RE:go get some atta
by Golden on Feb 06, 2008 07:47 AM Permalink
pakistan is the only country israel is afraid of and this has been already told by one of the israely pm in past. they know who can be danger for them and take back from them what they have taken illegally. so pakistan has a lot of responsibility and it must act accordingly. please throw out mush and bush and let the religious leader take their course of responsibility. they must come forward to establish the equality of humanity, and protect women from these lechers who only know how to exploit women.
RE:go get some atta
by rajivinder singh on Feb 06, 2008 08:06 AM Permalink
everyone is scared of crazy /mad people who want to creat distruction all around. how can anyone forget pakistan's sponsoring of terrorism and giving shelter to all those for whom india/usa are looking for.everyone is afraid of pak, because it is sick, but India can still teach them lesson, anytime/any place/anyway
RE:go get some atta
by Global Citizen on Feb 06, 2008 09:09 AM Permalink
Hi Golden There has to be darkness to feel light. There has to be bad people do appreciate the goodness in the people. Similarly there has to be Bad religions like Hinduism and Christianity etc to appreciate the greatness on Islam. That is the normal to have difference of thought and opinion. At times it is biologically healthy to have different breed of people and race and culture. Humanity and world at such should allowed to be evolved that way. It is impractical to convert all the humanity to Islam. Kindly find other ways to spread the religion of PEACE. First step is to respect any Human being even if they are from Other religion. If you look deeply you will find something good and appreciable in anyone. Even if the person is your enemy. Of example I appreciate your sense (good or bad) of responsibility towards Humanity to give them Salvation. Now you try %u2026%u2026%u2026 Think about any of your enemy. There must be a good quality in him or her.
RE:go get some atta
by kishore on Feb 06, 2008 11:15 AM Permalink
Golden & the muslims around the world doesnot know where their sisters,mothers are roaming, but they are more intrested in Israel. If you can see the muslim world were/are puppets for USA. Even today saudi, UAE, other arab states are liking the boots of USA then any other country in the world. The sunnis(arabs) fear for IRAN is the cause for USA having strong presence in Arab land
nostradamus predicted that there will be two nuclear explosion in different part of america but who will bomb them this is not mention. all muslim countries will be united and other side europe and america and there will be full scale war and beautiful europe will be destroyed. europe will become muslim country.indians should be least bothered that there will be no nuclear explosion here. please refer to nostradamus prediction
by super success on Feb 06, 2008 02:02 AM Permalink
i forgot to mention one thing that there will be no war between india and pakistan or india and china
by on Feb 06, 2008 03:00 AM Permalink
Hinduism is the first and oldest religion on Earth. People who ware born are Hindus and they are the first civilized people to walk on earth. Then came other religions like Christians and Islam. Do you know under the curtains of Mecca there is a Shiva linga. Earlier people used to pray shiva linga in Mecca after Mohammad told not to pay the statue and stones they have covered it with curtains and now indirectly praying to the direction where there is great shiva linga installed thousands of years ago and these muslims just came 700 years ago is destroying the mankind in the name of Islam.
by JonBonJovi on Feb 06, 2008 03:59 AM Permalink
lol@ shiva linga well mohammmad told them not to worship the linga then y he left it there? he wud have thrown it y covering with curtains? do u know tht kaaba is built an rebuilt many times due to flood and other wear and tear! lol shiva linga then arabs are hindus too lol then dun call arabs invaders they actually came to pilgrimage to india! does house of windsor and vatican have shiva lingas too? or the 10 downing street??
by Libran on Feb 06, 2008 06:02 AM Permalink
You are speaking logically here and inspite of provocation, you have not used vulgar words unlike a few of your other posts. Thanks
by Vijay Shankar on Feb 06, 2008 07:19 AM Permalink
why do the people walk around the kaaba 7 times.. thats hindu custom, also what the water.. thats huindu custom too.. with ganga watr. Note that in no other mosque you do these two riturals.. !
by Dipak Patel on Feb 06, 2008 06:08 AM Permalink
Well said. There is a Palestinians guy working with me. His name is "Ramzee". What does it show? Regards
by Krishnier Natarajan on Feb 06, 2008 10:52 AM Permalink
Nostradamus also said that, after being conquered by Muslims, finally Hindus will march into Europe and Arabia and vanquish them using their omnipotent Brahmastras. So, only Hinduism will be left in the soil. This is the only dignified religion. The Hindus will then purify the soil using Holy Ganga Water!
A very objective and mature assessment of the fear psychosis perpetrated by the western powers. It isn't lost on anyone in the world that the theatres of war - Afghanistan and Iraq are both creations of such a fear psychosis. Sept 11 was avoidable with a more alert intelligence administration in the US. The US was most vulnerable at that time and if the religious crusaders had nuclear warheads they wouldn't have hesitated using them!
The bogey of weapons of mass destruction was laid bare by none other than Mohammed al Baradei, the IAEA officer. Baradei, and indeed some reports in the US media, have pooh-poohed the attempts to divert the attention from Iraq to another Iran.
Bush, in my opinion, is an innocent and a silly man misled by extreme hawks in the US military and intelligence and associated industries, who see no role for themselves, once the world becomes a peaceful and global marketplace. George Bush Sr taught his son arms and oil trade and nothing else.
The current presidential campaigners in the United States vow to end the war in Iraq. Why? They have realised, as do millions of sensible Americans, that they have been taken for a ride. Don't forget America is a land of immigrants and many faiths. If you identify them as Chrisians, you are playing into the hands of the Christian religious crusade, which would like you to believe that Christianity equals prosperity!
It is time to listen to objective assessment and debates and not pin down all blame fo
RE:RE:Shireen is objective
by Bharat Kumar on Feb 06, 2008 01:29 AM Permalink
It is time to listen to objective assessment and debates and not pin down all blame for terror on Islam. Corner them and you will get them more ferocious.
Now, how can Shireen Mazari be so sure of the Pak military control over the nuclear arsenal? What does it take for a committed group to tilt the balance at one such storage location? All that the terrorist groups need are a group of committed followers who do not mind dying. I feel the situation in Pak is pretty bad and you cannot rule out such a mis-adventure as an impossibility.
The Pak army has been negotiating with the terror groups whenever it has found them too hot to handle. There are regular desertions of the lower ranks.
India and USA will do well to be on guard and be ready to hit any such target if taken over by terrorists, in case Pakistan army hesitate to act against them.