What a shame, we bent backwards to please China. Suresh kalmadi must be given the highest award of China for being their best servant. Shame on the country
The event turned out to be Non event!!! But communists like it this way.....all security and people kept off!!! Karat and Yechury are hosting a party today in Delhi for the 'successful' torch relay...All are welcome!!!
RE:Non event!!!
by BrotherhoodofNod on Apr 18, 2008 10:25 AM Permalink
rediff moderaters are owned by congress.. shame on u commie moderators.. commie rediff.
RE:Non event!!!
by Bond on Apr 18, 2008 10:47 AM Permalink
My dear rediff is controlled by BJP thats why every other day they have something related to muslims and muslim bashing starts,
RE:Non event!!!
by alien on Apr 18, 2008 11:18 AM Permalink
B- Bond, No body controlled by anyparty.Right thing is always right. for example: sun rise in the east. earht rotation around the sun etc. i mean when u are right then that is right. it does not matter u belong to which party.
How awful the whole torch relay had been, all because of appeasing the communist China and our no good trouble maker left brigade. Never had orders given to north block to shut all windows & doors during a sporting event.
The Olympic torch run was a mockery of celebration of sporting spirit... it showed the world that India is still a bootlicker of red China. China has always been suppressing democratic voice in Tibet or in China (remember the Tiananmen sq episode where thousands of innocent students were crushed to death under the rolling tanks).
India keeps mumb on Aksai chin (Chinese occupied Kashmir) or the thousands of sq km of land occupied in Arunachal Pradesh. Even China openly declares the whole of AP as a part of China... it didn,t allow visa to AP ministers to visit China because they think they are part of China. It is a shame to be called an Indian under this lot of backboneless Indian govt and its policies.
RE:Mockery of Democracy...
by BrotherhoodofNod on Apr 18, 2008 10:28 AM Permalink
thanks to sonia.. thank all the ppl who voted for congress.. had it been BJP this wudnt have happened.. i m not pro BJP...bt atleast they are not commie..
RE:Mockery of Democracy...
by Bond on Apr 18, 2008 10:49 AM Permalink
yes if we have voted for BJP we would have another kargil,kandhar,parliament attack,akshardham
The spineless Indian government, in its enthusism to placate Chinese goons, jettisoned democratic principles and human values. Shame on Indian cowardice. A weak and timid country like India is not fit even for temporary membership of UN security council. Leave apart permanent membership.
RE:Tamil Annas
by BrotherhoodofNod on Apr 18, 2008 10:13 AM Permalink
what does this have to do w the article.. just coz u hate the tamilians..doesnt mean they are all that u say.. i agree one thing though..they are anti-hindi.. they re the only ppl who dont speak hindi in india..
RE:RE:RE:Tamil Annas
by Northern Barbarian on Apr 18, 2008 11:27 AM Permalink
Why the fuc s'd they speak ur rabid imported urduised HINDI, a$$hol? Hindi is the language of the scum of India. Tamil is the only original pure indian language. No aryan sanskrit or urdu mix.
typical chinese torch run. everybody pushed out, thousands of security, chinese holding placards denouncing everybody who oppose them, tibetans bundled of to prison. the saddest part of it was that it happened on rajpath. At the heart of the indian republic. have our politicians sold out to chinese. the correct thing to do was to hold the run in some obscure road, to make our view that we hate the chinese leadership clear to them.
by mohan pillai on Apr 19, 2008 09:30 AM Permalink
Holding the Torch relay insuch a stiffling security atmosphere was a shame to Indian democracy. Peaceful dissent is a fundamental right and the core of any democracy. The Chinese should come off their high horse and hold talks with HH Dalai Lama. Statesmanship on the part of China now, will save them a lot of emabarrasment and loss of face later. Your suggestion is good, the Torch relay should have been allowed on a side road, Rajpath should have been given to the protestors. That would have conveyed a strong message to China.
We should have asked the Chinesetotake thetorch from Pak to Beijing directly citing security reasons.Other nations curtailed the run and still got caught by the peaceful Tibetans. To irk the Chinese we should have sponsored the Tibetan torch rally from India Gate to RajGhat.It would have been peaceful with a lot of locals participating.As a matter of fact it should be done coinciding with the OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY.Any takers.
by BrotherhoodofNod on Apr 18, 2008 09:56 AM Permalink
Yea we can do this.. but it will irk the chinese.. and sonia doesnt want that...as she is a commie..
INDIA on its way to become communist.. Request to ppl of this country.. kik congress out...they are commies.. I knw BJP is not all that good.. bt atleast they are not commies.. let me knw if someone doesnt agree
RE:well done congress
by hitesh sharma on Apr 18, 2008 10:11 AM Permalink
You are right there the choice is not between god and the bad the choice is between evil and lesser evil. BJP fits the lesser evil.
It's a shame on India to have let the Olympic torch run on empty roads. For China's sake, we have blotted our democratic credentials. After all, China has time and again snubbed us in different ways - from claiming Arunachal Pradesh as theirs to test firing missiles when our ministers are in their soil.
RE:Shame on us
by hitesh sharma on Apr 18, 2008 09:43 AM Permalink
we are spineless shame less people... we will keep doing it... hey dont you know india is ruled by an italian waitress... MERA BHARAT MAHAAN