RE:go to pakistan
by smile on Jan 11, 2008 09:32 PM Permalink
kavitha..TATA AND AMBANI hs brought 1 lakh car t middle class..AMBANI made mobile reach peasant in rural India.
why d u vote fr Laloo....highly corrupted leader..
ths s bad..change party and vote t ambani and tata..
Vacate Tibet, Vacate Kashmir, Give up your claim on Arunachal Pradesh. Before this, there is no reason for the Government of India to trust China, the number one enemy.
RE:many issues
by Desi Bhai on Jan 11, 2008 10:12 PM Permalink
common currency, now, this is something i can agree about .. first decent post on this entire page...
RE:RE:many issues
by ray rajkumar on Jan 12, 2008 12:08 AM Permalink
China is experiencing one of her worst times with U S in context of it's Taiwan policy.China is also sencing one more audacious millitary action against Iran as well Pakistan unilaterally by the U S with covert support of india and Japan before June 2008.Iran's covert nuclear enrichment with distabilising activities in Iraq and Pakistan's deliberate non compliance of terrorist elimination task need immediate millitary counter measures by U S.Chinese leaders know that America would not be engaged in full scale war with Iran and Pakistan rather would force both the nations to act as per the directives given by them with limited effctive bombing on some specific targets.U S has the capability to accomplish their mission within a very short period and send the message to North Korea as their next target. At this crucial juncture, Chinese leader have to be extra cautious to keep good relatoin with india and talk soft.China as a country is not trust worthy and very keen to preach the ideology of socialism in the neighbouring states. China is also arming Mao terrorist groups for their subversive activities in Nepal,India,Bhutan and Bangladesh.Therefore Mr Singh should keep in the mind that Chinese are most unpredictble and they have the past record of stabbing from back.