Hey Raj Thakrey- Read this. Dont you feel a little ashamed? Grow up Raj-if you can not show valour atleast show some common sense Or is this too much to ask for OH Mighty Leader?
RE:Two Individuals -Chuni Lal & Raj Thakrey
by hari das on Feb 05, 2008 01:27 PM Permalink
The country is progressed and rescued by people like our brave soldiers and entrepreneurs, and these RAJ thakrey and BAL thakrey had done all the damage to the country%u2026. BAL has remained BAALA still when this fellow is ready to go to his grave%u2026 and this RAJ is also following this BAL idiot%u2019s footpath%u2026 it is very easy for any DOG to get vote when region-ism is brought%u2026 but it is very difficult when we talk about whole of the country%u2026. Let these BALA and RAJ go and fight the pakstanis instead of fighting with INDIANS!!!!!! Such fellows would ask for every thing and a country within a country%u2026. They are the real terrorists%u2026
RE:RE:RE:Two Individuals -Chuni Lal & Raj Thakrey
by asdf on Feb 05, 2008 01:34 PM Permalink
Bhushan, Bhiayya wrote: "Kasihki Kala Gayee, Mathura Masid Bhaee; Gar Shivaji Na Hoto, To Sunati Hot Sabaki!" [Kashi has lost its splendour, Mathura has become a mosque; If Shivaji had not been, All would have been circumcised (converted)].
you bengali..what did your community do except das-giri of muslims and getting converted..Maratha light infantry is one of the oldest regiments..i dont hear of belgali regiment?
by vikram joshi on Feb 05, 2008 01:31 PM Permalink
What do you do mr Rajesh... Are you out of ur mind ??? Y would somebody do a fake encounter and loose his life for medal ???? All i can say to you is god bless u ...