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by abhimanyu on Aug 02, 2008 09:10 PM  Permalink 




This is the reality stated by Swami Vivekananda, whom Subhash Chandra Bose considered as his mentor.

Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa who along with Chattrapati Shivaji thwarted the attempt of the then islamic terrorist Aurangzeb to convert the whole of India to Islam.

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by abhimanyu on Aug 02, 2008 09:09 PM  Permalink 

Mahatma Gandhi exhorted the sending of the Indian army to fight against the pathan jihadis who came to kashmir in 1947 and started killing kashmiri hindus.

Gandhi said clearly that it was the dharma of the indian army to fight as they were soldiers.

Subsequently , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel sent the Indian army to Kashmir , which destroyed the jihadis .

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by abhimanyu on Aug 02, 2008 09:09 PM  Permalink 

Where there are muslims along with other communities, all over the world, there is always trouble.

Why on earth are the thais, filipinos, americans , russians, chinese, indians, jews,germans,dutch, britishers, danes ,pontic greeks and other europeans, bahais,zoroastrians, sikhs, buddhists,assyrians, armenians, and many other nations having trouble with the muslims.

Not only do they kill themselves in large numbers ( shia-sunni-ahmediya riots) but they kill other non-muslims as well.

They don't know how to live, or let others live.

This is their tragedy, and the biggest tragedy is that they are blind to all this, because of their brainwashing.

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Guess what could be their conversation
by kalla rao on Aug 02, 2008 08:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

PM : Thanks for recent bombing, in next elections, people will get scared to vote for BJP.

PAK : Is it?. U mean, if BJP comes again, people think we may bomb those cities? right hahahaha what a plan man.This might be a good lesson to BJP.

PM : Thanks once again, in future we will bomb all the BJP states in your name. Thanks for your co-operation.

PAK : Arre boss, to use our name, you need to pay some money.

PM : Ofcourse boss, how can we forget your help, we will ask qatrochi thru madam and deposit in ur Jihad account.

PAK : so when is our next meeting sabh ?.

PM : Insha allah, very soon

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RE:Guess what could be their conversation
by Jitendra Kumar on Aug 02, 2008 08:33 PM  Permalink
Hey kela Khao where is your script which have you written about Musharaf's welcome by susuma

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RE:Guess what could be their conversation
by Jitendra Kumar on Aug 02, 2008 08:35 PM  Permalink
Hey kela Khao where is your script which have you written about Musharaf's welcome by susuma

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RE:Guess what could be their conversation
by Jitendra Kumar on Aug 02, 2008 08:33 PM  Permalink
Hey kela Khao where is your script which have you written about Musharaf's welcome by susuma

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RE:Guess what could be their conversation
by Jitendra Kumar on Aug 02, 2008 08:33 PM  Permalink
Hey kela Khao where is your script which have you written about Musharaf's welcome by susuma

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20-20 dys test matches for veterns
by Kunal Sales on Aug 02, 2008 08:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Bcci Shuld think of new tailormade test match of 15 days specially for veterans like Sachin,Sarav,Rahul,Kumle and laxman. Mentioned below are som rules and regulations
1)      Any player if not interested at the particular time can withdraw and also rejoin any point of time.its is also mandatory that a player must take at lest min 3 breaks and max 10 breaks.
2)      Every players has 5 lives
3)      Every player has their own substitute for fielding
4)      Any player injured can take time for operation and come back any time of the play
5)      Every player is permitted to use i-pod and walkman during the batting and bowling
6)      Every player can meet their wives on the ground instead of drinks break
7)      Every player can take rest inside the ground by requesting the umpire for setting bed
8)      Player need not run for singles and doubles… for singles 15m, for doubles-30m and for triples 45m short range would be granted as runs
9)      Players can use bikes and cars if their respective substitutes are not willing to field
10)      Instead of three wickets only 1 wicket is placed.
11)      Every player who reaches 50 will be awarded 5 cores from BCCI 5 cores from respective state cricket board and 5 cores from state govt.

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RE:20-20 dys test matches for veterns
by grir reeg on Aug 02, 2008 08:06 PM  Permalink
bcci cannot do this without icc approval now go and have a ball

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RE:20-20 dys test matches for veterns
by Kunal Sales on Aug 02, 2008 08:09 PM  Permalink
i will ask ur pop he have lots

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RE:i want muslim les*bians for good F*u*c*k*ing
by grir reeg on Aug 02, 2008 07:58 PM  Permalink
they do not wash up each morning as wasting water is the biggest sin in islam

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RE:RE:i want muslim les*bians for good F*u*c*k*ing
by Kabeera Speaking on Aug 02, 2008 09:50 PM  Permalink
Wasting water is not a sin in hinduism but still they don't wash every time they pee. First see yourself before commenting on others.

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RE:i want muslim les*bians for good F*u*c*k*ing
by Kabeera Speaking on Aug 02, 2008 09:47 PM  Permalink
You may easily find more sita, geeta, saraswati in india...........first satisfy them so that they can get rid of les*bianism habit.

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India - A Cowards paradise
by VM on Aug 02, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink 

Indian embassy in Kabul bombed. Indian Cities bombed. Terrorism everywhere, sponsored by Pakistan.

Manmohan condemns. Sonia blasts communal forces. Pretty-bha appeals for calm. Shivraj hides behind Sonia.

Manmohan shakes hands with Pakistani Prime Minister - and maybe announces more visas, more flights, buses, trains, cycles

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Enemies of India
by dimple gupta on Aug 02, 2008 07:03 PM  Permalink 

jaisa to taisa jawab do. army to karachi ka liya ready kar do

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Enemies of India joing hands?
by Jai Prakash Singh on Aug 02, 2008 06:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Notice! How happy they are on 50 blasts killing 53 and causing wounds to another 150.

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RE:Enemies of India joing hands?
by someone on Aug 02, 2008 07:04 PM  Permalink
u know who killed those 50?

If u r wise u can understand.....

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RE:Enemies of India joing hands?
by Jai Singh on Aug 02, 2008 07:11 PM  Permalink
Only u r wise and IB is fool?

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