Americans are helping pakis (recently they gave crores of rupees to pakis to fight terrorism, but pakistan uses to fund terrorists against india) and supplies weapons of mass destruction like f-16.
RE:americans are supplying WMD to pakis
by Saagar Bhatia on Feb 12, 2008 10:26 PM Permalink
the only means to respect is through overwhelming power, India keeps buying weapons and other nation's technology, until it develops its own mega-sophisticated weaponary, the fear and respect will not be there.
In pre soviet era-Pakistan was assisted by its allies to bleed India with 1000 cuts.This was aimed at containing India which was seen as a major force with Soviet Union.
Now in post cold war era,China has taken up the role of containing India by i)military measures ii)diplomatic activities in India's neighbourhood.
No wonder people are strongly realising the need of a young and dynamic leadership in the country to clear the current mess.
Its Such a shame that china is claiming Arunachal Pradesh and our Weak and shameless PM doesnt even have guts to speak against China. And where are those communists dogs who bark against USA but lick their chinese masters feet.
Indian leaders do not have guts to merge and claim Tibet in Indian union. Best way is allow US to settle their base in India. Help Taiwan with nuke. Accept close allies status of US.
The best way to deal with China will be to hit where it hurts them most. India should immediately stop all economic interaction with China. This way we can show China that they need to mend their ways.
Besides India should be more forthright in denouncing any claims from China over Arunachal Pradesh.
All of you forgot the High Principles that chacha Nehru sttod for. He has the loftiest aims and noble goals. His great idealogies are indeed very useful. To whom is the only question, or so it was until China occupied India (the bloody land stupid of pagans).
China's brazen behaviour is proof enough, if proof were needed in the first place, that Beijing has never been, nor will ever be, a friend of India. We are their topmost rivals, in Asia, and the Chinese know it well. There is no need to fear China. Despite all its gung-ho economic miracle, China remains a thrid-rate country. Millennia of state control and regimentation have made it so. Ours is an open, vibrant culture, far superior in every respect. China is Bluster outwards, Paranoid inside. India must dismantle the corrurpt Nehruvian-Congress-Commie edifice, which is the root cause of our problems. A US-India alliance is a natural one, as even the Yanks are going to need us in an increasingly friendless world. Let the liberals yell all they like. Jaganniwas
RE:Stop mollycoddling China
by Vijay Vijay on Feb 12, 2008 09:16 PM Permalink
Yes; you are right! There is no need to fear China - the only people needed to be weeded out are the fifth column for the Chinks in India - the commies. Without them, India can improve very much, have lots of confidence which the commies keep puncturing always. If only we consign this effeminate "Nehruism" to the dustbin where it rightfully belongs, we can be seen as a real sovereign country by the world community.
China 1936 - muslim population 50 million 2006 - it is less than 10 million.
India 1947-muslim population 30 million 2007, muslim population in India 200 million
In Western China where muslims were once a majority, han chinese have been settled in. arabic script and skull cap is banned; koran meetings and haj disallowed; beard length regulated, maulvi's speeches need prior clearance from government; islam lost its base and most musims in china rightly have given up on islam. (This is the reason why, not infrequently, you see chinese being beaten up/killed in pakistan - NWFP)
China strictly regulates and monitors Vatican. Pope was not allowed to step into China, whereas the worthy entered india and highlighted that indian souls are ready to be harvested. sonia gandi is powerfully representing these totalitarian and dark forces.
Chinese know how to deal with islam. In India, nehru, a pervert, screwed up big time by encouraging totalitarian islamism and christianism in the name of secularism while suppressing tolerant hinduism as communal.
RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by s n on Feb 13, 2008 01:13 PM Permalink
one thing u understand singha, they don't have election in their country, we have election & vote bank dirty politics that is democrecy
RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by Sandeep khaitan on Feb 12, 2008 07:13 PM Permalink
Great peice of Information Mr. Singha.. need more people like u to screw up the scoundrels
RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by Mihir Shah on Feb 12, 2008 10:07 PM Permalink
Well said.
If only people like Raj Thakeray understood the broader implications of China's actions and fought to raise awareness for such issues instead of indulging in petty bickering to grab power!!!
Government of India should know that they cannot trust China at any point of time and there is nothing called CBM when it relates to China. India should be part of premier league of nations promoted by USA, UK, Germany, France and Australia. Once India is part of this group, India gets enough support to enter any nation and curtail the terrorists. USA wanted India to be part of this group and other group members have already agreed for this. It is the commies who is holding GOI for ransom. Did any communists ever said that Arunachal is part of India and they dispute Chinese claim. Commies will never support India when it matters with China.