Hinduism is not an organized religion. It is self realisation . There is no central authority in Hinduism to impose their views or pass orders . Hinduism is based and born in peace ( most peace loving ( OHM shanthi,shanthi,shanthi in sanskrit - which means peace,peace and more peace ) since time immemorial - as well Jainism and Buddhism too . Hinduism is base don universal values .peace,love,equality ,oneness of humanity
by tomcat on Feb 28, 2008 11:45 AM Permalink
theek hai theek hai secular jijo ... Iska matlab yeh kya that we allow ourselves to be killed by Muslims.. ??
RE:Nothing to do with religion
by Sampath Kumar on Feb 28, 2008 05:59 AM Permalink
Yes, espescially when demonstrated by the fact that the religion promotes extermination of non believers through Jihad, Issue Fatwa for any idiotic thing, Keep mouth shut when Muslims denigrate Gods of other faiths thro obscene paining, C'mon gimme a break, Like the B'lore terrorists, keep your views in "Drafts" folder.
RE:Islamic Terrorists are trained to be internet savvy
by pariksitpariksit on Feb 28, 2008 05:33 AM Permalink
Please dont compare Hinduism wit man made religions. There is no word as Hinduism inour scriptures. It says about man n god only. God is not muslin hindu or christain. only less intelligent ppl wit poor fund of knowledge speak like dt. All living entities r part n parcle of God as such they R eternally related n serving the supereme whole.Religions dt appeared in Kali yuga r all not perfect.They r known as Kaithva Dharma.or cheating religions.
RE:Modern society wants freedom
by Srinivas on Feb 27, 2008 11:43 PM Permalink
You are right mr.kk. But why do we discuss so much about religion on this board? Why do people hate a particular religion? Which religion promotes enimity instead of brotherhood? Just google "most hated religion" and you will get the answer.
RE:Better teacher
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 11:41 PM Permalink
You have born as a doubt any doubt. Your existance is a doubt. Your purpose of living is doubt any doubt. Whole Prakash is doubt when Andhkar comes and swallows Chandra. Any Doubt.