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Jesus loves India
by lijo mathew on Aug 05, 2008 02:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mr. Manoj nair,we appreciate your valuable comment on this article.To some extent, really many christian organisation's attitude should be changed.But,being a diciple or devotee of Lord Jesus is not at all hindrance to me, an Indian.Lord Jesus Christ alone is the supreme necessity for human being in this universe and it includes my motherland India too.It doesn't matter either you are a high caste brahmin in India or an uneducated and low caste fellow from Africa.But,my dear brother, don't compromise with the very truth that Lord Jesus Christ died for you,me and for the whole world (and for India too) to set us free from the bondage of sins or avidhya. Simply, you can't compare vivekananda with Lord Jesus.Swamij's teachings are like a golden jewellery to be wore on our body.But,it is Lord Jesus alone who made our moksha/liberation possible by being a neel kantha( blue throat) by dying on the cross.So, I think our holy scripture also will support(Geetha-18:40) that we all are under 'triguna'.so,my dear brother,please wear the ornaments and tell others about that.But,lets pray for India and let us accept Lord Jesus Christ as your very personal saviour(Ista devada)to be a bondage free humanbeing because Jesus loves India.Otherwise you,or India, may have all the world's good teachings without having life....life in abundance!(Lord Jesus in John 10:10)Hope you will refer the mentioned scriptures and try..Jesus alone to save your life. Br.RABIN DUTTA/Br.LIJO from Kolkata.

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RE:Jesus loves India
by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:07 PM  Permalink
My dear preacher,
God in Bible says I am an angry and jealous god. If you worship any other god, I will punish you. As a christian, you can have only Christ as the saviour and you tend to look down upon other human being's beliefs.

Hindu believes that there are different ways to attain salvation. My way is not the only way. I accept and respect others beliefs. I do not try to convert and brainwash people to accept my way of reaching salvation. For example, I may worship Lord Muruga or Goddess Mariamma. But I will not look down upon somebody worshipping Ayyappa or somebody worhsipping Vaishno Devi. If I go to other temples, I worship there also. Hinduism is an inclusive religion. While abrahmin religions excludes, rejects and look down upon others beliefs

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RE:Jesus loves India
by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:11 PM  Permalink
You are agenda is very clear

Confuse the people with your contradictory statements. and then preach the people that only jesus can help to over come the confusion

Very smart boy.....

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RE:Jesus loves India
by Rationalist on Aug 05, 2008 02:17 PM  Permalink
How do you know that Jesus died for your sins only? He died like everybody dies.
And if sets you free from bondage of sins does it mean you are licensed to sin without any responsibliyt for your actions?

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RE:Jesus loves India
by alice springs on Aug 05, 2008 02:17 PM  Permalink
@lijo mathew

there is a saying "fools are destined to be fools" ...it fits u aptly.

you have forgotten abt all the holyness of Bharat and its beautiful ideology but got relegated to a position where u prey to a jew called jesus and call him the saviour of the world ....LOL

i feel sorry for u mathew .

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RE:Jesus loves India
by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:05 PM  Permalink
Mr. Mathew are you a true christian ?...

If so can you please help the police to solve the Abhaya Kola case ?

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Comments for this passage I found in net- is it True
by tamil on Aug 05, 2008 02:00 PM  Permalink 

Om Sree Bhrammaputhraya nama.
Oh Thou Who art the Son of God I worship you.

Om Sree Umathaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art conceived by the Holy Spirit, I worship you.

Om Sree Kanya Suthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art born of a virgin, I worship you.

Om Sree Sipilistaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art circumcised, I worship you.

Om Sreee Darithiranarayana nama,
Oh Thou Who became the poorest of the poor, I worship you.

Om Sree Vrikshasoola aruthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who offered His body on the branch of a tree, I worship you.

Om Sree Panchakaya nama.
Oh Thou Who has five different kinds of wounds in His body, I worship

Om Sree Mrithyumjaya nama.
Oh Thou rose victoriously from the dead I worship you.

Om Sree Dakshinamoorthy nama.
Oh Thou to Whom the power to rule the world is given, I worship you.

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Truly religious
by lungi on Aug 05, 2008 02:00 PM  Permalink 


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People get evangelised, this is your LAST chance,
by Swamiji on Aug 05, 2008 01:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People get evangelised, this is your LAST chance, i call upon hindus of india who worship millions of gods including monkeys and cow dung, You will know the truth and the truth shall make you free. THIS is the time you will know the truth through your own scriptures, so get saved. This is a humble request.

Matthew John formerly Swami Sachidananda

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RE:People get evangelised, this is your LAST chance,
by Sanjai on Aug 05, 2008 02:05 PM  Permalink

So why are they using INdian scriptures to support the Bible. At least the translators understood the value of the scriptures.

Nowhere in the Indian scriptures is there any reference to getting saved by Jesus, by the way

Have you really understood the Bible for yourself ? It doesnt make sense unless seen from the perspective of Indian scriptures

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RE:People get evangelised, this is your LAST chance,
by Swamiji on Aug 05, 2008 02:13 PM  Permalink
firstly, leaving behind my knowledge of the Bibile first, have any Hindu tried to learn Upanishads, everyone is after the war stories of Ramayana and Mahabarata, nobody bothers upanishads, so please read upanishads and know Christ and get SAVED.

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RE:People get evangelised, this is your LAST chance,
by pat ram on Aug 05, 2008 02:04 PM  Permalink
You are insulting both Christianity and Hinduism.

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converstion fact
by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 01:55 PM  Permalink 

Friends could you please through some light on benefits of conversion.................

For example one

centimeter to meter
meter to kilometer
or let it be anything the base is Milli Meter................

Without Milli meter these conversion dosen't exist

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RE:Shiv's Linga means Shiv's dick which hindu women worship (and desire)
by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:00 PM  Permalink
Mr. Physcho Neo have you been breast feed ?.
I am afraid the answer would be no as your action symbolize that you were feed with something special

Neo = Physcho
For every Neo's Dick action there is no equal and opposite reaction
Neo's One Kilo S_M_N is equal to ?

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Jesus lived in India
by Manohar on Aug 05, 2008 01:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please read a Book titles "JESUS LIVED IN INDIA" by Stephen someone who has given detailed account of Jesus having learned the teachings of Hindu scriptures in Varanasi. Christians themselves do not about Jesus's 12 early years. Also there is Isa(Jesus) and a Musa (Moses) tomb in Kashmir. This book is really worth reading.

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RE:Jesus lived in India
by tamil on Aug 05, 2008 01:58 PM  Permalink
yes veda explains it clearly.... christ is Lord... for reference read ...

Bhavishyapurana 3rd book 2nd Ch. 21st Verse.

yajurveda 32:3:

2nd part of Sama veda

Om Sree Bhrammaputhraya nama.
Oh Thou Who art the Son of God I worship you.

Om Sree Umathaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art conceived by the Holy Spirit, I worship you.

Om Sree Kanya Suthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art born of a virgin, I worship you.

Om Sree Sipilistaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art circumcised, I worship you.

Om Sreee Darithiranarayana nama,
Oh Thou Who became the poorest of the poor, I worship you.

Om Sree Vrikshasoola aruthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who offered His body on the branch of a tree, I worship you.

Om Sree Panchakaya nama.
Oh Thou Who has five different kinds of wounds in His body, I worship

Om Sree Mrithyumjaya nama.
Oh Thou rose victoriously from the dead I worship you.

Om Sree Dakshinamoorthy nama.
Oh Thou to Whom the power to rule the world is given, I worship you.

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RE:Jesus lived in India
by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:11 PM  Permalink
Tamil, I am sure you dont know sanskrit. Translation or interpretation of this I can guarantee you is wrong.

This is just like archbishop of madras funding some poor brahmin from Srirangam to interpret Hindu scriptures to show agasthiyar, vyaasar and another sage were the ones who visited Christ as 3 wise men.

If you can see thru this. It is better for u. Otherwise, u will look down upon the glorious tamil culture and praise ur white masters.

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