If such other religios scriptures are to be plugged into a different religion, it should be vetted by the Government agency or a HINDU religious leader. This is an absolute nonsense and REDIFF gives unwanted publicity. Pathetic
I am a Hindu with a Christian upbringing having been schooled in a Jesuit school. I can vouch that not once did the American Fathers who taught me ever ridicule mine or any one else's religion. Some of these Jesuits who had left behind their families and friends and had come to India for their spiritual salvation which they hoped to achieve by spreading the gospel, were very well read in the Indian spiritual and philosophical heritage. The Catholics will not agree with me but when I see a Catholic or Orthodox church and the worship rituals I am very comfortable with the same having seen similar rituals in my own religion. On the other hand I have not had the privilege of ever being inside a Protestant Church but I understand that some of the staunchest Protestant churches are stark and barren - which is also not in any conflict with Hindu Philosophy which after all considers GOD as formless manifested in all forms. I am sure that if the American priests who taught me would see how they have influenced me and my fellow students, how we have imbibed Christian values without giving up on Hindu values, they would be happy and feel fulfilled with their work. Thank you Jesuits. Congratulations to the team that has produced this Bible and to the superiors who blessed its publication. May God bless this continued thrust of amalgamating religion with culture.
RE:Indianized Bible
by Ganesh Parameswaran on Aug 05, 2008 01:40 PM Permalink
I would like to second the sentiments expressed by Mr. Alok. I had my education from Std. II to Std. XI in Jesuit institutions. From PUC (then Std. XII) to graduation it was in a Protestant college. Never did I or any of my friends feel that there was an attempt to influence or convert. We did say the prayer "Our Father in Heaven," but we never became Christians. There are rogues everywhere. That does not make religions (of any kind) bad. As far as my understanding goes all religions have the same core message. The language and flavour vary.
RE:Indianized Bible
by sanjay choudhry on Aug 05, 2008 01:36 PM Permalink
Learn to distinguish your personal experience with what other Hindus have been facing at the hands of the church in north east and tribal areas. In the larger civilisational struggle, your personal experience is irrelevant.
RE:RE:Indianized Bible
by Ganesh Parameswaran on Aug 05, 2008 03:05 PM Permalink
It would be better if instead of generalising Mr. Sanjay would be specific. Tell us just what the church has done / is doing in the NE to the Hindus.
Christians are just forced to accept what their church says.ask any kerala crhistian. for him the thali (mangalsutra) is a christian thing. he will exclaim when he learns Hindus also wear. then they started taking away Hindu Holy places. Then the Hindu people. First generation converts have some values towards Hinduism (their home/mother/main religion). The second generation, will start hating it. The third will start abusing it. The next onwards, will start all forms of abuses and obnoxious comments on it. That too, in a Communist Kerala, where COmmunism preaches hating Hindus, and INDIAN CONSTITUTION is just a supporter of HINDU HATERED, the next is , "ONE FINE MORNING" you'll hear that the VEDAS & UPANISHADS were an offshoot of their thing. Already we had lost YOGA to the vest. Ayurveda is already getting its ownership from westerners, not the final left over is the holy texts. EVEN GOD CANNOT SAVE HINDUISM. HINDUISM is now openly / freely available for abuses by the christians. Muslims hate Hinduism, not Hindus, but Muslims never abuse. These christian groups are paid and forced to abuse in all forms. Pathetic. The Governemnt should think of safeguarding the "WORLDS MINORITY" i.e., Hinduism and INDIA's abused & reducing majority the HINDUS. GOD SAVE HINDUISM
RE:Next phase of hijack of HINDUISM
by Varghese Baby on Aug 05, 2008 01:42 PM Permalink
I dont know what is going thru your mind. There is no incident that Christians are abusing Hindus or even any other religion. They are peace loving. Definitely the root of Christians from Hindu, that our ancestors are Hindus only. We are very proud of being a Christian, "the religion of Living GOD" Our Church or community not teaching us to abuse other religion. To say something you can say, but that is not the fact. If you check the roots of Hindus, you can not claim from the hindus from the present India. Then you have to study the history of Arya - Dravid civilization. So try not to open your mouth if you have not know the entire facts.
Not to post this type of articles, specially if something hurt the believers thoughts. Also it really hurts somebody joking with the sentiments as they have no other business except some tongue exercise and also provoking lead heated arguments good for nothing. There are so many religions in India, if this type of post no use and also authenticity of the article on question.
I fail to understand the copy cat or manipulative attitude of these chauvinists. Recently I saw a church in bangalore ( around Chamarajapeta) with neon lights reading : Sri Yesuve namah" . It's pity that some christian churches/priest class resort to these gimmicks instead of accepting & respecting the greatness of Hindu scriptures /Texts .