RE:What is the report from the Driver and the body guard who were travelling with her ?
by Tail Feather on Jan 02, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
When pak can shut down a much time would it take to shut down the driver? Ask sensible questions dude.
RE:What is the report from the Driver and the body guard who were travelling with her ?
by Vijay urf Teesmaar Khan on Jan 02, 2008 03:28 PM Permalink
Who is interested in REAL story?
RE:What is the report from the Driver and the body guard who were travelling with her ?
by Sameer Aneja on Jan 02, 2008 03:13 PM Permalink
Y no portmortem was carried out? do you think her husband was also involved in killing her .. ??
I think the best thing is to stop discussion boards if does not have competent editors and a check system in place. Merely writing a disclaimer does not safeguard if rubbish is written by some mentally challenged people who prey the internet and have no other place to vent their frustrations!! If you are going to directly upload trash people write you should stop 'open writing' by the public on your website!! And for people - follow some decency folks - the departed could be a member of your family someday!! - VM
RE:Stop discussion boards
by james on Jan 02, 2008 03:08 PM Permalink
the departed was responsible for many a indian departed soul by openly supporting the jihadis. so no sweat moorthy. good ridance.
RE:Stop discussion boards
by kaustav saikia on Jan 02, 2008 03:17 PM Permalink
absolutely right Jame's, Mr Moorthy pl. enlighten with some decent words.
RE:Stop discussion boards
by Milind on Jan 02, 2008 03:15 PM Permalink
You can not help it! it is a matter of pride for some people like zardari to sit behind bars all his life for unlawful activity and still take the main chair in limelight after death of his 'wife'...
Then what do you expect from people who know the fact that she was a criminal who died because of her ill doings.
It is lessons for all to take... you do wrong and pay for it!
RE:RE:Stop discussion boards
by Milind on Jan 02, 2008 03:19 PM Permalink
agree that her death was horrible but that is how the law of land is... so she was sank as per the law... 'desert ka kanoon'
RE:RE:Stop discussion boards
by Periyar on Jan 02, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
Absolutely right Moorthy....if rediff do not filter the will be made soon. It is been suggested already....Judicial actions will be taken on Rediff soon
saudi arab 7th century stone age imperialism dress up as a religion is behind the death of benazir.
isi,mush,taliba etc r just branches and the root is saudi arabia impeirlaits ideology islam.
they want to control the world,destroy secular democracy and promote male dominated fascist ideology.
it is india and every humna's duty to ensure that the islamo fascist ideology is destroyed and secular democracy and respect for all humanity is put into place in the whole world starting with saudi arabia.
everyone talks of pakis,but no one sees the true masters of pakis r saudi arabia the tribal arab blood soaked society.
by asrar ahmed on Jan 02, 2008 03:09 PM Permalink
laser is described in koran along with amny other stuff.also the laser does not need power source bcoz a genie sits in the laser and its heat fires the laser.
RE:laser gun?
by OldKid on Jan 02, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
Yes, Aliens at the 'Jihadapalooza' camp hired by Al-Qaida have shot out high precision laser guided bullets with dual mode GPRS navigation system... hehhheeee
Among the suspects who organised Benazir killing (?) Sharif can also be there. It might be a ploy to further embarrass the Military General who just doffed the uniform.