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Just a waste of time in this country
by Sanjay Sawant on Feb 01, 2008 03:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I dont think its worth discussing or expressing ones opinion on this henious crime of human organs smuggling.The only factor to be blamed is none other than our inept government and its functionaries.It is not only shamful to all we indians but we have to be blamed for getting this govt. into power by having them elected.All these criminal activities are carried out by these holigans under the very guile of govt. people who are recepient of the commisions for allowing and turning nelsons eye.

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RE:Just a waste of time in this country
by surendran tt on Feb 01, 2008 04:20 PM  Permalink
absolutely right! anything can be smuggled in this so called democracy! I think democracy is our curse!! Criminals here live like kings! Corruption, rape, kidnap, murder and smuggling of human organs...whom should a common man turn for help? why guilty is not punished in this country? why criminal convicts live luxuriously in our jails? It is sad to see the condition of poor people here. I will be very happy to see if someone found guilty of rape/corruption/smugglin g etc is immediately hanged to death. Do we need such elements in our society? Think India...think...

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Interpol catch Indian police too..
by Rackat Kanakam on Feb 01, 2008 03:40 PM  Permalink 

Interpol should be asked to catch the Indian police who knew about the crime but were silent and happy receiving bribes all these days.

By the way, is this the only kidney racket scam in our country ? I cant believe it. Or is the media and police giving so much attention to this find so that other cases are glossed over.

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by Sanjay Singh on Feb 01, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink
Major problem of our country are muslims only, be it terorism or crime or riots or bomb blasts etc etc...

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by raj singh on Feb 01, 2008 03:48 PM  Permalink
We r not like that...we blv in truth

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by sameen khan on Feb 01, 2008 03:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Indians , don't blame those doctors , may be muslim involved in this case, not now but i m sure in future , if u did't capture those doctors,for sure u willsay they r staying in PAK/BAN

take care guys,


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Please remove Kidney
by Amish Shah on Feb 01, 2008 03:37 PM  Permalink 

As of now 1 kidney of Top cops at gurgoan should be removed. as part of second warning they should be given deadline of 15-Feb-08 to bring culprits or else their second Kidney whould also be take out

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by siddharth gautam on Feb 01, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink 

I am thankful to MORADABAD Police for handling this case well....

Shame on Gurgoan police who allowed AMIT to operate from last so many years....

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kidney transplants
by rohit baslas on Feb 01, 2008 03:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is high time that ethics should be taught in medical colleges.Health ministry and Medical Council of India should investigate all medical malpractices promptly and seriously.I don't remember any time when stress was given on ethics in my medical college.It is a matter of great shame that we talk about " dharma, good, and bad" so much in Indian society and yet corruption and unethical practices are an accepted norms in all walks of life.Let's wake-up our conscience and change the way we think.Then only can India shine.

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RE:kidney transplants
by lakshmanan sowmianarayanan on Feb 01, 2008 03:38 PM  Permalink
There is absolutely no ethics in the medical field. Only money is the consideration.Please probe the nexus between testing labs,scan centers,drug manufacturers and the doctors. Lots of innocent patients are robbed of their hard earned money by unwanted tests etc. Today they are forcibly removing kidneys. If this goes on unchecked tomorrow they may even kill people to take organs.The concept of medical tourism needs a relook. Is it a way to rob poor indians of their organs to be sold to foreigners.

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RE:kidney transplants
by Sincere Citizen on Feb 01, 2008 03:51 PM  Permalink
There are no ethics in our security agencies too, how do you think such large scale operation went un noticed by the cops for so long ?

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RE:kidney transplants
by Asad Parwez on Feb 01, 2008 04:08 PM  Permalink
The doctors these days cannot be ethical even if you teach them ethics as they take admission into medical colleges after giving huge capitation fees and their only motive is to earn money after they Graduate.They consider giving this capitaion fee as an investment which will give return once they complete their studies.

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please do this
by Neelakanta kawad on Feb 01, 2008 03:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please remove both kidneys of these criminals.

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RE:please do this
by ankur bhargava on Feb 01, 2008 03:23 PM  Permalink
HA HA. Too Good

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RE:please do this
by SAIF on Feb 01, 2008 03:23 PM  Permalink
absolutely right. both the kidneys, one by one, so that they shud know the pain

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RE:please do this
by p on Feb 01, 2008 04:03 PM  Permalink
Genitals to be removed .then only these cowards would understand.

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RE:please do this
by Owl on Feb 01, 2008 03:28 PM  Permalink
Absolutely - in todays world normal justice and punishment dont count anymore.
Tit for tat is the best way!

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RE:please do this
by manjunatha reddy on Feb 01, 2008 03:39 PM  Permalink
let those people you last kindney come and remove kindey(both). then they will know the pain

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RE:please do this
by vinay thakur on Feb 01, 2008 08:08 PM  Permalink
But who will punish them?Who is the victim?Just think of that.We are corrupt at every level.This huge racket must have been running under patronage of few influential people.Neither Interpol nor our Judiciary will every point out those names!What is the progess of BMW hit & Run case?And many so called high profile cases wherein media is not missing even smaller developments?
Do you know what happenned to that Pandher fellow..who killed so many childrens?CBI tried to protect him with weak evidences.Even court commented the same.Imagine CBI doing these dirty things!And why not?They know that these politicians who are suppose to punish them as ministers will never dare to do anything,as they work for them as well.(Bofors culprit Q was let go by CBI)...
Still Indians will never come on road against these things,Our PM will have no sleepless nights even though some victims were muslims(but no vote bank or RSS to blame).
This country is hopeless!

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Interpol warrants against kidney scam accused
by drunken monk on Feb 01, 2008 03:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Act fast pls. Police..

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RE:Interpol warrants against kidney scam accused
by vivek gupta on Feb 01, 2008 03:22 PM  Permalink
ha ha ha what a joke.. do u think that indian police can act fast Mr. drunken monk??

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RE:Interpol warrants against kidney scam accused
by p on Feb 01, 2008 04:04 PM  Permalink
you said it a tonne dear .

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RE:Interpol warrants against kidney scam accused
by mayurapriyan sivaraman on Feb 01, 2008 04:50 PM  Permalink
send all politicians to the border and bring all soldiers to rule the country.

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