RE:India must have reservations till 85% of all registered marriages are inter-caste.
by Krishnan Hariharan on Apr 28, 2008 04:20 AM Permalink
mixing milk and water makes the milk and the water useless... remember that the Dharma talks about 4 castes only, there are no more castes than 4. Now u have hundreds of them, each wanting to mix with the other... PROMISCUITY will finally bring downfall to the whole race, just because of the "EGO" of some sections of people who think they can decide whom others should marry and when others should procreate! Man why are u filled with pride and vanity. U be in ur house and we in ours. Laziness, impropriety, vanity, anger, hate, ignorance, why are most of the indians courting this? can we not co-exist peacefully by sticking to our way of life? God's punishment cannot be understood... do not add to your karma and fall in foul hell. Life is short, don't dance with pride, from the worm to the king everybody has to perish... the Hindus have survived the onslaught of a great number of civilizations and emerged unscathed. I pray to Lord Almighty to protect them and nurture them in Love and punish their opponents!
BJP is party of old people. BSP is party of youth. BSP is also the true inheritor of Mahatma Gandhi's Congress. Sonia's party is her family business and nothing to do with Indian national Congress of Mahatma Gandhi.
by Sharad on Apr 28, 2008 11:55 AM Permalink
India is a country of CORRUPT POLITICIANS. Don't support any of them, instead HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.
how these morons are asking to check iran then. iran is doing the right thing and every body knows that it is very fundamental right of any country that they must secure their land first and they need this nuke for their security. there is not harm in having the nuclear power. if any body can have then every body can. it is only hegemony of some rogue countries who want to rule the world with the nuke power and bully the poor nations and loot their resources by threatening them. every body must prepare for their security and should not be allowed to be taken granted by any one.
RE:how these morons are asking to check iran then...
by mahabodhi on Apr 27, 2008 08:47 PM Permalink
But Iran did sign CTBT!Ans Americans are using that now to browbeat Iran !Though the Iran is being supplied by Russia !The American are saying nothing to Russia but browbeating Iran!But did it sign CTBT?
RE:how these morons are asking to check iran then...
by Rajkumar V on Apr 27, 2008 09:15 PM Permalink
Its NPT for which US and Israel are bullying Iran. u both r right. every nation has right to secure itself specially when a neighbour is challenging threat. US and Israel have thousands of nuclear weapons and openely say if Iran builds nukes they will attack Iran. Its really strange world.
RE:how these morons are asking to check iran then...
by mahabodhi on Apr 27, 2008 09:29 PM Permalink
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which opened for signature in 1996, is intended to prohibit all nuclear weapon test explosions. The CTBT has achieved near universal adherence, however, Article XIV of the Treaty requires ratification by 44 named states, before the Treaty can enter into force.
Of these 44 states, three - India, Pakistan, and North Korea - have not signed the Treaty. A further six states - China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, and the United States - have signed but not ratified the Treaty.
Although the Bush Administration is currently continuing with the 13 year-old US nuclear test moratorium, it has made clear its opposition to the CTBT. So America has oppostion to CTBT!
Advani yet to honor his commitment to construct beautiful ram temple in Ayodya. Spritual interests are not grteater than national interests. After becoming prime minister let BJP concentrate on temple issue first and other matters can be resolved later. Poor always remains poors in India irrespective of BJP is in power or not.
RE:ram temple is first priority
by Abdul Majeed on Apr 27, 2008 06:49 PM Permalink
First of all there was temple at that site let the court decide it and being a lady i dont think u should give such irresponsible statements.Think before u talk.
RE:ram temple is first priority
by Inquilaab Zindabad on Apr 27, 2008 08:32 PM Permalink
While doing the ram rath yatra for vote BJP does not think about judicial system. After getting maximum benefit they through this issue. This is true face of BJP. BJP didnot spare lord Ram for vote also.
RE:RE:ram temple is first priority
by Inquilaab Zindabad on Apr 27, 2008 08:33 PM Permalink
While doing the ram rath yatra for vote BJP does not think about judicial system. After getting maximum benefit they through this issue. This is true face of BJP. BJP didnot spare lord Ram for vote also.
RE:ram temple is first priority
by KamalKumar on Apr 27, 2008 11:30 PM Permalink
Hey Inquilaab Zindabad,
Do you know that there was a temple that existed before Babri Masjid was constructed? Go and read the Archeological findings (Though there is cove-up by Congress and the likes to garner minority votes).It is a known fact that he moguls demolished many temples during their rule centuries back and Ayodhya is one. Go and visit Mathura temple...there is a mosque that exists now just right next to the temple. As a matter of fact, the temple at Mathura has a history that goes beyond the founding of Islam. You guys destroyed part of temple and built the mosque there. Even for argumument sake, if you say the Hindu temple was not demolished, why you guys built a temple beside a Hindu temple? This was a clear attempt by fundamentlist muslim to annihilate hinduism by destroying the indu temples. Come out with your answers and I am ready to debate it out here.
RE:BJP should come to power and build and test a CHINA specific nuclear bomb
by younus siddique on Apr 27, 2008 06:09 PM Permalink
your names suits you and your thoughts ..
RE:BJP should come to power and build and test a CHINA specific nuclear bomb
by Rams on Apr 27, 2008 06:15 PM Permalink
lol! May be, he meant all blast signals to the nuclear bomb should be communicated to the bomb in chinese language!
by kavitha on Apr 27, 2008 06:10 PM Permalink
Advani yet to honor his commitment to construct beautiful ram temple in Ayodya. Spritual interests are not grteater than national interests. After becoming prime minister let BJP concentrate on temple issue first and other matters can be resolved later. Poor always remains poors in India irrespective of BJP is in power or not.
It has been told that when NDA govt was in power, this 123 agrrement was initiated by them only, and now they are opposing it on political ground. Is it a reality or something else. Who can throw light on this. Why we need to do nuclear tests ? can we do nuclear tests like developed countries in labaratory so that these questiones do not arise in future. Can any authenticc person will guide regarding CTBT treaty, 123 aggrement, Hyde act and its implicationes.
RE:'No country can give in writing not to undertake N-tests'
by markand desai on Apr 27, 2008 06:13 PM Permalink
BJP Government initiated Treaty as part of India going Necluer even at the cost of ECCONOMICAL BAN by US THEN.Now US is under going ECONOMIC SLOW DOWNand India is Land of Oppertunities,considering its energy requirements US ASusual Wants be BIG Brother.So he is coming in JEKIL IN HIDE role indicating importence of N treaty.UPA government HASFailed in Economic development of country for AAM ADAMI and Bush has Nothing to show in election,BOTH are interested in Ntreaty AT ANY COST. Iftreaty done by then India shall have to pay the price by loosing freedom of self defence by neclure wappons as she CAN NOT CARRY OUT ANY DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT US Congress SANCTION.This part is NOT acceptable to BJP AND COMMUNIST Parties.Aam Adami is not only brtrayed by UPA dor jobs inflation etc but is also being mis led by Cngress for future freedom.