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Lama has taken support from BJP for peace in Tibet, that party butchered above 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat without any shame!!
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 23, 2008 11:01 AM  Permalink 

Lama has taken support from BJP for peace in Tibet, that party butchered above 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat without any shame!!

Lama is a house servant of Bush engaged to demolish China like Iraq and Soviet Union. Bush will distribute Nobel Price whoever runs behind him. BJP left Indian people; go with Lama for Bush money. sahadevan.wordpress.com

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excessive ........
by Pradip Parekh on Apr 23, 2008 01:49 AM  Permalink 

spirit dampens security. most congressis drink too much and eat meat.

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Read Francois's article on China, its on rediff itself.
by anir on Apr 21, 2008 10:58 PM  Permalink 

But that is only if you want can face the reality of India-China relationship.

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Free Tibet Movement Thandi Kyo Pad Gayi?????????Please support 'Free Tibet Movement...............Independence of Tibet'
by rahul tandale on Apr 21, 2008 09:14 PM  Permalink 

After Olympic Tourch Relay there is no news of 'Free Tibet Movement' or 'Independence of Tibet'. Media should continuosly broadcast and print regarding 'Free Tibet Movement..............Independence of Tibet'. By this mean only we can support The Movement in our democracy.Print and eMedia should frequently campaign and should frequently conduct opinion pole regarding the Movement.Tibetans have no army or no strong power but the Most essential thing they have ...Will Power and Truth.We should help them by all means to get Justice.Ultimately it is of mutual benifit of Tibetans and South Asians specially Indians to keep China away from our borders.Please dont forget "Tibet was never be the part of China; Tibet was captured by China".So Tibetans have natural right to get Independence and run their own Government in their Motherland.It is as important as our Freedom Movement.We should convince the World for Free Tibet."Panchashil and theory of Peaceful Coexistance" will come true only after Independence of Tibet till that China will suppress them and China is 'Lifetime Headache' for South Asian mutual co-operation and Peace.

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Christians & muslims are terrorists
by Vidhu Lal on Apr 19, 2008 02:16 AM  Permalink 

Atleast 95% of christians and muslims are terrorists because
they believe in killing humans and animals as sacrificial

Where as atleast 95% of hindus and buddhists are peace loving
because they do not believe in killing any one as sacrificial

For proof go to myspace.com/vidhu2
and/or myspace.com/rakesh22.

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The Tibetans have His Holiness The Dalai Lama
by Naresh Nayak on Apr 18, 2008 10:39 PM  Permalink 

The Chinese have guns, but the Tibetans have His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

I feel His Holiness strength was in His defencelessness. Today the Tibetans number only 1.2 lakh in India, but Tibet today is the most visible and poignant protestation that the world has ever noticed and will ever notice for a long time in the annals of History. The voice of Free Tibet is louder than ever!
This shows how a nation CAN lift itself up through non violence. Indeed, Gandhi proved it few decades ago, and the Dalai Lama is reinforcing the belief.

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shame!! shame!! shame on Indian!!!
by Arjun on Apr 18, 2008 07:34 PM  Permalink 

well said. The timid attitude of Indian leaders is really a mystery. The left in India has proved quite a devil in spite of its small size by influencing congress and manipulating history books. India fought off 9 centuries of invasion and still congress leaders cannot stand firm but shamelessly give examples of Nehru's chini bhai policy!! Perhaps 60 years of false history teaching has made us Indians gutless and cowards!!!

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Olympic Torch Relay
by subhendu chakravarty on Apr 18, 2008 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Shame on India which gave herself to Chinese. They allowed China to host Banner trotting chinese condemning some others. Shame on India, shame. You proudly say that you are democratic.

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RE:Olympic Torch Relay
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 23, 2008 11:01 AM  Permalink
Lama has taken support from BJP for peace in Tibet, that party butchered above 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat without any shame!!

Lama is a house servant of Bush engaged to demolish China like Iraq and Soviet Union. Bush will distribute Nobel Price whoever runs behind him. BJP left Indian people; go with Lama for Bush money. sahadevan.wordpress.com

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