In a country where a conman like SBAba is hailed as GOD these kinda tragedies are bound to happen...time to embrace Scientology and use our brains to lead this life and forget about GODS GODMen heaven or hell or anything that has no proof of existence
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
WHOSO believe not, and prevent others from the way of God – their works will He cause to miscarry;
But whoso believe, and do things that are right, and believe in what hath been sent down to MUHAMMAD – for it is the truth from their Lord – their sins will He cancel, and dispose their hearts aright.
This-because the infidels followed vanity, while those who believe, followed the truth from their Lord. Thus to men doth God set forth their likenesses.
When ye encounter the infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters.
And afterwards let there either be free dismissals or ransomings, till the war hath laid down its burdens. Thus do. Were such the pleasure of God, he could himself take vengeance upon them but He would rather prove the one of you by the other. And whoso fight for the cause of God, their works he will not suffer to miscarry
He will vouchsafe them guidance and dispose their hearts aright
He will bring them into the Paradise, of which he hath told them
Believers! If ye help God, God will help you, and will set your feet firm
RE:Allah is indeed most merciful.
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 11:16 AM Permalink
Wonder, how can statue made of stone can open its eye???? Hmmmmmm, maybe islamic terrorist behind this ..LOLZZZZZZZ
RE:Allah is indeed most merciful.
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 11:20 AM Permalink
How many times you will post the same message? Of ocurse a statue cannot open its eyes, nor a photograph of Jesus can bleed (reported from Mumbai about 2 weeks back) nor a camel driver can be a messenger of any "most merciful creator". all these are absurd belief. But when you try to justify one, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of others.
RE:Allah is indeed most merciful.
by Raman on Aug 04, 2008 10:44 PM Permalink
Nor a conman like SBaba appear in the moon,only our gullable people will believe in these so called miracles...very sad...
There are many countries on planet earth. Each with different types of rules and regulations and rulers. Similarly there could be many parts to heaven/hell. There are more than 2000 religions the world over, each with their own god/gods. The Gods and/or their accredited agents may be waiting at the entrance to the heaven/hell (some sort of no-man's land) to catch hold of the "souls" and push them into heaven/hell. Then why should any beleive that there is only one god??
That bedouin atleast had guts to say he was messenger of God and not Claimed to be God himself. For you people your 36 crores humans claimed themselves to be God. Many of whom were Rulers in their respective states and some foolish people like you gave them status of God. As for this particular incident we feel sorry for the people who lost their lives and all our support to their families.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Supersecualirist on Aug 04, 2008 11:12 AM Permalink
God is that power which ensures perfection in all actions. God's actions are such that these give maximum benefit to maximum number of people for a maximum length of time. Every human being has innate power in himself to replicate this God's trait. And such human beings who do similar acts are always worshipped in all places at all times in all circumstacnes. Jesus Christ has been attributed with similr qualities. However, the person who is the cause of death and destruction for over 1400 years cannot be equated with such Great Souls.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:12 AM Permalink
The more the better. If I depend on only one, if he is busy attending to some one else when I need I am stranded. At least there would be some stand-by for those who beleive in many gods!!!!!!!!!!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:30 AM Permalink
Then why are you claiming that there is only "one god"? There can be many gods!!!!
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:35 AM Permalink
avinash, thts wht we r sayin... One God concept. Not like one God for evry particular Job.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:38 AM Permalink
Wht u think...its a government office is it !! where in evry person has differnt job??? One for rain,one for fire, One for .....and so onnnnnnnnn. LOLZZZZZZZZZ...wht a concept
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:46 AM Permalink
Why not, Mr. caspi?
You see, whenever you say that God is one and cannot be many, you are placing a limitation of what he can or cannot do. God can be zero, can be one, or can be many. There is nothing that God cannot do.
I am sorry, but your concept of God is awfully limited. Think for yourself. Explore other philosophies. Don't be content believing what you have been taught.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:37 AM Permalink
That is correct Mr. caspi. Like a company has different departments for performing different functions, different gods do different jobs.
When you want to use your imagination, why confine it to one god only? Why not let it run wild and invent many gods?
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:41 AM Permalink
Grow up Deva, Here we r tlkin abt God n Not any comapny which has differnt dept.. How can u even think this way, i pitty on u... Suppose, wht if one dept in ur God's section has a leave !!! then tht dept job is closed down for a day...LOLZZZZZ...wht a concept of many Gods & there depts...
RE:RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:50 AM Permalink
If someone is on leave in your company, does that department or the company close down? No! Someone else takes over that function for a day!
Yes, we are indeed talking about God, and it is you who I pity, because you are placing a limitation on him by saying that he can only be one. That itself is a blasphemy.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:39 AM Permalink
The illiterate Arabs could not think creatively like the Indians! So they confined their imaginations to one god!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
What is so sick in keeping options?
You see, Mr. caspi, it is because of remarks like this that I oppose your religion. Your religion makes you believe that your way of worship alone is correct, and everything else is sick, and those doing it deserve to be conquered on earth, and burnt in hell after death.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:43 AM Permalink
yeah, not like sick people like u... keeping options in God also.. if not this, then the other one..keep changing as per ur wimps...
In fact, the pre-Islamic Arabs, who the Prophet despised so much, were quite imaginative and creative people. They only made the one mistake that history does not forgive - they lost to the Prophet and his monotheistic marauders.
What guts do you think it needs to claim that the only God is talking only to you and everyone needs to believe in your claims or face eternal hellfire? We can find many such gutsy people in history. Nowadays, we put them in mental asylums.
What is the harm in allowing people to decide for themselves who is God and whom to worship? But your great religion and its wonderful God are extremely afraid of other gods. You God throws a tantrum when other gods are worshipped, like a spoilt child does when you buy a toy for his brother or sister. Like a mafia boss, he loves those who praise him, but makes threats to those who are infidels(rival gang) or apostates(left his gang)!
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:30 AM Permalink
As per the scheme of things of the "most merciful creator" 83% of the world's population are rightful owners of hell fire!!!!!!!!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:39 AM Permalink
Not to forget that the Prophet himself saw, on the night of Meraj, that most inhabitants of hell were women!
If more than 99% Hindus do not believe in absurd nonsense, good for them. Do you have a problem with that?
Concentrate on your absurd belief that God had a personal telephone line with a 7th century Bedouin, and that his deluded sayings are the last word of God to mankind. The day you laugh at that will be a great day for all people.
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 09:44 AM Permalink
Yes, Mr.mohammed uddin, we do laugh at them as no high priest can issue any injunction against us but you will immediately face a fatwa if you talk anything against Allah or his last messenger or the Quran. Btw why the "all powerful and most merciful creator" wanted some "messenger"? Why he could not hv revealed whatever he wanted to say for all to hear like the sunlight we all can see??
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 09:53 AM Permalink
messenger was needed to teach ignorant people like you in those days also... grow up boy..why u hurt other religions here..
RE:RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:07 AM Permalink
Cooool Dude, even the Mohd was not a God.. BTW, how many thousands Gods u have !!!
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:08 AM Permalink
The more the better. If I depend on only one, if he is busy attending to some one else when I need I am stranded. At least there would be some stand-by for those who beleive in many gods!!!!!!!!!!
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:00 AM Permalink
Atleast , not like bearing a child whose father is unknown... i think karana was born same way ..isnt it ;)
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:03 AM Permalink
Capsi, karna was not a god, he was just a character in an epic (story) and his father was known to every one unlike a women conceiving thru "wireless technology" in the Semitic religions!!!!!! Pl sarch for X-Rated Paradise of Islam to know about another Semitc religion.
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Manu on Aug 04, 2008 10:01 AM Permalink
well, lot of people around the globe have educated and grown-up long before the messenger realized. Nobody needs him now. If you have not realized, you need him. But I guess, most great-grandfather's of the un-realized ones, didn't need the messenger. LOL...
RE:RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:05 AM Permalink
Mr.Mannu, LoLzzzzzzzzzz, the messenger we are tlkin abt is not now... growup dude...we were tlkin abt primitive ages..
RE:RE:RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:03 AM Permalink
Dude, its wrong.. No one can help you..when u urslf dont try to understnd the real meaning & behavin insane... Go, 1st check wht Quran says... Wht can i say u, when u have put the entire concept wrongly..
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:10 AM Permalink
What have got wrong? When you blurt thru loud speakers five times a day that "there is no god but allah and muhammed is his last messenger" are you tolerating other beliefs?
In fact, I have checked what the Quran says. I have also checked what the Hadiths say about the Sunnah of the Prophet.
That is why, I know what I am saying. I am not like other deluded Hindus who make statements like "All religions teach the same thing" etc. without studying what the different religions teach. I know the teachings of the great Abrahamic religions, as well as those of the Dharmic tradition.
If you think I have any concept wrong, show me the error.
RE:RE:RE:RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:04 AM Permalink
The Quran says "go all kill the non-beleivers, where ever they are found" which is not practical even in Saudi today!!!!!!!!!!
This all-powerful creator places great emphasis on belief in the unseen and unheard. When the day of judgement comes, he will do all his magic tricks in front of everyone, but he says in the Quran that it will be no use believing in him then. To be saved from eternal hellfire, you need to believe whatever the Prophet said.
RE:RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:06 AM Permalink
When will people stop beleiving in such absurdities? Life on planet earth is the only thing known to mankind. There is no soul, no re-birth and absolutely no "last day of judgement". Every thing ends here. So don't harm others for getting rewards in an imaginary life hereafter.
But accidents and stampedes make me think - why did those people have to die? If it had happened one day before or after, others would have died.
The theory of karma and reincarnation, for all its limitations, at least provides some explanation for why certain things, good or bad, happen to certain people. What do you think?
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:59 AM Permalink
Gautama the Buddha tried to find an answer these type of questions more than 2300 years back. Even he could not find a convincing answer. All the buddhists beleive is that our "karma" affects our 7 re-births and also our 7 generations! No body can prove this beyond dount.
RE:Mr. mohammed uddin
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:38 AM Permalink
They died due to their ignorance. There is no need to visit such places of worships, especially when they get over crowded. No use blaming some "fate" etc. Indians are more fatalistic than others.
Yes, nobody can prove this one way or the other, but sceptics like you and me should accept that there are many things we do not know, and seek true knowledge through the techniques our ancients developed, or develop our own techniques.
Many sceptics and rationalists become too conceited and arrogant and pretend that we already know the answers to everything and that religion is only for medieval fools. I just want to sound a warning against that attitude.
But that is not answering my question. You will agree that there are millions of such ignorant people, but most of them live long lives. Why did only these people have to die?
RE:Hindus them selves laughed when the news in times of India came that a statue opened its eye :-)
by Nagesh Bhagwat on Aug 04, 2008 08:56 AM Permalink
People are dying and you want to talk religion. Man - you are sick and need help. Stop smoking that weed and get a life
RE:RE:RE:Hindus them selves laughed when the news in times of India came that a statue opened its eye :-)
by pradosh mitter on Aug 04, 2008 09:19 AM Permalink
man you are even sicker.
RE:RE:Hindus them selves laughed when the news in times of India came that a statue opened its eye :-)
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 09:55 AM Permalink
Wonder, how can statue made of stone can open its eye???? Hmmmmmm, maybe islamic terrorist behind this ..LOLZZZZZZZ