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RE:Indian bible
by deleted on Aug 05, 2008 01:02 PM  Permalink
Man stop telling such stories. In Europe and US, historicity of Jesus is questioned by rationalists and atheists. U hindus pls stop peddling such stories and defeat the effort of rationalists. google "jesusneverexisted".

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Karunanidhi says he is an atheist. And is always vociferous against Hindus.
by S S on Aug 05, 2008 12:57 PM  Permalink 

He attended the inaugaration of a movie on St. Thomas which is made in Tamil. Vatican donated 50 crores for this movie. In the movie there is a scene in which 'St.Thomas' meets 'Thiruvalluvar' !! Actually Thiruvalluvar's period is still in contention. It is assumed he lived in the period between 1200 BC to 200 AD!! And St.Thomas's visit of India is actually a figment of imagination by the missionaries. Still Karuna:) finds no problem in endorsing the movie !! He allows the missinaries to roam freely in his state, and gets their vote in return.

The missionaries widely use 'Why I am not a Hindu' written by Kanch Illaih. They distribute
this venomous book among people belonging to SC/ST category, translated to Tamil.
And the most ludicrous part of this farce is, actually the missionalries are aping someone who was one of the greatest thorn in their own flesh. The Great 'Burtrend Russel', who wrote 'Why I am not a Christian', and another Intellectual giant who has written a book with the same title !!

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All indians are Hindus only
by sridhar skylab on Aug 05, 2008 12:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

All indians living in this country all Hindu only. Those who are all christian or Muslim now were Hindu before few generations. Nobody can refuse this truth and all are Hindu only. So basic of all indians are Hindu only.

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RE:All indians are Hindus only
by Amar on Aug 05, 2008 01:01 PM  Permalink
Sridhar.and what is Hinduism...Its a MYTH, a folklore.....stories that were told generations over...this is HINDU......Right...truth hurts

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RE:All indians are Hindus only
by Ramesh on Aug 05, 2008 01:10 PM  Permalink
Dear Amar, What you told is Truth..but it doesnt Hurt. What you mentioned about hinduism is true, but not complete.
The more you try to know what hinduism is, the more you will realize that hinduism is more than a religion, it is the way the people of this land have lived their lives...Its a way of the life of indians.

Myth, folklore and Stories are a part of lifes of peoples...of Every culture, not Just Indian/Hindus.

best wishes
Ramesh M

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RE:All indians are Hindus only
by Madurai SatheeshKumar on Aug 05, 2008 01:14 PM  Permalink
Hi Amar
For that matter,HInduism did not have any name to begin with since it was the only dharma that was practiced from time immemorial...

If you talk about puranas then you may call it as stories etc...But Upanishads,Yogic scriptures, advaitic texts etc are the works of great saints which are gaining value even amoung christian countries.

And, not meaning to hurt you, many of 0ther middle eastern religions have only stories / social code of conduct much like puranas in hinduism...

So, it will only show your lack of knowledge if you intrepret hinduism as only collection of stories...

Having said that, many indians always understand value of anything only if its recognized by the westesners. So even for their own religion, possibly they will understand as and when west takes it up (It has started with Yoga) and practices it...


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RE:All indians are Hindus only
by kadaveru on Aug 05, 2008 01:30 PM  Permalink
Real good answer worth trillion dollors, fact is truth really hurts and is not accepted

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Rediff is intolerant of atheists-fact
by deleted on Aug 05, 2008 12:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rediff always reports as abuse my messages though there is no abuse in it.

I stand by what i say. Rationalists in Europe are questioning historicity of Jesus. So, Christian missionaries have to use hindu scriptural quotes in bible to win new converts.


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wat for religion
by subhasish basumallick on Aug 05, 2008 12:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

wat is the need for so many religions. there should be only one religion and this is humanity.can any religion bring back the dead? can any religion reduce the pain of sufferings? None of the religions can do that.It is a means of diving the people in this planet.

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RE:wat for religion
by Blue Hamsa on Aug 05, 2008 01:00 PM  Permalink
Actually Linga signifies "No form", so that people do not get attached to form alone. Sometimes God takes a form so that people can identify quickly. Any form/part of God is worshippable.

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