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Raj action-cavaliar but foolish, Failed Polical leadership, Bureaucracy Spineless
by Akhileshwar Sharma on Feb 07, 2008 04:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Raj being a politician and having a bit of konowledge of history, knows that loss of life on a large scale of 'our' people and 'other' people in the name of parochial identity can get you a state even if that amounts to partition and massacre of millions. At the same time he is a fool who does not realise that time has changed and bigger massacre in Punjab, Kashmir and North East has not yealed the desired result. People must know that in Punjab the Sikh killed by militants were more in number than the Hindus.

The matter of extreme concern is the political leadership who are mortally afraid to touch Raj. This type of inaction in the face of extremely grave situation is what supports the idelogy of Naxalites and terrorist.

The bureacracy is spineless. A one line order by DG to all police officials to shot at miscreants indulging in attack would have solved the entire problem. After all the primary duty of a state is to protect its subject. If it can do so it has no right to exist.

If there is one person who is responsible for all the successful recent violence, it is the Maratha Chief Minister

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RE:Raj action-cavaliar but foolish, Failed Polical leadership, Bureaucracy Spineless
by Akhileshwar Sharma on Feb 07, 2008 04:30 PM  Permalink
Raj being a politician and having a bit of konowledge of history, knows that loss of life on a large scale of 'our' people and 'other' people in the name of parochial identity can get you a state even if that amounts to partition and massacre of millions. At the same time he is a fool who does not realise that time has changed and bigger massacre in Punjab, Kashmir and North East has not yealed the desired result. People must know that in Punjab the Sikh killed by militants were more in number than the Hindus.

The matter of extreme concern is the political leadership who are mortally afraid to touch Raj. This type of inaction in the face of extremely grave situation is what supports the idelogy of Naxalites and terrorist.

The bureacracy is spineless. A one line order by DG to all police officials to shot at miscreants indulging in attack would have solved the entire problem. After all the primary duty of a state is to protect its subject. If it can NOT do so it has no right to exist.

If there is one person who is responsible for all the successful recent violence, it is the Maratha Chief Minister

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RE:Raj action-cavaliar but foolish, Failed Polical leadership, Bureaucracy Spineless
by keeth Lapersonne on Feb 07, 2008 04:33 PM  Permalink
The Congress Leadership are spineless. They don't have the courage and guts to arrest Mr Raj Thackeray.All they are fit for is to appease the Minorities. ( Muslims )

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RE:Raj action-cavaliar but foolish, Failed Polical leadership, Bureaucracy Spineless
by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 04:38 PM  Permalink
Yeah, when "north indian" interests are at stake, these biayyas shout from rooftop. Let these bhaiyyas look at their own state. UP/Bihar are one of the most lawless states in India. Bureaucracy is the most spineless in BIMARU states. In fact, police must shoot the criminals in these two ststes. Set your own house in order before accusing others. No one forced these bhaiyyas to come to Mumbai. If you fellows are that talented, why don't you improve your own state. If you don't like Marathas/Maharashtra, you have a choice to go back to Bihar/UP. As simple as that.

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RE:Raj action-cavaliar but foolish, Failed Polical leadership, Bureaucracy Spineless
by Mars on Feb 07, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
But, that doesn't justify what has happened in Mumbai.

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Laloo Prasad said that Pakistan declined an offer to take over Kashmir.
by Surag Singh on Feb 07, 2008 04:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Laloo Prasad said that Pakistan declined an offer to take over Kashmir. Laloo said that the Pakistanis declined the offer because the fine print in the Indian offer would have forced the Pakistanis to accept Bihar along with Kashmir. The Pakistanis did not want Bihar at any cost, so they turned down the offer!

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What about CPI violence against Taslima?
by Surag Singh on Feb 07, 2008 04:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Recent Muslim violence against Taslima.
Congress is selective. What about Mumbai train blasts? What about stamp paper scam involving Telgi and Chaggan Bhujbal? What would illegal migrants from Bangladesh? What abour farmer suicides in Vidharbha

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RE:What about CPI violence against Taslima?
by bandu bondu on Feb 07, 2008 04:30 PM  Permalink
Mumbai is the place where every case u can get.
1st RAj solving the internal prob then kick other .
if he frausted then go and check ur self. RAj is mental paitent. this very cheepst way to be a leader. North/south /east then started to kick MUMBAi men, then what happend??

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RE:What about CPI violence against Taslima?
by arp on Feb 07, 2008 04:26 PM  Permalink
Psuedo and hypo.only 2 word to answer.

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by thomas on Feb 07, 2008 04:21 PM  Permalink

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shoot dead terrorists like raj thackeray and all ghatis who think like him. they are tratitors...
by India King on Feb 07, 2008 04:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

jai hind

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RE:shoot dead terrorists like raj thackeray and all ghatis who think like him. they are tratitors...
by no on Feb 07, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink
only hindi walon ki jai all indians are our gulam !! jai hind!!

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RE:shoot dead terrorists like raj thackeray and all ghatis who think like him. they are tratitors...
by dilip kadam on Feb 07, 2008 05:09 PM  Permalink
dear freind
Dear Friend
You do not know the meaning of terrorists, why are you show your IQ level here. Once thing you do, you take admission for KG.

Without our co %u2013operation, are you made Mumbai, if yes why are develop Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra, why reliance want to made third Mumbai in Maharashtra.

Answer is maharashtrin culture, in our word ghatis culture.

For your kind information our fight is not any north Indian, our fight is capacity of Mumbai, I also request you also join to raj for your & family future concern.

Raj telling true, such hamesha kadva hota hai.

First JAI HIND than Jai Maharashtra

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