RE:What's your reasoning ?
by Your Nemesis on Mar 01, 2008 01:13 AM Permalink
Ha ha ha. Dudes, please read all your responses to my post once again. ha ha ha. I am really having a great time. Particulary read Sunil's post. Poor dude, is letting his blood boil so much, that he is contradicting himself many times in his own words. What is more funny is, none of these guys are willing to develope some common sense even after this.
Truth hurts, I know. Faces turn red, hands shiver, breathing deepens, body twitches like a mouse has entered your a$$. This is what happens if you don't keep matters of heart away from matters of mind.
See, I am having an absolutely great time, because, I keep my faith in Ram only to my heart. I don't accept anything physical as his manifestation. If ever he lived on this earth and built something, he will become a human like you and me, which he is not. So, even if the bridge is 'man-made' I know it must have been by an ancient civilization, built for trade with the island. I don't get swayed by cunning communalists who try to instigate my emotions by preaching absurdity, only to meet their political ends.
I know you guys feel uncomfortable, but please don't keep coming back to post absurdities, thinking you really have some logic in your convictions. It would reflect bad on people who gave you education.
RE:What's your reasoning ?
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 01, 2008 12:40 AM Permalink
This Mr. Nemesis has offered a 'do dhari talwar' to catch by either side. Very clever monkey....
RE:Jehadis are abusing message instead of replying logically
by Pappu Kangi on Mar 01, 2008 12:35 AM Permalink
No other cause is responsible for more deaths than Islam.
Islam can't be reformed, but it can be eradicated. It can't be molded, but it can be smashed. It is rigid, but brittle. That is why Muslims can't tolerate criticism of it. To eradicate Islam, all we have to do is tell the truth. It's that simple.
RE:Congress always goof up issues related with religion
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 01, 2008 12:43 AM Permalink
Tathagata, what you said is very right. But what do you wear in the night, saree or skirt ????
RE:Congress always goof up issues related with religion
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 01, 2008 01:07 AM Permalink
Sunil, trust me. I consider Tatha as one of the best writer here. But I don't like his one up manship attitude. And than, he attacked me personally the very day I joined this rediff 4 months ago. He even asked me to send my wife to him, in Bengali. Let him appolise.
RE:RE:Congress always goof up issues related with religion
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 01, 2008 01:13 AM Permalink
I will be behind Tatha untill he appolise...
RE:Congress always goof up issues related with religion
by Pappu Kangi on Mar 01, 2008 12:39 AM Permalink
No other cause is responsible for more deaths than Islam.
Islam can't be reformed, but it can be eradicated. It can't be molded, but it can be smashed. It is rigid, but brittle. That is why Muslims can't tolerate criticism of it. To eradicate Islam, all we have to do is tell the truth. It's that simple.
RE:Pseudo Nationalist Party BJP
by kamal juneja on Mar 01, 2008 12:11 AM Permalink
Ashok u are really a Pseudo posing as a Hindu but u seems to be a pkaistani Muslim