink
What have you commie traitors done to improve Bengal? You have run it to the ground. You have destroyed its economy, changed its demography by importing illegal Bangladeshis and now are bent on spreading your "benevolence" to the rest of India in the form of the naxals.
RE:New Mir Jaffars of India
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:30 PM Permalink
A.Moron in Indiacause.Com on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 said:
"The Deal is pro-Pakistan and Pro-China, as it will make India naked without nuclear weapons; this is the reason USA is pushing so hard. It is anti-Muslim in a different sense. The deal means india supporting American policy towards Iraq, which is now colonized by USA. USA is also planning to colonize Iran, so India will be dragged into that too. However, Muslim terrorists are supported by Saudi Arabia, which is against both Iraq and Iran. Saudi Arabia is a friend of USA. So, for those Muslims who are pro-Saudi, pro-Pakistani, this deal is ideal."
Yes, those who are anti-India, for them this DEAL is IDEAL.
Compare the recent statement of Pandhe (CPM leader) and Mayawati, they are saying the same thing.
What essentialy Mayawati and Pandhe are telling is that - Iran, which is a muslim country, can send cheaper gas to India but India has shown its preference for nuclear energy against gas. It means India has betrayed gas... therefore.. India has betrayed Iran.. and so Muslims.. and so Indian Muslims, as India has chosen to go to Non Muslims.. since Muslims obviously have nothing to do with Nuclear Technology!!
What an insane logic. Anyway, rationale thinking is never expected from such people. Ironically they claim themselves as secular.
RE:Mayawati and Commies think alike
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 11:56 AM Permalink
Why do you leave out BJP which is also against this DEAL. Molaem Singh and Amer Singh are well known bribe takers, that is the only reason they are so rich. Thus, bribes will decide the fate of India.
RE:Mayawati and Commies think alike
by ASHOK on Jul 02, 2008 01:06 PM Permalink
India (MMSingh) has never refused IPI project. There are 2 issues here>> 1) Who will be responsible for safe delievery of Gas while transiting through Afganistan / Pakistan. For this UPA Govt is asking Iran to quote Gas price and gaurantee delivery at India /Pakistan border ( Not ex Iran border)
That means PENALITY Clause (upon disruption of Supplies) is at Iran side if Pakistan plays game or any Jehadi plays Game.
2) Pakistan is asking for high transit fee which India is objecting ( It has to as per International Norms.
Deepal Bose >> what sort of Bengali you are>> Can not spell Mulayam Singh & Amar Singh. Are you Indian or a wolf with Indian Name.
RE:Mayawati and Commies think alike
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:09 PM Permalink
Mulayam is really Molaem. Thakeray is really Takre. Lallu Prasad is really Lallu Yadav. Only Rabri Yadav is honest to write her name as it is.
RE:All stupid Hindi Politicians ruining South Indian Economy....
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:03 PM Permalink
But Karat Yachury, Karunanidhi, Chidambaram, all socalled Diploma Engineer scientists in DRDO and AEC are South Indian.
RE:Cessation of Nuclear Supplies only a Bogey
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:56 PM Permalink
In a 1997 interview on the CBS news program “60 Minutes,” McCain frankly acknowledged, “I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children in Vietnam.” Barrack Hussain Obama's father was a Muslim; thus, he is a Muslim.
Think, what kind of alliance India is getting into.
A. If the Agreement works in detriment to India we can Terminate under Article 14
1. Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement prior to its expiration on one year's written notice to the other Party. A Party giving notice of termination shall provide the reasons for seeking such termination. The Agreement shall terminate one year from the date of the written notice, unless the notice has been withdrawn by the providing Party in writing prior to the date of termination.
B. If the Hyde Act is seriously implemented by the US, we can pass our own laws to neutralize the Hyde Act- Article 2
1. The Parties shall cooperate in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Each Party shall implement this Agreement in accordance with its respective applicable treaties, national laws, regulations, and license requirements concerning the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purpose
It is to remembered that the deal is only nuclear civilian cooperation.
The US will provide us technological transfers and uranium supplies to reactors for civilian purpose - for this they seek guarantees that enriched uranium will not be diverted for militrary purpose.
What we do with our own or other friendly countries (like Russia) technology or uranium is outside the purview of the Deal
RE:Knickerwallahs, Read 1-2-3 Agreement Before Commenting
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 12:00 PM Permalink
You are not realistic. You cannot avoid Hyde Act and sign 123. Without Hyde Act The US Congress will never allow this 123. That is not all. IAEA treaty demands that India will be a non-nuclear state. 123 cannot go on its own; it is accompanied by IAEA Deal, NSG Deal, Nuclear Fussion Cut off Treaty, Hyde Act, and as Australia said clearly ultimately NPT ( without it India will not get any uranium). If you sign and want to come out, India will be another Iraq.
RE:N-deal is anti-Muslim: Mayawati
by mahabodhi on Jul 02, 2008 11:15 AM Permalink
@Allen ur name sounds progeny of british boot lickers !So you do not know that the Artillery commnader -or Kadak bijli - (Go and see tha Fort of Jhansi ki Rani - was a muslim !She knows the pulse of the people and also her priorties - and yes if Relaince or even Rahul Bajaj companies which made prifits by apying bribes to politicains -Promod Mahajan -got three crore Relaince communication share for Rs.1 per shhare -or r u unawre of this ! Well if the poors hv not been deprived by Manuwadis then the entire India would hv been run smoothly -even better tha Rahul Bajaj or ambanis - if only the CEO of the Indian Industry be on Reservastion policy !In fact the Stock Brokers who r mostly Baqnis - monoply should be punished for scandals -ketan parikh -harshad mehata -and if the Stock market is given -i mean Broker ship - on reservation basis then strock market will atleast not hv such scams of Banis - I hope u know what I am referring to -ur message on resetvation......
RE:N-deal is anti-Muslim: Mayawati
by Allen on Jul 02, 2008 11:57 AM Permalink
NO... i really do not understand what you are referring. Either you are Oxford graduated and I am dumb-witted OR it's the other way around. But since Oxford doesn't allow "Reservation" i think second choice is more correct.. And really what has N-deal has to do with Muslims? Are they not concerned about the safety of the country in which they live !!!!
That is absolutey fresh twist in the nuke deal and we must be grateful to Maya Mem Sahab to enlighten us with her Geo-political and Geo-stategic insight. The nuke deal is not only anti-Muslim but also anti-Dalit, anti-Christian, anti-women and so on; because absurdity knows no logic or limit. Can you imagine these are the leaders who decide our destiny. God save the Nation.
Mayawati is not caring about Country but here also she is thinking about Muslim...Please save this country frm these (Mayawati , Laloo , Mulayam and Congress ) leaders.... Even forces and Scientists are saying that do not do deal then y this congress is keen to do deal... I think they are getting Huge Bribe ...
RE:Please save INDIA frm these leaders...
by VenkataNarsiReddy G on Jul 03, 2008 09:58 AM Permalink
tell us the names of those other than opposition leaders(except communists) who are opposing this deal... opposition parties don't want congress to take credit of this deal and that is indian politics my friend....
This Deal is about Dollar bribes. India media and a lot of politicians have taken Dollar bribes, so they are trying to misdirect the debate, even trying to create communal riots in Darjeeling( between Nepalese and Bengalis) and in Kashmir and certainly there will be a lot of Maoist attack now to deflect the public opinion.
The fact remains, this PM does not represent India at all. People are suffering from high inflation, unaffordable house price and rents, unaffrodable medical expenses, lack of job, farmers suicides, but this PM is not at all interested about these pressing proble. He is more interested to 'save his face' to George Bush. Thus George Bush is his real boss and Sonia Gandhi is his deputy boss but the people of India have no meaning for him. Electricity can be produced by 100 different ways, nuclear is not the only option or the cheapest option. Nuclear weapons are much more important, but this PM is very much willing to give up these. This PM is the new Mir Jafar of India.
Now go on and shout COMMIEE COMMIE COMMIE 108 times, you will get a laddu from Bal Takre
RE:Dollar Bribe
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Jul 02, 2008 09:48 AM Permalink
Laddus from Balasaheb Thackeray are any day tasty, sweeter and healthier. They have a lot of kesar (saffron) in them. Betterr than Commie and Chinese shit, which some people apparently like. Jaganniwas
RE:Dollar Bribe
by jigar patel on Jul 02, 2008 10:15 AM Permalink
babu mushay...u uys from bengal the workshop of Left fuelled by china..wanted india always in poor condition...dont talk about bribes okay..because even u guys might be taking heavy bribes by chinese,who are most willing to stop nuke deal..stupid do you know nuclear power will change ur life in terms of electricity which is basic necessity of any developed country.
RE:Dollar Bribe
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
LEFTS are doing the right thing for the wrong reason, but still it is the right thing to do. Now Congress is exposed as an anti-Indian party.
RE:Dollar Bribe
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:57 PM Permalink
In a 1997 interview on the CBS news program “60 Minutes,” McCain frankly acknowledged, “I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children in Vietnam.” Barrack Hussain Obama's father was a Muslim; thus, he is a Muslim.
Think, what kind of alliance India is getting into.