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Nehru is the monster of all ills in foreign policy
by anuj agarwal on Feb 12, 2008 06:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Be it Tibet or POK, the mother of all problems lies in Nehru and of course people later on could correct it either.
The chinese now are much more powerful than in 62. India must resist the temptation to be friendly blindly with chinese.

The tibet issue is alive and can be effectively used against china but DALAI LAMA has to allowed to owrk freely. Poor Dalai Lama is hostage in this country. He must be freed to operate and get independence for Tibet

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RE:Nehru is the monster of all ills in foreign policy
by Singha on Feb 12, 2008 06:50 PM  Permalink
U r insulting a monster. nehru was worse. First dont use "N" while referring to this suckster.

The damage he did to the soul of India is enormous.

His permit license quota raj can be directly attributed to India's poverty. It is a shame that we Indians have allowed his family to continue further damage.

In the short term BJP can save India. In the long term, we need to fight a second battle of independence to save our country from totalitarian pseudos - islamists, christianists and communists.

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israel should help india
by Vicrant Nalkoor on Feb 12, 2008 06:37 PM  Permalink 

israel and india are very good friends.if they provide us with their AWACS embedded Phalcon planes we can tracks aerial movements even deep inside chinese territory.we need to learn the lesson of efficient and neat military tactics from israel.long live indo-israeli relationship.

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by Surya Narayana on Feb 12, 2008 06:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Friendship with any country can not be at the cost of our national interest.

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CBMs and ICBMs
by nagesh nayani on Feb 12, 2008 06:27 PM  Permalink 

It's the ICBMs and not CBMs that'll be understood. Finally, it's the power each Nation possesses, be it US, China or Pak that makes them talk or act the way they do. India should build sufficient military deterrence to ward off such blabber from China. Finally, power (is what)speaks!

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Where are the leftists?
by Raghavendra R Ravi on Feb 12, 2008 06:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Brinda Karat, Sitaram Yechuri and constant commentators are silent on the Chinese approach to Arunachal Pradesh!! For them left leaning alone is important and India's sovereignity is of no importance.. These are the frauds which have to be exposed.

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RE:Where are the leftists?
by balaji v on Feb 12, 2008 06:27 PM  Permalink
Exactly. These lefts should stand up and speak for the country now and they have spoken enough on other issues. This silence of leftists have to be excoriated in popular news channels

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by kalyan ram on Feb 12, 2008 06:13 PM  Permalink 

if there is an war with china, we will lose north east india easily.....one brutual attack by china on siliguri which is like an chicken neck will cut off north east india from rest of india and bangladesh will not help india if north east was occupied by china.......indian politicians know that all the politicians will be butchered with indian parliament in an single nuke attck by china.....thats why indian politicians fearing for their life been very diplomatic on arunachal inspite of provocations by china.....

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India should concentrate on itself
by Dr. Vinay Gupta on Feb 12, 2008 06:05 PM  Permalink 

Every one respects power and strength. US is respected in world because of its power. India should also try to earn that power through economic and military means. Forget what the world says!!

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by shekhar rajan on Feb 12, 2008 06:05 PM  Permalink 

India is leaderless and Indian leaders are spineless. Those who don\\\\\\\'t learn from history are condemned to repeat it. What have we done since 1962 to ensure there is no repeatition. Even an important matter as national security is taken so lightly. Why the infrastructure has not been buit up even after 45 years after 1962. The country is traded otherwise how can the UPS govt explain the delay in militaty procurement. The MMRCA is a joke. Nowhere in the world this happens. The Indian leaders are really stupid to believe these cunning neighbours. Now immediately purchase out of the shelf Mirage 2k-5-100 nos may be even second hand fighters,more su 30 MkI, Fast track rafale fighters, raise atleast 60 squadrens of Fighters,Raise more mountain divsions. Deploy huge force along the north border, tit for tat like reply to any incursions. Tell them clearly that it will be a nuclear war if china tries anything foolish. Declare openly that India has abondaned No first use policy and hence if china tries anything foolish then we both will be destroyed. Give the message clearly to them just as Pak did to us in 2000. Let us be practical. Our leaders should understand that STRENGTH RESPECTS STRENGTH. DO NO HAVE AN APPEASEMENT POLICY. Tell them that India will have to review the policy of one china and also review policy on Tibet if they dont behave. Lay claim on Manasarovar. The PM and the Defence Min should build the roads and other facilities on fast track and monitor dail

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RE:china must rule india with saudi arabia
by abhay bisen on Feb 12, 2008 06:21 PM  Permalink
Oye dost mere Jite ji Hindustan ki dharti par koi kabza nahi kar sakta .

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Relations with China and Pakistan
by HRS Mani Mani on Feb 12, 2008 05:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I have no doubt in my mind that our relations with China and Pakistan cannot be improved because of their ATTITUDE towards us. Let us forget CBM with regard to these enemy countries and build our defence capability, both conventional and nuclear.

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RE:Relations with China and Pakistan
by s n on Feb 12, 2008 06:55 PM  Permalink
indian politician also concentrating vote bank politics & vote bank states, there is no industrial acitivity in north east. other indians should migrate our north-east States. central govt should ban religious convert,we also learn to break chines integrity(china always agianst india) tibet (manasrover) part of india we also declare this.

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