nostradamus predicted that there would be 2 nuclear explosion in different part of america , it will take many lives but who will bomb them this is not mention. in future alll muslim countries will be united as one country . there will be full scale war between muslim and europe america . whole europe will be destroyed and europe will become islamic state. one thing more there will be no nuclear war between india and pakistan or india and china. if doubt please refer nostradamus prediction
Whereever some sort of terror activities are going on this world be it be Kashmir ,Afghanistan ,Chechnya Iraq America or Israel .One side is the same Islam ...If it was one or two places I could have understood but every where why they are creating problems Do they don%u2019t like peace in this world .Why are they so arrogant .Just look back they have not contributed anything to this worlds development technically or scientifically other than the population . The car, bus, train, plane, TV, Fridge , computer or mobile or even the Guns and ammunitions that they use are designed and developed by the West guys .Then why these people are behind these west guys .Dont they feel shame and humiliated to declare war against rest of the world When they them selves are big waste to this world. NASA has found life in MARS Hope there is no Muslims there.
by kishore on Feb 06, 2008 11:08 AM Permalink
so you mean Shireen M Mazari, the pakistani woman should be in burqa & not in public, as its the law in Islam. If not she can be raped & also lashed.
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by Golden on Feb 06, 2008 07:42 AM Permalink
islam is the only hope for this war torn world. the whole world is crying with no body to solve its problems. but islam has solution for all the problem. cant we see saudi arabia (a nation with only 50% islam) where no crime is happening, no rape, no female abuse no chile abuse, no prostitution. what else any body need. YES ISLAM IS THE ONLY SOLUTION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD'S PROBLEM. EMBRACE ISLAM FOR YOUR SALVATION.
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by sachchidanand dhar on Feb 06, 2008 08:33 AM Permalink
Is it not happening OR Is it not reported?
RE:RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by mahesh vs on Feb 06, 2008 01:32 PM Permalink
hello sir, wait for either a) oil to get over OR b) world to find some good alternative to oil as the main source of energy.
also. Saudi ppl dont have to commit RAPE, they only have to buy young brides from poor countries where ISLAM is still gaining ground. Well with all the oil to bargain for.... they can buy as many as they like.... when sucn crime is legal there.... what is illegal then....
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by spg on Feb 06, 2008 10:46 AM Permalink
Yes Embrace ISLAM and Become Rapist, Murderer, Highway Robber and many more like this. This is what ur So called Prophet Mr. Moh-MAD(Piss Be Upon Him) did.
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by Krishnier Natarajan on Feb 06, 2008 10:39 AM Permalink
If Islam is so good, why does everyone hate Islam as well as the terrorists?
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by Dr_Ramanand Rao on Feb 06, 2008 08:42 AM Permalink
Visit and read the contents of the web-site defending-hinduism(DOT)8m(DOT)com, you fanatic moron (golden). That is not my web-site, so I hope rediff doesn't take this message off
RE:Born again english speaking indian musalmaans like jinnah more dangerous than paki muslims and daadiwaalaa muslim like dr. israr ahmed and dr. zakir naik
by Global Citizen on Feb 06, 2008 08:42 AM Permalink
Hi Golden I appreciate that you and other Muslims feel responsible towards humanity and want to convert ALL of them to Islam and help them for Salvation. But is that possible practically? If it was possible Prophet Mohammad would have done it already. Also He or Allah was biased towards Arabs for revealing the words of Allah there. We in India feel cheated. Kindly asked the Islamic scholars %u2026. are there anyways all of us human beings can coexist without converting in to Islam? Why Muslims are taking too much of responsibility on themselves? Let some of them go to Hell if they don%u2019t want to convert.
RE:Muslims need education and culture not Nukes
by rajivinder singh on Feb 06, 2008 08:02 AM Permalink
I agree with you,it is only pakistani mad scientist who has told everyone in this world how to make a nuke (of course after learning from china). pak should be abandoned of nukes, india or israel has to do this job sooner or later...........long live india