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Prabhakaran,Osama Bin Laden has been dead some year back!!!
by Abdullah Saikh on Jan 12, 2008 02:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

But USA & Sri Lanka dont want to say that for their interest!!!

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RE:Prabhakaran,Osama Bin Laden has been dead some year back!!!
by apurva singh on Jan 12, 2008 03:12 PM  Permalink
abdulla, get real. all muslims are either schedule caste converts, or hindus who could not protect their honor. either ways, you are trassshh.

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RE:Prabhakaran,Osama Bin Laden has been dead some year back!!!
by Raj on Jan 12, 2008 04:35 PM  Permalink
U are right Apoorva, they didnt had the dignity to uphold the honour of their wives and daughters and let the intruders and invaders rape and maul them to form a new breed. They are breeders of converts who try to hold their heads high now. Wat a shame....

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RE:reposting valid post
by truthandonlytruth on Jan 12, 2008 04:43 PM  Permalink
You are absolutely right... But I would need a small correction from you. Not all tamilians share the false legacy of linguistic fanatism and chavunism of the blind rascal karunanidhi. There are a lot many who are willing to join Army and who have joined army. Many are patriotic!! but this Karunanidhi and his side kick and thug Durai Murugan once thundered in TN assembly that they are against the Indian Army. The problem with such immoral chavunistic tamilians who follow the the ill fated, draconian false legacy of the RACISTs like EVR et al are those create problems. They know for sure that they will be mauled if they are just outside the state. I only know how keralites think about such chavunistic rascals. If at all their legacy got to do something with their honor and shame, they should hang themselves. GOD DAMN SUCH TAMIL CHAVUNISTIC RASCALS!!

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RE:reposting valid post
by Faceless on Jan 12, 2008 04:52 PM  Permalink

hi sinhala gotabhaya, stop your nonsense stories.

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RE:RE:Tamilians are suffering due to their ill-feelings for other communities !
by apurva singh on Jan 12, 2008 03:10 PM  Permalink
besides, most muslims are schedule caste converts or raped hindus who could not protect their honor.

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by MANITHAMILKKO TAMIL on Jan 12, 2008 02:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

all tamil people should convert to muslim mybe muslim bro will help us

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by Abdullah Saikh on Jan 12, 2008 02:37 PM  Permalink
Welcome Tamilian!!

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by Bayant SIngh on Jan 12, 2008 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The man behind many killings in India also. weldone Srilankan army.

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finish the chapter
by sampath bhuv on Jan 12, 2008 02:18 PM  Permalink 

for destroying minister table these LTTE people are using sucide bomb attacks. we done lankan army,navy and airfore, keep it up. Finish the chapter of those fellows now itself.

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by ravdeepak cheema on Jan 12, 2008 02:10 PM  Permalink 

Takht ot takhta

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RE:RE:RE:RASCAL People living in Tamil Nadu
by sankar on Jan 12, 2008 02:12 PM  Permalink
hi sameer bastd,
speak nglih or arabic or telugu....

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RE:Tamilians have some problem with themselves !
by Rajan Rajabalaiya on Jan 12, 2008 02:06 PM  Permalink
do you know north kerela tottally two district bought my muslim community. they got lot of money from gulf. they dont bother about indian govt. this kerelal state going to suffer a lot in future. dont say without knowing anything

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