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National unity is the first priority of theNeplese people !Long live Neplese peoples unity and Democracy as Lenin said''Democracy is indispensable to socialism. ''
by mahabodhi on Apr 25, 2008 06:55 PM  Permalink 

It is true that for Nepal at present the National Unity is Priority !And Nepelese know this!The Neplese people have shown to the world that Marxism is not the only prerogative of the west alone!It is not French who can have french revoultion and kill the Queen and king and their minions!And bring in Socilism!It is not only Cromwell who brought in Socilism in England in 1650 by thrwing the Royalists and killing King Charles!and ushered in the soicilst path !It is not only americans who throw the yoke of Queen of England and her colonial rule from America!It is not Russians alone who throw away the monarchy of Czar and killed its minions and brought Proletarian rule!Now the proud people of Nepal have shown to the world that they too from the underdevloped World are ready and willing to march towards Proletarian rule!(and belive everybody theu will not kill the cruel King whose hands are full with blood of his own brother and his entire family !The Nepelse people truly on way to Marxism and Socilism and Democracy as once Lenin said
"Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
Vladimir Lenin

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