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What's new
by Sun on Feb 15, 2008 05:13 PM  Permalink 

In the subcontinent its nothing new.it should be news only if there is no rigging. India,Pak & Bangladesh have this ne thing in common.

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What Election??
by Antony on Feb 15, 2008 12:12 PM  Permalink 

No body can call it an election rigged or otherwise.

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planted conversation
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 15, 2008 12:04 PM  Permalink 

this appears to be a planted conversation by the ruling military about rigging by ppp or nawaz for the benefit of interviewer. appears to be poor preemptive attempt of accusitions of poll rigging accusitions by them.

"Leave Nawaz Sharif... I think Nawaz Sharif will not take part in the election... If he does take part, he will be in trouble. If Benazir takes part, she too will be in trouble... They will massively rig to get their own people to win. If you can get a ticket from these guys, take it... If Nawaz Sharif does not return himself, then Nawaz Sharif has some advantage"

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paki probloems will come to india soon
by harkatuljihadeikafiroon on Feb 15, 2008 11:54 AM  Permalink 

every country which has faced jihad has finally surrendered except india,till now.

pakis r seeing trouble and taliban/jihad is pressing pakistan.

pakistan will fall soon.

then they will attack india,mark my words they want to rule the whole world and make shariat and arab islam complusory to all,incl india.

we must fight this by launching secular democracy in saudi arabia the root of problems in pakistan.

if we defeat saudi arabia designs on pakistan then india is safe so we must push for secular democracy in saudi arabia and pakistan.

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by a a on Feb 15, 2008 11:43 AM  Permalink 

btw do ppl actually vote in pakistan for polls??? are they jst simply go to polling booths to die??

failed state thats the conclusion..may be US can bomb them in search of Mr osama uncle..

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by vox populi on Feb 15, 2008 11:40 AM  Permalink 

Pak is an insane country--all chaos and no law & order----only thing they do regularly is take a chinese/n korean missile fire it and do some sabre rattling aginst india

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by Nitin jain on Feb 15, 2008 11:16 AM  Permalink 

pakistan is a country of wild animals like terrist & taliban, alquada and lakshar e toba live there. thier society is not civic sanse. extremly wild and very dengerous.

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rigging happens in india at gunpoint that is why we need crpf to guard the pool booths
by harkatuljihadeikafiroon on Feb 15, 2008 11:06 AM  Permalink 

in india rigging happens at gunpoint,so we need crpf to guard booths.

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