RE:Pakistan - always a happening place!
by Nitin jain on Feb 15, 2008 11:21 AM Permalink
why Islam does not beleive in peace. why islam make diference in human. why it insist that who does not belief in islam ( follower of other relegion) kafir ( who is anti Islam) and in last why Muslim does not follow GOOD THING FROM ISLAM.
RE:Pakistan - always a happening place!
by Mohan Kini on Feb 15, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
Dear Nitin, In arabic "Musalmeen" is said to mean "Reiligion by the sword".That means they put force,violence in each & everything to get their work done like conversion,not to leave their religion if the person is muslim,etc.So there is no place for peace or "Shanti"in Islam.Leave the Pakis alone to dig their own grave in Pakistan.