it seems these kind of stories will keep on popping up as they did in the case of bob woolmer...ths is a well hatched plan by non other than Mr Mushraaf and ofcourse with Mr bush by hi side..
Why people are so greedy about political powers ? Every one who reached to big position was killed like this. Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi were killed - Still Sonia, Rahul, Priyanka are hungry for power
RE:Bhotto, Rajiv, Indira
by OldKid on Jan 02, 2008 02:27 PM Permalink
This is the inborn quality of a leader who in continuous desire for serving the nation lay sacrificed at the altar of religious fanaticism and inhuman ideologies
stop the Benazir stories ... its histoy now... what has happned has happned.. why shld india indulge into this paki politics... and pakis shld take a call on what they want in thier country....
RE:Is it the Nano-Radon-Induced suboptimizer?
by Mark roy on Jan 02, 2008 02:22 PM Permalink
yaaa...and if they keep using such techno what will happen to india
RE:Is it the Nano-Radon-Induced suboptimizer?
by bang rao on Jan 02, 2008 02:22 PM Permalink
sure they will watch,after all pak is their foster child whom they have nourished closely first agianst soviets & now against india