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RE:spit on hindus
by s k on Apr 20, 2008 10:24 AM  Permalink
dear if you have courage pl.try to write this type of lines against muslims or islam,actully hindus are very peace ful community.

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RE:RE:spit on hindus
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:12 AM  Permalink
John Paul,

Why do u hv so much hatred against Hindus, who r peaceful & secular? Is it bcz Christianity teaches u that other religions r false?

Come out of this wrong Christian dogma. Learn to live in peace with all people irrespective of religious differences. Learn to love all people and animals. Did Christ not teach u this?

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RE:Spit on Hindus
by s k on Apr 20, 2008 10:27 AM  Permalink
dear if you have courage pl.try to write this type of lines against muslims or islam,actully hindus are very peace ful community.

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RE:RE:Spit on Hindus
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:12 AM  Permalink
John Paul,

Why do u hv so much hatred against Hindus, who r peaceful & secular? Is it bcz Christianity teaches u that other religions r false?

Come out of this wrong Christian dogma. Learn to live in peace with all people irrespective of religious differences. Learn to love all people and animals. Did Christ not teach u this?

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Mayawathi's dismal performance in UP
by jamsheed abumohammed on Apr 20, 2008 08:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mayawathi came back to power in UP as people were tired of the safron brigade and SP.Taking advantage of it she should have immediately venture on popular schemes for the people. But she chose to do other things like belittling the opposition parties and their work. No tangible work has so far been done. Still UP is reeling under heavy power cuts and villages are crying for good road and other amenities. Water supply and other basic amenities are still wanting in many western parts of UP. She has done nothing on this front. There are many other important things to be done than to indulge in fighting Rahul Gandhi who has challenged her leadership. She is now threatening to withdraw support to UPA govt over some non-issue like grant of aid to her state which could have been sorted our across the table with PM or other Ministry concerned. But she chose to threaten the UPA govt and by that she is trying to strengthen the hands of the waiting BJP. If she is secular she should support UPA. Fighting with Congress in UP or challenging the new entrant Rahul is different. This should not come in the way of the govt at the centre which is doing so well in the recent times.It has failed in fighting the rising prices but then all the parties should join to help the govt to fight out the unprecedented global phenomenon of inflation.There is no point in pulling the govt on this score which is not their own making.They are taking steps that are necessary to combat rising prices and inflation

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RE:Mayawathi's dismal performance in UP
by murli nair on Apr 21, 2008 06:59 PM  Permalink
i think your fear is that she does not blindly support muslim fanatics. Actually you should welcome this opportunity to clean Islam and muslims of cobwebs like triple talak, multiple wives etc. useless sops the congress has given the muslims to keep them ghettoised and a monolithic vote bank. This is a good opportunity for modern intelligent muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc to unite and work for the well being of their families instead of their mullahs and pandits.

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RE:Mayawathi's dismal performance in UP
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:40 PM  Permalink
Mayawati cannot do miracles. It takes a lot of time to build things destryoed by these sensless secularists who are most communal ..BJP never spoke to reserve all resources for Hindus.

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High Price in USA
by john jacob on Apr 20, 2008 08:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane to produce biofuels and the war in iraq.
What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by rise in prices of food products.

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RE:High Price in USA
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:08 AM  Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?

U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in INdia. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.

So do not spread lie.

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Mayawathi's threat to UPA Govt
by jamsheed abumohammed on Apr 20, 2008 08:39 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mayawathi has been threatening UPA govt for some time. If she has guts, let her withdraw support to the UPA govt. It would her death knell in UP. She is aleady doing nothing in UP and her inefficient govt will crumble unable to cope with the situation. Her utterances are far from statesmanship. If Rahul Gandhi is challenging her leadership, is a different issue in UP and it is nothing to do with the govt at centre. She should understand, it is politics and if she is part of the secular forces, it should not threaten UPA govt as it will help the waiting safron brigade to cash in. If she is interested in keeping these divisive forces at bay, she should not indulge in such rhetorics and threats. This will boomerang on her. UPA is strong and other parties would support or else there would be mid term poll an dher chances of getting any seat will be over. She should therefore guard against such utterances. Or if she is serious she should withdraw and face the consequences. People are with Congress. Agreed UPA failed in curbing rising prices of essential commodities, is it not the duty of everyone to help this govt in combating unprecedented situation. Its a global phenomenon and India has been badly affected like any other country in the world. Best thing is not to squabble over it but to sit together and fight the situation as a one nation forgetting party differences.This is the best way of demonstrating one's commitment to the nation and the problems of rising prices.Do it now.

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Rahul & Maya two sides of same coin
by TeraBaap on Apr 20, 2008 05:38 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul, his mom & Maya were single handedly defeated by Narendra Modi because he worked hard for his people and the state. At the end of the day you just can't do only nautanki and win. Or you need to do the road shows if you don't work hard for first 4 years. Both of them have not done anything for the people. Any castiest or populist agenda should fail in a healthy democracy. People should see Congress is evil no 1 for the country. Rahul is good for nothing.

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RE:Rahul & Maya two sides of same coin
by JI HUA on Apr 20, 2008 08:00 AM  Permalink
that is why BJP the worst political party (worst thing ever happened to India) is 3rd largest party in UP
and just to remind BJP (BJP is really evil no 1 ) is lossing every where but in gujrat

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RE:Rahul & Maya two sides of same coin
by mumbai on Apr 20, 2008 11:10 AM  Permalink
Bas kariye saheb.
chaar saal ke baad gujrat election campaign shuru hoyega, thab karlijeye uski baath.
tab tak araam karlijie.

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who cares ?
by Sharp on Apr 20, 2008 03:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

No "Honour anongts Rgieves: LOL

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RE:who cares ?
by Sharp on Apr 20, 2008 03:20 AM  Permalink
Mistyped. No Honour Amongst the Thieves. La Jeff Archer LOL

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RE:Christians & muslims are terrorists
by Surya on Apr 20, 2008 05:07 AM  Permalink
Sumita Kadvani

you must surely be a fool or blind...

1 nice word for you fool.... proof ..myspace...

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RE:RE:Christians & muslims are terrorists
by on Apr 22, 2008 05:42 AM  Permalink
Surya....I think it is you who is a fool or blind.
Or maybe you are too stupid to understand the blogs at myspace.com/vidhu2
and/or myspace.com/rakesh22.

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RE:Christians & muslims are terrorists
by gregory naik on Apr 20, 2008 03:49 AM  Permalink
Shut up dont talk shit, everyone know who had the Sati system you are more woried about the animals then humans, and how do you compare Christians with terrorists because they eat animals, you are stupid then dont speak non sense please, i think your brains have moved out to you knees show yourself to a doctor or may be a physthactrist

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RE:RE:Christians & muslims are terrorists
by on Apr 22, 2008 05:38 AM  Permalink
gregory naik....in your heart you are a slave to western-white-christians.
That is why you cannot see the truth that atleast 95% of christians and
muslims are terrorists.
Sati system might have been practiced by less than few hundred hindus.
More wives and girl friends are killed by christians every year for minor
Up until 1920 women were not allowed to even vote in America and many
western christian countries.
In many muslim countries men can have many wives, but not the other way
In many muslim countries women are not allowed to vote even today.

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RE:Christians & muslims are terrorists
by rilov paloly on Apr 20, 2008 05:37 AM  Permalink
You are fool and you belong to those .000000001% of hindus (i feel Sumita Kadvani is the only one fool among hindus)

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