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The Real Man Mohan Singh
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 04:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Union Carbide is responsible for cleaning up the contamination and compensating the thousands whose lives have been ruined in Bhupal. In buying Union Carbide's assets, Dow also acquired its liabilities. Dow set aside $2.3bn to settle Union Carbide's US asbestos liabilities. But it refused to accept Union Carbide's Indian liabilities with the approval of Man Mohan Singh.
Dow paid $10m to settle out-of-court with an American child damaged by Dursban, a pesticide so dangerous that it has been banned for domestic use in the US. But Dow employees were found to have bribed Indian Ministry of Agriculture officials to license Dursban as safe for home use in India.Dow has offered to invest $1bn in India if freed from its Bhopal liabilities.
Earlier this year, 50 Bhopali survivors, many old and sick, walked 500 miles to Delhi to ask the prime minister for safe drinking water and to make Dow clean the factory. For two months Manmohan Singh left them camped on a sweltering pavement without a reply. When Bhopali women brought their damaged children to his house and chained themselves to his railings, he had them arrested. The policewomen who led them away wept.

When India's prime minister finally gave a reply, it was all prevarication, no substance. The Bhopalis then declared that they would launch an indefinite hunger strike until their demand for justice was met.

On the eve of the fast, police beat up women and children as young as six years old who had gone to protest outside t

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RE:The Real Man Mohan Singh
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 04:47 PM  Permalink

Earlier this year, 50 Bhopali survivors, many old and sick, walked 500 miles to Delhi to ask the prime minister for safe drinking water and to make Dow clean the factory. For two months Manmohan Singh left them camped on a sweltering pavement without a reply. When Bhopali women brought their damaged children to his house and chained themselves to his railings, he had them arrested. The policewomen who led them away wept.

When India's prime minister finally gave a reply, it was all prevarication, no substance. The Bhopalis then declared that they would launch an indefinite hunger strike until their demand for justice was met.

On the eve of the fast, police beat up women and children as young as six years old who had gone to protest outside the prime minister's office.

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RE:RE:The Real Man Mohan Singh
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 04:49 PM  Permalink
By all means Man Mohan Singh is an agent of US Corporations, now he is going to sign this 123 Deal so that American nuclear companies can make a lot of money.
The same Man Mohan Singh had approved ENRON.

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Certainly MM Singh is acting for USA
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

ENRON ran away after stealing Rs.6300 Crores from the Industrial Development Bank of India; then it went bankrupt and the creditors of ENRON came to India to receive another $300 Millions.
UNION CARBIDE killed more than 4000 people and affected another 20000 people. They could not get any compensation since 1984.
USA sent 7th Fleet to attack India in 1971 and asked China to invade India during the Indo-Pak war in 1971.
USA since Pakistan has organized the 9/11 attack gave more than $10 Billion of military aid to Pakistan, which would be used against India.
Carter had created Mujjahidens of Afghanistan in 1978, who came to India 1988 to drive out Hindus from Kashmir.
Clinton created Taliban in 1995.
Clinton did his best to stop Russia to send any weapons, rockets, missiles, nuclear plants to India.
Reagan allowed China to give missiles and nuclear weapons to Pakistan.

Thus, if you support this DEAL, which would take away India's nuclear weapons, you are a Traitor. Certainly MM Singh is acting for USA, not for India.

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RE:Certainly MM Singh is acting for USA
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 02:59 PM  Permalink
In a 1997 interview on the CBS news program “60 Minutes,” McCain frankly acknowledged, “I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children in Vietnam.”
Barrack Hussain Obama's father was a Muslim; thus, he is a Muslim.

Think, what kind of alliance India is getting into.

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STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 10:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
I dislike communists,
but I support them if they are succeded to pull this most impotent Govt down.
Sooner is the best.
India was surving without N-deal, will survive without N-deal, but India will loose a lot if N-deal is
signed in the present form.
There is no full assurance of supply of fuel. Even there are many clauses can stop fuel supply.
If fuel supply is stopped, all reactors will seat idle and billions of investment will suffer and there
are many more effects.
Dream of energy supply is will become "dark age".

Another most important thing is if this deal is for national interest then what is wrong to debate
in the house of parliament and get approved for going to IAEA. There must be something secret which
Congress is hiding, but whole nation has the right to know it.
PVN Rao or Vajpayee would have dealt more intellegent and better way than MMSingh.

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RE:STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 12:09 PM  Permalink
You cannot avoid Hyde Act and sign 123. Without Hyde Act The US Congress will never allow this 123.
That is not all. IAEA treaty demands that India will be a non-nuclear state.
123 cannot go on its own; it is accompanied by IAEA Deal, NSG Deal, Nuclear Fussion Cut off Treaty, Hyde Act, and as Australia said clearly ultimately NPT ( without it India will not get any uranium).
If you sign and want to come out, India will be another Iraq.
Can you defend India against China and Pakistan without nuclear weapons, which Man Mohan wants to give up for some Dollars.

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STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 10:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
I dislike communists,
but I support them if they are succeded to pull this most impotent Govt down.
Sooner is the best.
India was surving without N-deal, will survive without N-deal, but India will loose a lot if N-deal is
signed in the present form.

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RE:STOP N-deal in the present form at any cost right now.
by BraveIndian on Jul 02, 2008 10:08 AM  Permalink

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Dollar Bribes
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 09:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This Deal is about Dollar bribes. American nuclear industry is trying to sell their junk obsolete nuclear plants which the Americans will never use. Indian media, politicians, business community have taken a lot of bribes to sell thie country for a fistfull of Dollars.
India media and a lot of politicians have taken Dollar bribes, so they are trying to misdirect the debate, even trying to create communal riots in Darjeeling( between Nepalese and Bengalis) and in Kashmir and certainly there will be a lot of Maoist attack now to deflect the public opinion.

The fact remains, this PM does not represent India at all. People are suffering from high inflation, unaffordable house price and rents, unaffrodable medical expenses, lack of job, farmers suicides, but this PM is not at all interested about these pressing proble. He is more interested to 'save his face' to George Bush. Thus George Bush is his real boss and Sonia Gandhi is his deputy boss but the people of India have no meaning for him.
Electricity can be produced by 100 different ways, nuclear is not the only option or the cheapest option. Nuclear weapons are much more important, but this PM is very much willing to give up these. This PM is the new Mir Jafar of India.

Now go on and shout COMMIEE COMMIE COMMIE 108 times, you will get a laddu from Bal Takre

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Niraj Kumar on Jul 02, 2008 10:41 AM  Permalink
You commies always shoot from hips and want to be taken seriuosly. This is height of expectation. I really wonder how you know all the secret details about bribing etc. which others don't know.

If you think that PM does not represent India at all then why the left parties had supported his government so far? It means the left parties had knowingly supported an undemocratic set-up and they can't escape now from sharing the brickbats. Anyway, respect for democracy is never expected from commies.

Chepest (or free) way to produce electricity is from the gas released by commies everyday hence we should refrain from generating power through nuclear energy, which is expensive.

Mind you - you have compared PM with Mir Jaffer. Now all muslims will get offended. If you don't believe me then ask your leader Pandhe who had suggested the same to Mulayam Singh a week ago.

Now shout CHINA, CHINA CHINA thousand times and your chinese masters will gift you chow-chow noodles.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 10:52 AM  Permalink
LEFTS are doing the right thing for the wrong reason, but still it is the right thing to do. Now Congress is exposed as an anti-Indian party.
Without nuclear weapon India will be naked in front of Pakistan and China. Americans want to turn India into another South Africa or Ukraine.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 11:44 AM  Permalink

agree with you dipak.

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RE:RE:Dollar Bribes
by mahabodhi on Jul 02, 2008 11:01 AM  Permalink
@niraj kumar so ask urself who in this forum are averse to any view that is not in line with their so called party kulak ideilogu - and the moment any body writes which is not their liking they shoiut -shoot this man-... read Usamant - they are all BJp supoertes! Panshe is commie - plwease reply urself -what doo u belive muslims r against NDeal or not ! Muslim clergy/maullvi r agianst NDeal or america for that matter - but I can say with 100% huarntee that most muslims 98% do not know about the /Ndeal !but yes theu may well, be during elections influenced by these maulvis !As you and other BJp supporters always go with the RSS dikatats !this is common in India !It is ruled by communal /castieist plitics !And all leaders know this !Have you read Mayawati that she too belives that muslims are against NDeal as they r generally against america at present !This is common knowledge ! So you think that only BJP/RSS only know thos trick of vote bank !yes they know and that's why thei whip the antimuslim sentiments always ..... It si good that u atleast giving clean chit to congress or saying that there is no bribe -or you do not know about corruption .bribes -?where do u live ! Every one knows that most Govt. Employees r corrupt /police is corrupt even judiciary =see Sabharwal case - and every Indian knows that he has too deal with corrupt bueracracy-Really onew wonders that u r ignorant of this --- And see the forum is full of bigot who always say Shoot -shoot these -- commies

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 12:08 PM  Permalink
You cannot avoid Hyde Act and sign 123. Without Hyde Act The US Congress will never allow this 123.
That is not all. IAEA treaty demands that India will be a non-nuclear state.
123 cannot go on its own; it is accompanied by IAEA Deal, NSG Deal, Nuclear Fussion Cut off Treaty, Hyde Act, and as Australia said clearly ultimately NPT ( without it India will not get any uranium).
If you sign and want to come out, India will be another Iraq.
Can you defend India against China and Pakistan without nuclear weapons, which Man Mohan wants to give up for some Dollars.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 12:11 PM  Permalink

MMSingh is a BIG CIA-agent.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:48 PM  Permalink
People are suffering from high inflation, unaffordable house price and rents, unaffrodable medical expenses, lack of job, farmers suicides, but this PM is not at all interested about these pressing proble. He is more interested to 'save his face' to George Bush. Thus George Bush is his real boss and Sonia Gandhi is his deputy boss but the people of India have no meaning for him.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 01:17 PM  Permalink
I don't understand why the Congressmen tolerate MM Singh; they should get rid of him. Otherwise they will get even 100 seats in the next election.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Shantanu Dutta on Jul 02, 2008 10:05 AM  Permalink
Dear Dipak,

You are 100% right.

Shantanu Dutta

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by mahabodhi on Jul 02, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink
@Usamanta ypour reply shows ur kulak chacter !When in India most Govt. Employees are corrupt !and suresh Babu qouted the facts as was reported in the press and confirmed by the Parliamnet committe!When judiciary too si corrupt to the core !Are u aware of the supreme Court Chief justice Sabharwal's corruption involvement when he alleggedly supported his son's Mall busines by his unethical judgemnts behaviou !But have you ever raised your voice that all these be shot dead on the road !Never !Why !Because you seem to be kulak -(that;s the right word for you ) and either you are Govt. employee or traders/Banias -whop are as the perception is corruot and suport BJP ! And ask urself did MPs mostly BJp and offcourse some other parties too did ask question in Parliamnet by taking bribe /money or not? It is coorrct that even Hema Malini who married Dharmendra as his second wife-(Was it it Nikah-USamanta ?0 can ask question and ask for tax concessiuon on Water purifier as Indains ned to drink clean Water !she is right but she does ad work for Water Purifier so she asks the question !But if Indians really need clean drinking water theen who is supposed to supply that !Is it not the Govt. duty !Should not the Municipal corpoaratio which are supposed to provide the clean drinking water and hv water plants to provide that not maintiaining the plants for drinking water !But that question will never be asked by corrupt kulak party leaders such as BJP !Shoot corrptgovt empolyees judiciary ..

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by Suresh Babu on Jul 02, 2008 10:00 AM  Permalink
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has to bring a split in the BJP by offering the BJP MPs crores of rupees per head as the BJP MPs are taking bribes for asking questions in the parliament. So that his government will survive for the remaining period of 9 months.

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RE:Dollar Bribes
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 10:05 AM  Permalink

Dump, Suresh Babu, you must be a evil in this human society.
bribe can not be the challenge to another bribe.
People like you should be shot on the road and hang in the light post.

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First Pro-India move
by Sathish N on Jul 02, 2008 09:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If Left pulls the Congress down opposing the n-deal, that would be the first Pro-India stand that left takes. Common man can only wait and watch for now and react during elections.

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RE:First Pro-India move
by Dipak Bose on Jul 02, 2008 10:50 AM  Permalink
Correct. The LEFTs are stupid, if they have given the same reason as BJP to oppose this DEAL, LEFT will be very popular in India.
LEFTS are doing the right thing for the wrong reason, but still it is the right thing to do. Now Congress is exposed as an anti-Indian party.

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RE:First Pro-India move
by USamanta on Jul 02, 2008 11:44 AM  Permalink

Agree, dipak.

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North or South - 'Secularism' is the worst
by Mimoh Saxena on Jul 02, 2008 09:10 AM  Permalink 

North or South - 'Secularism' is the worst

In up North a Muslim CM withdraws the land granted to a Hindu temple and here down south, An Atheist CM gives communal quota for Muslims and Christians – Both Happens in SECULAR India!

Today in Tamilnadu, issue of 7% reservation to Christians and Muslims are referred to Backward class Commission to ensure that they get the benefits of this ‘gift’ to Minorities which was announced last year.

The Hindus have been minorities in J & K and north-eastern states, but secular Indians never heard of any reservation made to them on the basis or minority or their backwardness. It is a secular wonder that the Art. 16 (5) never works for Hindus in secular India!

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Knickerwallahs, Read 1-2-3 Agreement Before Commenting
by All Right on Jul 02, 2008 08:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A. If the Agreement works in detriment to India we can Terminate under Article 14

1. Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement prior to its expiration on one year's written notice to the other Party. A Party giving notice of termination shall provide the reasons for seeking such termination. The Agreement shall terminate one year from the date of the written notice, unless the notice has been withdrawn by the providing Party in writing prior to the date of termination.

B. If the Hyde Act is seriously implemented by the US, we can pass our own laws to neutralize the Hyde Act- Article 2

1. The Parties shall cooperate in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Each Party shall implement this Agreement in accordance with its respective applicable treaties, national laws, regulations, and license requirements concerning the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purpose

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RE:Knickerwallahs, Read 1-2-3 Agreement Before Commenting
by All Right on Jul 02, 2008 08:21 AM  Permalink
is to remembered that the deal is only nuclear civilian cooperation.

The US will provide us technological transfers and uranium supplies to reactors for civilian purpose - this they want guarantees that enriched uranium will not be diverted for militrary purpose.

What we do with our own or other friendly countries (like Russia) technology or uranium is outside the purview of the Deal. We are free to use it for military or dual use purpose

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RE:Knickerwallahs, Read 1-2-3 Agreement Before Commenting
by Sathish N on Jul 02, 2008 09:09 AM  Permalink
chadilesswala, if we pull out we have to give back the technology and fuel rods. They would have used our bases. It is ours to loose. You should be a non-indian to be pushing for this deal.

-Not a Knickerwallah, but would mind being one rather being a traitor.

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PM to be left Red-faced by Reds ?
by Bodh Ramdeo on Jul 02, 2008 07:42 AM  Permalink 

For 4 years the no-good Reds have been threatening MMs's govt with withdrawal of support, and he has allowed this blackmail to continue ad nauseum, like a dog with its tail between its legs.
The overwhelming majority of the electorate did not vote for these Red traitors, yet they have been allowed to hold the entire nation hostage. For once it would be great to see MMS show some spine and tell the treacherous Red scumbags where to get off - let em withdraw and be damned! Not not familiarity, but weakness also breeds breeds contempt, only more so in this case.

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