RE:Better teacher
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 11:41 PM Permalink
You have born as a doubt any doubt. Your existance is a doubt. Your purpose of living is doubt any doubt. Whole Prakash is doubt when Andhkar comes and swallows Chandra. Any Doubt.
by Chandra Prakash on Feb 27, 2008 11:27 PM Permalink
JGN Puttar, why only you, I will support any monkey who finds fault with quran and Popot Lal. Carry on Beta.....
by Chandra Prakash on Feb 27, 2008 11:31 PM Permalink
I will even support Tathagata Mukherjee as and when he talk against Popot Lal's principles, knowing that he himself is a committed Mullah. Don't suspect my greatness.....
RE:The Glorious Quran says
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 11:28 PM Permalink
yes I know about this sura it came when there are only 100 or very little Muslims facing a huge army in thousands of the pagans.All the muslims were afraid that they were going to die if they face the Pagan meccans then this sura came for Mohammed to encourage the muslims like movie 300. Have you seen movie 300 where just 300 hundred soldiers defends Greece against mighty Persian army.What a story can you believe this.
RE:Mohammed is a good person or a Fuckkker?
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 11:03 PM Permalink
People like you Monkey Man get birth from brothel or gutter.
Swamy Vivakandnda had said: "We not only tolerate, but we Hindus accept every religion, praying in the mosque of the Mohamedans, worshipping before the fire of the Zoroastrians, and kneeling before the cross of the Christians, knowing that all the religions, from the lowest fetishism, mean so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realize the infinite, each determined by the conditions of its birth and association, and each of them making a stage of progress. We gather all these flowers and bind them with the twine of love, making a wonderful bouquet of worship"
Now compare this with the beliefs of semitic religions and draw your own conclusion!
RE:The hindu beliefs
by Alick Mendonca on Feb 27, 2008 11:30 PM Permalink
Do not compare but absorb the good , do not take in what others translate but make your own conclusions, no religion is bad provided its translated and preached correctly. Even i am a firm believer in Swami Vivekananda a great Sage.Let be Human beings first who were created By one and only Supreme power whom we call by umpteen names, i agree with u JGN except the last one that is misinterpreted by ingnorant of power crazy priests, mullahs, pujaris etc etc
RE:The hindu beliefs
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 11:36 PM Permalink
MR JGN In this world of Freedom there should be freedom for faith,freedom of expression and freedom of every thing which a person can do then what about the civilized society they should have certain princples which people should follow to peace and harmony this is provided by Religion. If a religion not produces a civilized society than is not meant to be religion.
RE:RE:The hindu beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 11:40 PM Permalink
My freedom ends where your nose begins. See the reply to Mr. Alick.
I don't have any hatred for Muslims (or the followers of any religion for that matter). I believe in the principles of neo-humanism and modern civil laws!
Believe in yourself. Believe in the basic goodness of all humanbeings. Believe in the principles of modern civil laws.
RE:The hindu beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 11:38 PM Permalink
Mr. Alick Mendonca, I have read 2 versions of The Koran (English translations) and know for sure what its contents are!!!!
And the Sura reporduced by me is misintrepreted by the Mullahs to brainwash the youngsters.
The translator's note in The Koran read by me says that many muslims consider that the said Sura was applicable to the "Battle of Badr" only but the Shiia's consider the same as a universal obligation.
Even the Deobandi Seminary had discussed about the validity of this Sura on 25th of this month but they have not unequivocally disowned the same.
RE:The hindu beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 10:47 PM Permalink
Anyway you people are accusing that I am an RSS guy. Be happy with your belief. You cannot do anything even if I decide to join RSS. It is not a banned organization.
Here I have only mentioned only what Swamy vivekananda had said.
Now compare with the obsession of the followers of Semitic religions with "one god and one book" which is the root cause of all problems.
RE:The hindu beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:56 PM Permalink
I am sorry for my words, You seems to be very hadworking guy, who belive in human bieng. I respect such person.
If we guy follow such kind a good words said by Vivekanand, will earn something in our life.
RE:The hindu beliefs
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 10:57 PM Permalink
Mr JGN Some time you references from books on Atheism and sometime Hinduism.You mean to say that Hinduism and Atheism are almost same. Your thoughts are giving the following Result.
RE:The hindu beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 11:00 PM Permalink
Dont interfere, when 2 peoples are debating each other. Now we need to explain where we started and now where we are?
RE:The hindu beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 11:08 PM Permalink
KK, hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense. It is a conglomeration of various beliefs and even atheism. Atheists existed even in vedic period and were known as "Charvakas" We do not have any obsession with "one book" nor do we claim that no change can be made in that!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE:The hindu beliefs
by Praveen George on Feb 28, 2008 03:36 AM Permalink
Exactly , Infact the Maya philosophy is the most known ancient form of atheism. The Idea of "Maya" is not god exists every where but existence can come from inexistence. Essentially matter can be created from void. Hinduism today is held hostage by some fringe groups whose view of hinduism is that it is just worshipping a Vishnu or Shiva. Infact worship composes a very miniscule part of the hindu culture.
The sages who sought to know how the universe was created maintained that the entire universe originated from a single primal principle called SAT. They believed that by whatever name god is worshipped, the worship ultimately reaches SAT or this divine principle. This thought helped to develop the idea of religious tolerance among the majority in India.
RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:27 PM Permalink
first of all, what do you see as extreme result of this voilence? And what do you want? What should be done with whole muslim? tell me your desire.
RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:37 PM Permalink
I am 500% agree with your first statement."Not only muslims but every one should get rid of religious dogmas".
But this is very psychological, voilence can be anywhere. If there will be Jews in place of muslim. You guys digg their book and religion.
If there is no voilence b/w Muslims and other religions. There will inside religions. e.g. Shia and Sunni, in hindus you can see fwd Vs dalits.
If not inside religion then in family. Brothers do fight in single family. This is natural cycle dude.
But thing is we shoudl resolve these issues by debating, taking people in streamline. but not by hatered them
RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 10:47 PM Permalink
I agree with you mr Amit. We should resolve this issues by debating and have a mutual understanding of each others belief and respect each others belief no matter wat religion you follow.but not Hate and spread Hatred by abusing there religion etc. This is real Humanity.
RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:49 PM Permalink
Mr JGN, I didnt report a message a abuse, trust me.
and next speak logically. You read 50000 books. But debating like infant. Be logical and open your mind. And let me introduce you my self. I am not Athiest. I am religious person. And I am not favouring muslims here. I am just trying to explain a situation we the whole world can face. If we dont resolve this problem.Thats it. Your whole intention is to explain your capacity of reading books only. I appreciate you read 50K books so far. and a lot of fake knowledge you gained.
RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 10:53 PM Permalink
Are you halucinating? Where have I written that I have read 50000 books? Are you on drugs? Leave it man. Don't try to teach a person like me. Anyway I cannot continue now. May be another day.
RE:RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:52 PM Permalink
I know, people who are getting violent belongs to any religion are doing murder of humanity.We should collectively resolve this issue.
Of course I ask myself why superstition is so widespread and why 99.99% of people believe in some form of God. Because of uncertainty and death, people cannot cope with the absoluteness of non-existence. So they invented an after-life and gods because it is useful. I have no doubt thatthis is the only life. I have and I'd better make the best out of it. %u2013 Lord Meghand Desai
(Lord Meghnad Desai may not be correct on the percentage. Almost 15% of world's population are now irreligious atheists)
Ancient spiritual belief further had it that a person who suffered misfortune or overly suffered from the human instinctual passions of fear and aggression was 'possessed' by bad or evil spirits. Relief was sought by offering sacrifice or avowing servitude to the mythical good spirits or Gods in return for favours, forgiveness, redemption and salvation, if not now then in an imaginary life-after-death.
Each tribe has, over millennia, formalized its own particular religion based on these ancient words, traditions, fears, superstitions and eccentric fairy tales.
Shamans, priests and God-men soon laid claim to be the earthly representatives of these mythical 'other- worldly spirits and Gods and, as such, their words and deeds were taken to be sacred and inviolate.
Thus the shamans, priests and God-men came to wield enormous power and influence, for to dare to question them was to provoke the evil spirits, incur the wrath of the Gods and ultimately deny oneself the chance of salvation in an imagined future life-after-death.
RE:Ancient spiritual beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:16 PM Permalink
see Mr JGN, if people will bark like you. This is not going to solve the problem.US has used alreay what they can. Now there debate has been started, that we should take these voilent guys in main stream. Otherwise no solution apart from this.
RE:Ancient spiritual beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:30 PM Permalink
taquiya? I didnt understand. might be my weak english doesnt support me :)
RE:Ancient spiritual beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:40 PM Permalink
I am hindu and using my original ID. are you shocked? Why are you everytime asking this thing. Lets debate.