Andhra is full of intelligents but just because we are part of India we could not be developed, hope Prince charles can help us, even are ready to be part of United Kingdom
RE:We want Republic of Andhra Pradesh, hope Prince Charles will help us
by Pat Thakur on Jan 28, 2008 07:26 PM Permalink
Well, this is an appeal to Prince Charles by all Shits.... sorry, States of India. 60 Years down the line & all we are able to manage is shit; pulling each other's legs & staying submerged in our greedy regionalism. 'Coz Licking the Raj & Not Independence is our Forte. Plz come back to India to rule n rescue us once again.
Bravo Yuvraj Charles1 This is in total contrast to the cowardly world \'leaders\' who are all to eager to appease the imperialist Red monsters of Beijing, probably in the illusion that there is going to ba piece of the economic cake for them. at a time when everyone is falling over everyone else to be politically correct, Prince Charles has shown some real spine. Jaganniwas Iyer and R. Ranganathan
RE:Prince Charles skips Olympics
by Prince Roy on Jan 28, 2008 06:36 PM Permalink
Tony blair said once in an interview " Muslims in UK enjoy the most rights than anywhere in the world" . What else do you want ?
RE:Prince Charles snubs China
by ksr on Jan 28, 2008 04:59 PM Permalink
hey nishant your decendents served(or should i say oiled)the britishers is evident that you still worship the British Royal family.
As much as these gestures by high profile politicians/figures may be accpeted and appreciated, whether done in good will or with hidden agenda, are gonna have no affect on these communists. China neither believes nor understands in any change process initiated by democratic or gandhian philosphy. They dont give a damn to their own people, why will they give to some other country. No country can pressure them to do anything rather oriental community in US actually lobby for chinese interests. They have only one motto: an unconquerable china in all domains at any costs. Not only tibet is now an ego issue for them, their strategic importance in this small region is beyond U turn which has far reaching effect for whole south Asia. Needless to mention that a wit and grit lacking Indian govt screwed up many times and never handled situation well. There has already been done enough cultural genocide in tibet by Chinese govt and all Dalai Lama can do is to hold parlays with powerless political figures. Sorry but such gestures dont generate any sitautional shift. Tibetians need more aggression now.
RE:Wwe want Republic of Andhra Pradesh, hope Prince Charles will help us
by pradip verma on Jan 28, 2008 03:44 PM Permalink
Grow up Mr Reddy you can look for a job in home may be you will get it....
For a change the British Empire is looking forward to free nations from the grip of their powerful and unauthorized rules, instead of conquering them Good. Better Sense Prevailed after 6 centuries of colonial invasion!!!!