I belong to the generation of Dr.Kotnis who led a medical mission to China . We have always symthised with China in it struggle against the Japanese and others. During the 5000 years of the history of both of us we never nursed any ambition against one another. The 1962 episode was an unfortunate aberration and the developments since then show that the Chinese did have a ;prima facie case.At the same time our action in giving shellter to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans whocrossed over shows that we have dared to stand against China when we felt that it was wrong. A Pakistani diplomat has recorded a conversation Panditaji had with his secretary about the ;possible Chinese intentions . So it is not as it were that we were caught unawares. Our almost going out of the way in offering protection to the Olympic Torch would not go unnoticed world over and also in China. In fact where France and even USA failed in ensuring complelte security tothe flame we guarded it throughout its journey here.
RE:The Olympic torch
by VSR on Apr 18, 2008 07:06 AM Permalink
So what? Do you or Govt of India has got guts to fight against China for Tibetians? Forget about Tibet was part of China a century before or not. Today it is part of China and to visit that place, everyone need Chinese visa and that is it. No point in talking about what Nehru, Chou did half a century ago. According to me, no one did anything. Now America entered Afganistan and Iraq. You dont know, after 50 years, America may ultimately own these countries. What will you do? Keep talking about world peace?
I wish other Indians had come in support of Tibetians and declined to run citing Tibet as a reason. I value freedom and what china has done is bad in any and every sense.
Mark my words. I have dealt with chinese and they always take advantage of overt friendship or subservient behavior by becoming more aggressive.
By this recent attitude we have given the chinese a green signal to attack us.
The chinese fear the person carrying the big stick but are disdainful of wimps.
When you extend your hand towards a chinese person in friendship he will grab it, pull you closer and kick you hard in the stomach and laugh uproarously watching you sink to the ground in pain. That is the nature of the chinese beast.
So despite of we did for the chines torch the chinese are going to come back in 2009 just like the wolf came back for the lamb, accuse us of sheltering secessionists and invade Arunachal. They will demand that we oust the Dalai Lama and his followers and force us to sue for peace in their terms.
Get ready for a joint chinese, Nepalese and Pakistani invasion in 2009 launched against 35% of our territory.
The INDIAN ARMY and THE INDIAN AIRFORCE have a huge task cut out for them with only six months to spare.
Let us start sharpening our knives and shaping our swords (I meant enhancing our military arm) when reality comes knocking in 2009.
By bowing down so cheaply to the han mongrel we have incited in him an irresistible passion to bite us hard.
When he comes with his jaws agape. We should be poised to tear them asunder !!
RE:In the end after all this china will show its true colors in 2009.
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 08:19 AM Permalink
Vishnu Well done.Yes that is what happening around us. We should not allow these communits fool us. Nepal is another example.Indian Government -Army wake up. Public wake up. Identify these internal enemies to who support communits CHina and the new naxel Nepal parties. They will found another defeat for India like in 1960s if you sleep further
RE:In the end after all this china will show its true colors in 2009.
by Mayya Suresh on Apr 18, 2008 06:08 AM Permalink
There cannot be a better description of the Chinese...!
They are the most opportunistic, ethically bankrupt, intellectually challenged (CCP propaganda responsible) people.
How else will you explain a multi million dollar Bejing muesuem on Tibet with no reference to Dalai Lama in it?
Olympics is just the beginning. China will become much more adventurous and they most likely choronological order would be, Taiwan, Tibet, and Tawang. The clumsy, coward and paper tiger heros in Indians; whether we want it or not, war will be thrust upon us, by a 1.2 billion nation that has a corrupt and illogical way of seeing things that are not red.
Let us stop China dictating to us...can you beleive chinese head dog in their embassy came shouting at our Delhi Police chief over the security arrangement. It is also a victory for few Tibetans who simply wanted to excercise their democratic rights and in the process brought down Delhi to complete stop, Beijing bloody torch had no spectator as it rightly deserves. Why would anybody want to see torch that came down killing innocent Tibetans ? poor ordinary Chinese who has access to right information must be wondering why their torch need so much security wherever it travels? Even in Beijing they had only invitees to see the torch? China wake up...before the world will bury you. Improve your human rights and give dignity to your people. India came our poorly today....India must earn respect too.