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Why this show sha
by hitesh sharma on Apr 18, 2008 09:24 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India could have made this a low key affair and still could have made the march. They went out of the way to make it a great success....

Just trying to lick the boots of the chinese. Trying to impress them.

India is a spineless nation which could not protect Taslima too.

How can we expect spineless nation and people to stand.

Anyway we are ruled by an italian waitress...

Mera Bharat Mahaan...


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RE:Why this show sha
by samson judas on Apr 18, 2008 09:40 AM  Permalink
Dear friend,
It is we who elect and select the ,as U so call the Italian waitress!! Why cant we elect or select the so called Lalloo or any other in India. Are we sso scared to do it!!Then where is the peoples power my dear friend?!!

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RE:Why this show sha
by hitesh sharma on Apr 18, 2008 09:41 AM  Permalink
Samason yes we did as we are spineless and will keep doing it.

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RE:Why this show sha
by samson judas on Apr 18, 2008 09:46 AM  Permalink
Dear Hitesh,
Why & who has broken our spines?!!
I guess U know the answer!!Then we can be ruled by anybody, as the past history shows!Thats it,what we shall get,if we dont straighten our spines!!

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RE:Why this show sha
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 18, 2008 02:04 PM  Permalink
Hindu Terrorists do the same in the name of Bhagwan Sriram.

Pope Benedict has held a surprise meeting with victims of sex abuse by priests during his visit to the United States. Before a crowd of nearly 50,000, the Pope raised the issue of child sex abuse by priests, which is the central theme.

He acknowledged what he called "the indescribable pain" caused by the scandal.

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Pathetic situation
by Riya J on Apr 18, 2008 09:19 AM  Permalink 

For Delhi, this event has become a problem. CP was almost closed. it was awful in the evening when office time is over. Firstly there were no bus and by the grace of Delhi Govt. if a single bus appears it is extremely loaded. For public this event has become nothing but another "VIP MOVEMENT"...............

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good one !
by JB on Apr 18, 2008 09:04 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India tried to be 'holier than thou'. It tried to stop unarmed Tibetans, who have no terrorism record, with a massive show of police power.

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RE:good one !
by hitesh sharma on Apr 18, 2008 09:26 AM  Permalink
what more do you expect from a spineless nation and people... Chinese will throw some leftovers to us now and it will be a business news

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RE:good one !
by anoop rajan on Apr 18, 2008 10:35 AM  Permalink
hey dats ride.. those muther foking Pu55y will go ahead and give their unwanted or crap thing to u.. and our pu55y l!cking politicians will accept it.

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Jungle me MORE naacha, kisne dekha, kisne dekha
by JB on Apr 18, 2008 09:03 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Commander G Nandy Singh, winner of two Olympic gold medals (1948 and 1952) and the Dhyan Chand award, told rediff.com after the torch relay: "Everything was quite strange. We were running and security men were watching us. There was nobody else to watch us due to a three-rung security arrangement. It was not a good function where general public was cut-off."

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Olympic flame dowsed in shame
by S R Ganguli on Apr 18, 2008 09:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Was this man MK Bhadrakumar a diplomat? In his perception India as a friendly neighbour of China has done the right thing. But does China consider India a friendly neighbour. These so-called diplomats are basically debased and bend over backwards to please their masters.

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RE:Olympic flame dowsed in shame
by Roshni Devi Anand on Apr 18, 2008 09:33 AM  Permalink
Shame India Shame
with becoming a puppet in the hands of China, Indians are no more a soverign country. They act to the wishes of China and are well known to be the puppets of Yankees. What a shame. and these Bhadrakumar likes should be banned from making any statements and should not be reported by a prestigeous portal like Rediff.

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Sad day for media
by Proud indian on Apr 18, 2008 08:59 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nothing happened,The torch relay was sucessful.
Why don't the vulgar media put the news like this.I could see the olympic run in the news without any blocking.
Imagine,If the torch relay was halted by angry tibetans,India beoming the laughing stock of the entire world like U.K,Security ,
Media raping/slapping the security of india not delhi left and right,then it's the best news.

It's the best thing indian police has done avoiding the vulgar media

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RE:Sad day for media
by BlueBoy on Apr 18, 2008 12:49 PM  Permalink
...and you became Proud Indian....isn't it?

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by anirban chakraborty on Apr 18, 2008 08:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A religious procession is going on, and huge crowd has gathered.

The chariot thinks that he is the God, the road thinks that he is the God, the idol thinks that he is the God. Whereas the real God keeps on smiling at the ignorance of these items..

Similarly, there is a huge effort to "protect" the Olympics torch and it is successful. However, in this melee, the spirit of humanity, hard-work and excellence is lost.

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by Proud indian on Apr 18, 2008 09:20 AM  Permalink
Good one Dude

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by sunel kumar on Apr 18, 2008 09:18 AM  Permalink
well the story is quite good..

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India is still a bootlicker of red China...
by Biswajyoti Borkakoty on Apr 18, 2008 08:50 AM  Permalink 

How awful the whole torch relay had been, all because of appeasing the communist China and our no good trouble maker left brigade. Never had orders given to north block to shut all windows & doors during a sporting event.

The Olympic torch run was a mockery of celebration of sporting spirit... it showed the world that India is still a bootlicker of red China. China has always been suppressing democratic voice in Tibet or in China (remember the Tiananmen sq episode where thousands of innocent students were crushed to death under the rolling tanks).

India keeps mumb on Aksai chin (Chinese occupied Kashmir) or the thousands of sq km of land occupied in Arunachal Pradesh. Even China openly declares the whole of AP as a part of China... it didn,t allow visa to AP ministers to visit China because they think they are part of China. It%u2019s a shame to be called an Indian under this lot of backboneless Indian govt and its policies.

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