RE:72 Virigins!!
by Mohammed Mustafa on Apr 27, 2008 04:41 PM Permalink
Does Islam allow such things? First understand this......... And question hell, heaven & 72 comes later......
RE:72 Virigins!!
by KMR Overseas on Apr 27, 2008 04:49 PM Permalink
mohammed mostafa, see the chilling video of mohammed sidiq khan of London suicide bomber self filming with his months old daughter. Video in BBC website. For London muslims Khan is an icon now
by akhil on Apr 27, 2008 04:28 PM Permalink
i agree with that.. Muslims thru their 'madrasas' feeding the terrorist ideas into their children and making heir minds narrow.. They say their way s correct n all others r wrong... then it becomes easy for the terrorist people to divert the muslim youth easily into their way..
when HINDUS thru their ASHARAMS feeding the rioting and anti-nations thoughts into their childrens and making their minds narrow ....then ofcourse there is nothing wrong for muslims to do so ...
the secular and marxixt elements came to power in afghanistan with the help of the then sovit russia. the fundamentalists and taliban displaced them with the help of zia's pakistan and reagon's US. now again US is trying to force out the talibanand fundamentalists from afghanistan after 9/11. and pakistan has no lofty interst except that it's nieighbour bania india, tribal afghanistan, shia iran stays in a disturbed condition and that they develop at a leeser pace than them. the ruling elite (the army included,)thus can continue to be masters of the country with the help of mullahs and army citing the threat to their country . poor afghanistan. afganistan has elements that are permanent feature of that country that disturb it whether it remains unnoticed, marxixt, talibanised, fundamenatalist or on way to democracy. china is a silent spectator and enjoys the events as they favour it in political and economic terms without a little bit effort on it's part.
Ever since the Americans closed down some of its torture camps in afghanistan for sodomising mullahs and islamic terrorists in order to open more torture camps in pakistan, the terrorist activities of the taliban in afghanistan has proportionately increased.
The americans should outsource its torture camps in afghanistan, for the sake of peace in afghanistan, to the russians and chinese who have established torture camps for mullahs and islamic terrorists in chechnya and Xinjiang with great success.