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RE:Amitabh and Dada
by Kakhagha on Feb 07, 2008 07:52 PM  Permalink
Bhaiyyu Manus = Illiterate Lallu
Bhaiu Bai = Johra bai, Umrao Jan & mujrewallis of Lucknow.
Culture = Infamous Mullu and Maya rap charges

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RE:Amitabh and Dada
by Harini on Feb 07, 2008 07:58 PM  Permalink
How come you forgot Panvel Dance bar and Mumbai dance bars??? Underworld?

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RE:Amitabh and Dada
by Kakhagha on Feb 07, 2008 08:00 PM  Permalink
Yes you are right. But then most of the dancers there are from UP/Bihar and balance Bangaladeshi. Since we didnt want to degrade you further, we had to forget conveniently.

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Is it not logical that Hindi film industry is in NOIDA UP and Surat becomes financial capital of India
by Secular India on Feb 07, 2008 07:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Better idea is to move Hindi film industry to NOIDA forcibly - and NOIDA is a 1000 times better than the hellhole of Goregaon or Lokhandwala. Marathi film industry and stars can move to Andheri and Goregaon.
Forcibly move all finance activities to Ahmedabad and Gujarat as most finance guys are Gujjus. Make Surat the new financial capital of India. With Modi there - it is likely to happen anyway as Gujarat is leaving Maharashtra far behind.
Software is already there in South - Bangalore , Hyd and Chennai. So nothing much to move here.

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RE:Is it not logical that Hindi film industry is in NOIDA UP and Surat becomes financial capital of India
by Rohit Kanwar on Feb 07, 2008 07:52 PM  Permalink
Exactly. And Amitabh should move to his hometown Allahabad and tell the Ghatis to shove it up their ....

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RE:Ghatis, please have mercy on Devnagari!!!
by Kakhagha on Feb 07, 2008 07:46 PM  Permalink
Dont be foolish in blind hatred. Fact is that Hindi has been derived from Marathi and devanatri script belongs to marathi originally. Just be mature and accept the facts. Even your forfather is Marathi

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RE:RE:Ghatis, please have mercy on Devnagari!!!
by sabyasachi ghosh on Feb 08, 2008 04:18 AM  Permalink
Where exactly did you get this crazy fact from? I sure some blind hardcore communalist from a previous generation told you this. How does it matter who speaks what. Be Indian! Hindi is the official language of India and you should respect it, as much as you do your mother tongue, like I do. BTW: Marathi is estimated to be over 1300 years old and it is evolved from Sanskrit through Prakrit and Apabhramsha, as old as and rich in literature as Bengali. Be proud of this but it does not make Hindi to have derived from it. Hindi also has the same roots in Sanskrit with some dilutions and cross cultural influence, nothing to do with Marathi. Be proud but be real and fair too.

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RE:Ghatis, please have mercy on Devnagari!!!
by Ponraj on Feb 07, 2008 07:52 PM  Permalink
What do you mean to say?Do you degrade Tamil? Unnecessorily dont touch tamil. Hindi is our national language,i agree, but it does not mean Hindi is superior and Tamil is tribal. Control your words

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by usa on Feb 07, 2008 07:39 PM  Permalink 

The current status is:

Kerala - C/o Gulf
Tamilnadu - No Comments
Andhra Pradesh - Telangana movement
Karnataka - Ask Tamilnadu
Bihar,UP - Their weapons are sophisticated than Indian Army's
Bengal - Chinese will listen.
Seven sister states - Instant death if you are non-assamese.
Punjab - Khalistan
Kashmir - Kidding?
Rajasthan - They call you 'Paradesi'.
Maharastra - Vidarbha movement.
UP - Bundelkhand, Poorvanchal etc

Due to the intrinsic cultural diversity, each State in India cannot 'productively' govern more than 2 million citizens.
India should 'decentralize' 604 districts into States or Cantons as in Switzerland.


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RE:Marathis are cowards!
by abhijeet on Feb 07, 2008 07:37 PM  Permalink
the bhaiyyas like u,they r responsible for what they r facing now.in abroad they throw out the people who have taken the teachings from UP or Bihar.if u dont believe,look the language u r using

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RE:Marathis are cowards!
by abhijeet on Feb 07, 2008 07:39 PM  Permalink
if u have guts take ur fellows and move out from maharashtra,we didn"t invited anyone.

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RE:Marathis are cowards!
by Secular India on Feb 07, 2008 07:49 PM  Permalink

Better idea is to move Hindi film industry to NOIDA forcibly as Hindi movies should be made only in UP- and NOIDA is a 1000 times better than the hellhole of Goregaon or Lokhandwala. Marathi film industry and stars can move to Andheri and Goregaon.
Forcibly move all finance activities to Ahmedabad and Gujarat as most finance guys are Gujjus. Make Surat the new financial capital of India. With Modi there - it is likely to happen anyway as Gujarat is leaving Maharashtra far behind.
Software is already there in South - Bangalore , Hyd and Chennai. So nothing much to move here.

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RE:Ghatis, really what are you?
by Secular India on Feb 07, 2008 07:54 PM  Permalink
Lord Ram , Krishna , King Ashoka , Chandragupta Maurya and Gautam Buddha are million times bigger than all of them you mentioned. Not to mention leaders and successful people of modern times.

So shut up and get lost.

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RE:Why should anyone in the world learn Marathi?
by Kakhagha on Feb 07, 2008 07:28 PM  Permalink

Bhaiyaas produced Laluwa, Mulluva, Maya, Amarmani and the thugs list is endless.

Marathas produced Shivaji, Tanaji, Rani Laxmibai, Tatya Tope, Lokmanya, Veer Savarkar and I wont have enough space to post their names.

The first CM of UP K.C. Pant was a Maharashtrian. MPs of Indore, Gwalior, Guna are mahashtrians. CM of Rajasthan is Maharashtrian.

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