RE:My dear Rediff Moderator
by p k on Feb 18, 2008 09:15 PM Permalink
allow free and fair discussions...we have right to freedom as our fundamental right...dont mess with that...
by Netflix on Feb 19, 2008 08:24 AM Permalink
Because communists and secular brigade think that having real ID card is harmful to interest of minority (read Bangaldeshi buggers settled by CPM and Congress in W. Bengal and Assam).
RE:RE:Diwali in Pak
by p k on Feb 18, 2008 07:45 PM Permalink
unfortunately the typical India/indians are the most tolerant species in the world..thats the reason why u are talking rite now!! Koz aft all these years of creating nuscence in our country....had it been the present generation in power...
Pork!stan wld have been wiped off long back....feel lucky that u are able to write this stupid message.....
RE:Diwali in Pak
by p k on Feb 18, 2008 07:52 PM Permalink
and dude...plz dont call us ur bro...btw..I have very good paki friends..but u kno..on these discussions...its not the personal relationsihips that comes...but the bitter things that muslims have been engaged over these years...
Wats all this jehad??? killing people in the name of religion..being fanatic...sounds soo primative..
RE:Diwali in Pak
by Anonymous on Feb 18, 2008 08:04 PM Permalink
Mr. p k just few people donot represent your religion, just few people on the name of jihad cannot kill people, agreed. but terrorists do not have any religion.
u see, i dont want to get into this religious bla bla bla.. u will go on to ur explanation and i will be going my way.. no change of mind.. what i was trying to say was why do u become happy in pakistan's tragedy ?? none other tragedy makes you that much happier.
RE:RE:Diwali in Pak
by amit babbar on Feb 18, 2008 07:56 PM Permalink
Mr no identity, u should teach these lessons to the ISI bigshots and people who generate hatred against India and other countries from pakistan's land. Pakistan is the factory of hatred on earth and doesnt deserve to live any more...aameenn!!
RE:Diwali in Pak
by yournutshell on Feb 18, 2008 08:08 PM Permalink
99.99999% terrorists are muslims all over the world & pakistan has been safe haven for all of them
RE:Diwali in Pak
by amit babbar on Feb 18, 2008 07:53 PM Permalink
no need to attack and waste our resources. Why to kill somebdy who is already doing